跪求一份大学英语演讲稿3分钟 work and lifestyle 加100分

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Everyone has a choice when he wakes up in the early morning.You can choose to be happy or sad all the day. But for me , I think I have responsibilities to fulfill all the day. So every morning my first job is to choose what kind of day I am going to have. Today I can complain because it is rainy or I can be grateful that the grass is watered for free.
Today I can feel sad because I don’t have more money or I can be glad that it will prevent me from wasting.
Today I can feel very down because of a bad cold or I can rejoice that I am still alive.
Today I can lament over all that my parents didn’t give me when I was growing up or I can feel grateful that they allowed me to be born.
Today I can be disappionted for my lack of friends or I can be excited to discover new relationships.
Today I can be exhausted because I have too much homework to do or I can feel honored because I’m getting closer to my dream in this way.
What today will be like is just up to ourselves.We can get to choose what kind of day we will have! As teenagers,we stilll have much time to achieve our dreams, but the way to success is not so easy.If we choose to face it in a good mood and carry on trying,I believe we can enjoy the whole process and get to the destination of success much more easily and happily.
In fact,everything depends on your own attitude.If you choose to be happy and positive,you will enjoy your work and have a good time.If you choose to be sad and negative,nothing good will come to you and your life will be colourless.
The world around us is so beautiful.There is no reason why we don’t enjoy it.So,everybody,let’s choose to be happy everyday!
Ok,that’s all.
Thanks for listening!

As is apparently revealed in the pie charts above, forty-eight percent of people surveyed have never heard of the International No Motor Vehicle Day while fifty-seven percent are willing to give up driving on such a day. What is betrayed in the pie charts is most thought-provoking.

The implied meaning of the pie charts is both disappointing and exciting. On the one hand, much necessary work still needs to be done with respect to environmental protection. The public ignorance of relevant environmental protection results from inadequate and limited popularity of environmental protection knowledge by relevant government departments at different levels. Since environmental protection is an international issue, we must constantly introduce the advanced and practical practice in other countries to our general public. Only in this way can we promote environmental protection in China. On the other hand, the enhancement of the public awareness of environmental protection is a welcome development. Over the past years, as people’s living standard improves, people attach more importance to the quality of their life. They have a better understanding of the relationship between environment and their daily life. As a result, they are more interested in following positive international models. In sum, we have got a mixed feeling toward the very fact revealed in the pie charts.

In my view, necessary measures should be immediately taken to ensure a nice environment. First of all, government departments at all levels must play a more active role in popularizing international experience and practice of environmental protection. What’s more, the general public should be encouraged to participate more actively in environmental protection. Only in this way can we live in a healthy and harmonious environment. (278 words)


Honorable Judges, Ladies and gentlemen, Fellow students, Good morning/afternoon:


I’m very glad to be here. My name is Wangqihang.


I’m ten years old. I come from Huanxi Primary school. I’m in Class 3, Grade 5.


As a happy boy,I have many hobbies, such as sports, playing piano, singing, and drawing.


Among them, travel is my favorist one. I have visited some other cities, like Beijing, Hainan, Chongqing, Guangxi, Qindao, Dalian and so on.


Everywhere I went, I enjoyed the natural scenery and appreciated the human landscape very much.


Not only that, I want to go abroad to take in the beauty of the custom of other countries in the future.


And I even dream about what the life will be when we are on planets other than our Earth.


That is why I’m so interested in the following scientific report recently.


二. 演讲部分:


Cherish what we are enjoying

It is a report about the new planet which holds possibility for life.


It shows that European astronomers have discovered a new planet, they name it Gliese 581 c.

说欧洲天文学家们发现了一颗新的星球,代号为“Gliese 581C”。

It is about 20.5 light years from our earth. They estimated the planet's average temperature at between 0 and 40 degrees Centigrade. It is orbiting the red dwarf star, Gliese 581.

它距地球约20.5光年。他们估计它的平均温度约在0℃~40℃之间。它围绕着红矮星Gliese 581运行。

Most important of all, it’s an earth-like planet. There might be mountin, sea and liquid water.


So the astronomers believe that it is potentially habitable.


However, Gliese 581 c might be "tidally locked" to it’s sun-the dwarf star the way our moon is to the Earth.


It means that it must always show its same face to its sun, and that while one side would be too fiercely hot to support life, the other side would be too cold.


This report makes me to realize that how valuable our earth is.


Everyday, we can see sunrise and sunset.


The day and night keeps on exchanging. It’s not too hot in the daytime while not to cold at night.


Everyday, I go to school cheerfully in the morning and skip along at the way home as the sun set.


We could experience changes through the four seasons of one year.


Spring is the season sowing seeds. It is pregnant with life and green.


In the Summer, colorful swimming suits frolick in the water happily.


Autumn is the harvest season , the paddy fields and trees are covered with golden color.


In the winter,We can have snow battle, playing to our hearts' content in the world of silvery white.


How fortunate we are because we can live on the earth!


We should cherish it, instead of polluting it, spoiling it or even destroying it.


If One day, it is really angry and stop rotation, that will have be a disaster for us human being.


So, let us protect our earth with our love, making it better and more harmonious.



Ladies and gentlemen, Now let me show you a story about the monkey and the moon.



One day, a little monkey is playing by the well.
He looks in the well and shouts :
“Oh! My god! The moon has fallen into the well!”
An older monkeys runs over, takes a look, and says,
“Goodness me! The moon is really in the water!”
And the oldest monkey comes over.
He is very surprised as well and cries out:
“The moon is in the well.”
A group of monkeys run over to the well.
They look at the moon in the well and shout:
“The moon did fall into the well! Come on! Let’s get it out!”
Then, the oldest monkey hangs on the tree up side down ,with his feet on the branch .
And he pulls the next monkey’s feet with his hands.
All the other monkeys follow his suit,
And they join each other one by one down to the moon in the well.
Just before they reach the moon, the oldest monkey raises his head and happens to see the moon in the sky,
He yells excitedly “Don’t be so foolish! The moon is still in the sky!”

This is the end of the story. Do you like it?



Hope you all can remember me, Wangqihang, a happy guy like the sunshine.


Welcome you to visit my blog at http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/1274563887

欢迎大学到 访问我的博客。

Thank you very much.



记得刚到美国时,常去爸爸工作的美国地质调查局玩耍,每次均能看到许多人骑自行车上下班,而其中一位满头白发的骑车老人,引起了我的好奇。我问爸爸,"那个爷爷为什么总骑车上班,是不是没钱买车?"爸爸笑道:"没钱买车?嘿,说出来吓死你,他可是世界上顶级的大科学家。要论钱,他可以买一个车队呢。" "那他咋不买车呢?骑车多累呀!" "他有车,但平时除非下雨或购物,一般不去开。在美国有许多人都是环保主义者,为了节约能源和减少汽车尾气对大气的污染,他们用实际行动倡导人们尽量少开车。而我们所居住的这座美国城市,还特别将每年的5月19日定成了'骑车上班日',以支持和宣传这种有效的环保行为。"

Win Competition of Environment Protection for Beijing

Although the 2008 Olympics are still three years away, another special competition has already started in Beijing. This time, the competitors are not the athletes from all over the world, but the people living in Beijing. The special competition is not held in a stadium, but in every street and every corner of Beijing. I suppose some of you may have already guessed what the special competition is. Yes, it is the competition of protecting our environment and creating a green Beijing for the 2008 Olympic Games.

Someone may ask who is our rival in this competition? The modern Los Angeles, the charming Sydney, or the historic Athens? No, none of them. The real rival is ourselves. It is our bad habits of neglecting to protect environment in our daily life.

Several years ago, I was very lucky to have an opportunity to live in the United States for about two years. I not only enjoyed the beautiful environment there, but also appreciated the American people's active way of protecting their environment. Now, whenever the environment protection is mentioned, a beautiful view of California will arise in my mind: white clouds flying across the blue sky, green grassplot sprinkled with colorful flowers and small animals playing happily among the trees.

I remember that at the beginning of my coming to America, I often went to my father's working place, the United States Geological Survey, to have fun. Each time I found a lot of people riding bicycles to their offices. Among the cyclists, an old man with white hair attracted my attention. Curiously, I asked my father," Why does the old man ride his bike to work every day? Doesn't he have enough money to buy a car?" Father laughed, "No, not because of money. Actually, he is one of the greatest scientists in the world. He can afford to buy a motorcade if he likes. He is just an environmentalist and usually doesn't drive unless going shopping, or in bad weather. In America, there are a lot of environmentalists, who actively protect their environment. For example, in Palo Alto city we are living now, there is even a bicycle-to-work day on May 19th every year to encourage people to decrease air pollution caused by cars".

Later, I also learnt another interesting fact of environment protection there. In some states of America, in order to decrease air pollution, save energy and reduce traffic jams, state governments encourage people to take buses to work or to share a car among several people. They even set special "diamond lanes" in some main streets, which are only for the vehicles with 2 or more people.

The positive actions of American people and the effective measures the American government takes in environment protection fully won my respects and deeply affected my consciousness in environment protection.

When I was back in China, people often asked me: " What do you think of America?" I always bolt out:" Wonderful, especially the beautiful environment." Frankly speaking, after several years, the faces of my American teachers and friends have gradually faded away from my mind, but the blue sky, green grass and lovely animals in California often arise in my mind, and became my dream of visiting there again.

The 2008 Olympics provide us with the opportunity to publicize and practise environment protection in Beijing. Is it possible for Beijing to Is it possible for Beijing to become as beautiful as California? The answer is "yes", but the dream needs every Beijing citizen's full support and active moves to accomplish.

From now on, if every student who is driven to school can take bus or ride bicycle to school once a week, if every car owner goes to work in a car pool once a week, we can make a difference. If everyone can actively protect the environment in our daily life, the blue sky, green grass and lovely animals in California will appear in Beijing.

Tiny streams can combine into a vast ocean, small trees can together be an immense forest. Beijing is often described as a beautiful and aged picture. If every Beijing citizen adds a trait of green on the picture, the whole Beijing will become an ocean of green. Let us unite together to win the competition of environment protection in Beijing, and present the world a big gold medal. That is "Green Beijing, Great Olympics "

"Refusal did not cause a sense of accomplishment of life" - a direct impact on the profession to meet the satisfaction of our lives.

   "Judging from the current work was to meet" - to create a perfect than a perfect find more realistic and feasible.On a recent reading of Charles, Handy some of the articles (mainly IT managers reported that some of the world has given rise to some of my sympathy and thinking: What we have to work and live? Is busy day, North Korea Nine-to-five immutable way of it? May be as many people as I have hated the way now, but we go out? Continue to think and explore a very important and difficult topic!
freedom, tolerance and concern for the distance and did not Look forward to, there will be no unexpected surprises with its Pro-yuan Xian fish, it is better to networks still active and suffering so that we become strong, self-restrained and suffering so that we can better understand and enjoy the taste of happiness ... ... all our hard work, we all The efforts we make close to perfect ... ... to you, to me, to love people

ladies and gentleman:

thank you.

work and lifestyle,interesting concepts, which is more important? can we have both? there are a lot of questions have been rarsed about them.

with the ever-changing society we live on nowaday. people are struggling between work and lifestyle. More often than not we heard people say they need work so hard that they have to sacrifice their hobbies, their time with their families, so that they can make a living and to keep competitive. so, are work and lifestyle two competing factors? can they coexisted? i think the answer is yes and no, for some poeple, their work are their life, they work for life and their lives are for works,for example, scientists,actors or artists and musicians. their works and lifestyles are mingled together,it is hard to distinguish each other. personally, i believe those people are the luckest people in the world because what they do are what they want to do and at the same time they can make a life out of it. However, for others who are less fortunate, work and lifestyle are contradictive. the more time you spend on work the less lifestyle you have.they work not because they want to but because they need to. work become a chore for them. a lot of people just can wait to get an early retirement and get a life then. so they can enjoy doing what they have been desiring for a very long time.

therefore, the relationship between work and lifestyle is always complicated, answers vary among people from differen walks of life . whether they are contradictive or coexisted are up to different people and professions.


Ladies and gentlemen, hello and welcome.
Today, I would like to discuss with you, Work and lifestyle.
I suppose there's no need to explain the meaning of those two words.
Work is such an important thing. When we are small, we didn't know what work was. We never had to have responsibility. Yet, as we grow, we slowly come to realize the path that we need to fulfill, the work that has to be done before we retire. Work is a fundamental aspect of ourlives that surports us financially and mentally. We may complain about the amount of work we are getting, but without work, life will be dull. We work for ourselves, for our family, for the whole society. It is not wrong to say that we cannot live without work. We will have no food in our stomach, no clothes on our bodies, no roof above our heads.
Lifestyles is something that is closely enterwined with the topic of work. Without a healthy lifestyle, work can be very damagin to our bodies. We must take care of our way of working, to produce both quality and quantity in our lives. Having a healthy or satisfactory lifestyle may mean different things for everyone. For some people, they are easily satisfied with one day off per week. For others, occassional vacations to different cities are needed. And for a part of our society, the people travel abroad every year. That is their lifestyle.
We need to learn how to work with lifestyle. If we want to be happy and successful at the same time, that is.
Thank you, and if you have any questions you can pose them now


My Lifestyle

Different people have different lifestyles. They do the same things from morning to evening every day. Usually, they write their plans on paper. But sometimes they remember what things they will do in their minds. I also have my own lifestyle. It is wonderful! I get up early on weekdays, and do the school things then. But at the weekend, I never get up early. I sometimes stay in bed until lunchtime. One day, I stayed in bed very late. It was a weekday. The clock rang. It was six thirty. But I didn’t hear it. I stayed in bed until seven o’clock. I looked at the clock and jumped from the bed to the floor. I was afraid, “Oh, my God, I will be late.” I shouted. So I didn’t have breakfast. I put on my shoes and took a taxi to the school. I was in good luck that day. I wasn’t late for school. I was pleased that time. I think I should get up earlier on weekdays or I will be late. I believe you get up earlier on weekdays. Best wishes for you.

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