


下述文档提供了详细的指导关于如何将MobFox Android SDK4.1.6 整合进你的Android项目基于一个样本应用。 MobFox SDK 可以显示传统的横幅广告和多媒体插页式广告。(SDK我就不翻译了,既然会用到这个都知道是什么了)
第一步: 在MobFox的仪表板里设置你的应用
·在MobFox的仪表板(译作设置栏估计会好理解一点)里点击”Sites & Apps"
·点击“Create New Site/App" 并输入详细信息
·当你创建完毕时会得到一个唯一的Publisher ID(出版者ID)
· 软件开发工具包框架的本体文件。
下载并打开最新版本的Eclipse。在Android SDK Mannager(管理器)中更新Android SDK Tools 和Revisions。打开 "..." (不愿打。。。)向导并输入所有在下列显示的必须的字段。给API 8 设置最小化(最小值、最小量)的SDK

shooting requirement:the 3 competition entries can not eat anything except the mineral water during the 3 days.
shooting time:from 12 o'clock midday of May 5th to 12 o'clock midday of May 8th
shooting place:411# Ren He Ju,No.258 Wan Tang Road,Hangzhou
person:name,occupation,age,senior high school student, university student

Shoot the requirement: Within three days, three participants can't eat any food besides drinking mineral water
Shoot time: From 12 o'clock at noon on May 5, 2006 to 12 o'clock at noon on May 8, 2006
The spot for photography: The intersection of Hangzhou and the intersection of city and Wan pool the intersection of Luis and 258 No. benevolence and occupy 411 #s
Personages: Name ,Job ,Age ,High school student University students

Shoot the requirement:Within three days, three participants can't eat any food besides drinking the mineral water

Shoot time: From 12 o'clock at noon on May 5, 2006 to 12 o'clock at noon on May 8, 2006

The spot for photography: Benevolence No. 258 of ten thousand pools of roads to Hangzhou and occupying 411 #s

Personages: The name, the job, age, high school student's university students

答:》, 《advertisement management and management 》etc..English:CET 4-533;CET 6-463.Calculator:Well-trained operation word, PowerPoint.Personal evaluation Work elaboration hard;Can together the others nicely work together;The responsibility is strong and be good at a communication.Thank!

请把以下的资料翻译成英文,急用。谢谢 请各位网友帮帮忙,万分感激。
答:2, the microbial contamination 2.1 The industrial products of microorganisms in various industrial equipment, such as metal, instruments, telecommunications equipment, insulation materials and textiles, some of which contain ingredients that can be used by microbes, or for various reasons, ...

答:1, control various functions of products of our company masterly, the operation method and problem adjust a solution.2, explain in detail the function and the operation method of the product of our company toward the related personnel.3, carry on exchanges with customer, understand ...

答:the operators carry on the picture choice through the screen most place above button. The top right-hand corner by two selection switches, cuts through the metric system/British system switch selective system's language in Chinese and English, while Chinese cuts English to transform the...

我想把一些考拉的简单资料翻译成英语,谁能帮帮我?要求语句要通顺_百 ...
答:Koala is the only mammal, other than the Greater Glider and Ringtail Possum, which can survive on a diet of eucalyptus leaves.Koala seldom drinks water obtaining it from the eucalyptus leaves, which are 50% consisting of water. Although, they can drink water if due to drought the...

答:Hainan new capital media Co., LTD. Was set up In 2009, with "high efficiency innovation Professional team, build hainan high-end Advertising media platform, cast the city New media brand "this pair of high theory The core aim of development for the company with the United States...

答:这是D.H. Choe的原话。感觉这样翻译就好了。如果我能看的更远一些,那是因为我站在巨人的肩膀上 If I have seen a little farther than others, it's because I stood on the shoulders of giants.人最宝贵的是生命。生命属于每个人,只有一次。人的一生应当这样渡过——当他回首往事的时候,不...

答:focuses on "youth, inspiration, friendship,love and environment protection"etc.正是他们的追求梦想的精神让我深深着迷,听他们的每一首歌都能得到力量。It is their pursuit of dream that attracts me. Everytime I listen to their songs, I feel encouraged.参考资料:个人手译,仅供参考 ...


救命啊,谁能帮我个忙啊 ,把这些东东翻译成英文
答:Traditional beer fermentation processes can be divided into two categories: fermentaion from below and fermentation from above. The yeasts used in both processes are different, therefore, the fermentation techniques, equipment and conditions are not the same, resulting in different flavors of...


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