you are a pirate 这首歌翻译成汉语 跪求英语帝啊!!

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Do what you want, 'cause a pirate is free /自由的海盗总是随心所欲
You are a pirate! /海盗就是你

Yar har, fiddle di dee /Yar har拉起小曲
Being a pirate is all right with me /跟我出海别再犹豫
Do what you want 'cause a pirate is free /自由的海盗总是随心所欲
You are a pirate! /海盗就是你

Yo Ho, ahoy and avast, /Yo Ho 听我一句
Being a pirate is really badass! /做个海盗真的有趣
Hang the black flag at the end of the mast! /高高的桅杆挂上黑色的旗
You are a pirate! /海盗就是你

You are a pirate! - Yay!

We've got us a map, (a map!) /我们拿着宝图
To lead us to a hidden box, /一起去找藏起的宝物
That's all locked up with locks! (with locks!) /宝物总是被锁住
And buried deep away! /埋在地底深处
We'll dig up the box, (the box!) /我们挖出宝箱
We know it's full of precious booty! /里面一定装满了财富
Burst open the locks! /迫不及待打开
And then we'll say hooray! /再一起振臂高呼

Yar har, fiddle di dee /Yar har拉起小曲
Being a pirate is all right with me /跟我出海别再犹豫
Do what you want 'cause a pirate is free /自由的海盗总是随心所欲
You are a pirate! /海盗就是你

Yo Ho, ahoy and avast, /Yo Ho 听我一句
Being a pirate is really badass! /做个海盗真的有趣
Hang the black flag at the end of the mast! /高高的桅杆挂上黑色的旗
You are a pirate! /海盗就是你


We're sailing away (set sail!), /我们杨帆起航
Adventure awaits on every shore! /冒险就等待在岸上
We set sail and explore (ya-har!) /一路航行探索
And run and jump all day (Yay!) /整日不停奔忙
We float on our boat (the boat!) /随船沉浮飘荡
Until its time to drop the anchor, /偶尔也会抛锚修养
Then hang up our coats (aye-aye!) /今夜晾起衣裳
Until we sail again! /明天再次起航

Yar har, fiddle di dee /Yar har拉起小曲
Being a pirate is all right with me /跟我出海别再犹豫
Do what you want 'cause a pirate is free /自由的海盗总是随心所欲
You are a pirate! /海盗就是你

Yar har, wind at your back, lads /Yar har小伙子们,无论到哪,都要赶在风的前面
Wherever you go!

Blue sky above and blue ocean below, /蓝天和碧海永远一路同行
You are a pirate! /海盗就是你

You are a pirate!

You are a pirate! Ya gobshite...




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