


My hometown is a small town in the south of China which is sorrounded by clean water and green mountains .You can see trees and flowers everywhere.The air there is very fresh .It 's warm in winter and cool in summer ,which is very suitable for living .It is a modern and busy town.
It has a long history. But it has not always been like that. In the old days, it was a sad dirty little town. Landlords and merchants lived in the few good houses. For the working people there were only dark, unhealthy rooms in old buildings and huts in narrow muddy streets. Nearly everyone was poor and many had no work.
Everything has changed since liberation. The people, led by the Party, have got rid of the mud and dirt. They have put up schools, theaters, shops and flats. They have an assembly hall and a hospital. Along the river they have built offices, hotels and parks. A lot of factories have sprung up. On the river, streamers and boats come and go busily, day and night. They carry the products of our industries to all parts of the country.
I love my hometown very much ! It is a nice place to live in. Do you like my hometown?If you come, I will show you around this beautiful city!

My Hometown
My hometown--------longyan is a beatiful place.It stands near a wide river at the foot of low green hills. It has many tall buildings and wide streets. There are trees and flowers everywhere.
But it has not alwalys been like that. In the old days,it was a sad dirty little town.Landlords and merchants lived in the few good houses.For the working people there were only dark,unhealthy rooms in old buildings and huts in narrow muddy streets.Nearly everyone was poor and had no work.
Everything has changed since liberation.The people, led by the Party,have got rid of the mud and dirt. They have put up schools,theaters,shops and flats.They have an assembly hall and a hospital.Along the river they have build offices,parks and hotels.A lot of factories have sprung up. On the river, streamers and boats come and go busily,day and night.They carry the products of our industries to all parts of the country.
I love my hometown,and I love its people.Thet also have changed.Healty and happy,they are going all out of to build socialism.

我的家乡英语作文 要求80字
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