

合同 具备比较强的法律约束性,格式要求也相对比较严谨。
劳动合同:contract of labour/labor contract(英语)
协议 比较非正式一点,但是打起官司来也未必不被法庭承认。
劳动协议:labour agreement/labor agreements(英语)

  1、open-term labor contract ;
  2、unfixed-term laborcontract.
  第十四条 无固定期限劳动合同,是指用人单位与劳动者约定无确定终止时间的劳动合同。
  (三)连续订立二次固定期限劳动合同,且劳动者没有本法第三十九条 和第四十条 第一项、第二项规定的情形,续订劳动合同的。


甲方 :祥和福文化有限公司( 用人单位 ) 乙方: ( 员工 )
Party A: Xiang He Fu Culture Co., Ltd (Employer) Party B: (Employee)

根据《中华人民共和国劳动法》和《深圳经济特区劳动合同条例》及其他有关法律法规的规定 , 甲乙双方本着平等自愿、协商一致的原则 , 达成如下协议 :
This Contract is signed on a mutuality voluntary basis by and between Party A and Party B in accordance with the Labor Law of People's Republic of China as well as the Labor Law of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone.

甲方根据生产 ( 工作 ) 需要 , 聘用乙方在本公司从事 工作( 工种 ) 。
Party A hereby employs Party B to work in its company with the job of .

( 一 ) 合同期限
A. Term of the Contract:

甲乙双方选择以下第 种形式确定本合同期限。
Both parties select the form to decide the term of this labor contract.
1 、固定期限 年 , 合同期从 年 月 日起至 年 月 日止。
1. Fixed term of years commencing on mm/dd/yyyy and terminating on mm/dd/yyyy.
2 、无固定期限 , 合同期从 年 月 日起。
2. Flexible term commencing on mm/dd/yyyy.
3 、完成一定的工作为期限 , 从 年 月 日起至 ( 工作 ) 完成止。
3. Taking the completion of a specific amount of work as a term, commencing on mm/dd/yyyy till the work is completed.

( 二 ) 试用期限
B. Probation period
试用期为 个月。 ( 试用期包括在合同期内 )
The probation period is months (being included in the term of contract)

( 三 )工作时间
C. Working Hours
标准工时制 , 即乙方每日工作 8 小时 , 每周工作 40 小时。
Party B’s standard work hours shall be eight hours per day, forty hours per week.
如属法律、行政法规规定的其他情形延长工作时间 , 不受上款规定限制。
The extension of work hours shall not be subjected to the restriction above under the circumstances stipulated by law and administration regulation.

( 四 )工资待遇
D. Remuneration
( 一 ) 乙方试用期工资 元 / 月 ; 试用期满乙方起点工资为 元 / 月。甲方可按依法制定的或集体合同约定的工资分配制度调整乙方工资。但甲方支付给乙方的工资不得低于市政府公布的当年度最低工资标准。
A. During the probation period, Party B’s monthly salary is yuan. After that, the monthly salary is yuan. Party A can adjust Party B’s salary according to legal contract or collective contract. However, the salary shall not be lower than the minimum salary standard as stipulated by Government.
( 二 ) 甲方每月 日 , 或每月 日、 日为发薪日。
B. The payment of salary shall be made by Party A on the day or the day every month.
( 三 ) 甲方安排加班加点的 , 按《劳动法》第四十四条规定支付工资报酬。
C. In case of the extension of work hours by Party A, the salary shall be paid according to the Article 44 of Labor Law.
( 四 ) 乙方患病或非因工负伤期间的工资按有关规定执行。
D. Remuneration will be in accordance with the related regulation when Party B is receiving medical treatment for diseases or injuries within the prescribed period of time
( 五 ) 乙方在工作时间内 , 按国家规定履行国家和社会义务时 , 工资照发。
E. During work hours, Party B fulfills its national and social obligation. The salary shall be paid.

合同期满 , 甲、乙双方同意延续劳动关系的 , 在合同期满前三十日内双方重新订立劳动合同。
If both parties agree to continue the labor relationship, both parties shall sign new labor contract 30 days prior to the expiration

答:( 三 ) 甲方安排加班加点的 , 按《劳动法》第四十四条规定支付工资报酬。C. In case of the extension of work hours by Party A, the salary shall be paid according to the Article 44 of Labor Law.( 四 ) 乙方患病或非因工负伤期间的工资按有关规定执行。D. Remuneration will be in ...

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答:乙方公司没有按甲方要求提供全部必要的证件‌,‌从而使甲方无法为人员办理在项目所在国的居留和工作许可证等使人员无法工作或被迫返回中国‌,‌人员工资、回程旅费等由乙方公司负担‌法。 4.乙方公司应按本合同附件一和二将人员的姓名、出生地和日期、职称、护照号码、发照日期和单位、出发日期通知甲方或甲方...

答:合同 具备比较强的法律约束性,格式要求也相对比较严谨。劳动合同:contract of labour/labor contract(英语)俄语 协议 比较非正式一点,但是打起官司来也未必不被法庭承认。劳动协议:labour agreement/labor agreements(英语)俄语

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求 劳动合同中双方基本权利和义务 英文翻译
答:1, in accordance with the law Party to establish a system to verify the registration of workers employed in the first working day prior to the B and B signed this contract. Cancel the contract in advance, or Party A Party B should be on the 20th ahead of the other party ...

答:19:The two sides agreed in the other articles 20:B on the two sides in the course of the contract dispute, the two sides should first be resolved through consultations. Consultations failed to resolve can be made to the zone labor dispute arbitration committee for arbitration.21:Th...


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