

1. 用there be 的句型 写一篇我的卧室的英语作文 初一的水平

My Bedroom

I have a beautiful bedroom.There are many things in my bedroom. There are blue wall,yellow floor and o windows in my bedroom.There is a wooden-little-bed behind the wall.And there are o tolls on my bed,they'are teddy bears.One is big,another is little.There is a desk near my bed,I stduy on this desk.


There be句型很简单:There +be(is/are)+a/an +名词+介词短语

2. 用there be写一篇日记写自已的卧室5o个单词

My bedroom is *** all, but it is very fortable. The walls are white, and there are some beatiful pictures on them. There is a big bed in my bedroom. It is made of wood and feels very soft because there is a thick mattress (床垫) on it. There are o bedside cupboards (床头柜) and a bookshelf too. My favourite books are all on it. I love my bedroom.。

3. 用英语写therebe我的房间作文

My Bedroom

This is a photo of my bedroom.There is a wardrobe in my bedroom.It is blue.And there is a desk in front of the wardrobe.It is yellow.I like it very much.There is a bed in my bedroom,too.It is very clern.Oh,and there is a photo of my family.It is on the wall.What is this?It is a bookcase.There are some books on it.

This is my bedroom,I think it is very beautiful!

4. 找一篇用There be句型的关于我的房间的作文

This is my room. There is a wall of lights, it's just a white issue. Because I like blue, the walls are blue. Look! Where there is a desk top, there are many books. There is a table lamp. Table near the bed, the big, long bed. Bed put a lot of the exercises. Bed in front of the door, the door is brown. The floor is white, and above there is a chair. Put a chair in blue bags. The next bag is a wardrobe, where there are many side rack clothes. Clothes rack has a variety of colors, black and white blue yellow. The left side of the wardrobe has a puter. Computer is blue. I like playing puter. Is the window behind the puter. There are many mirror window. This is my room.。

5. 用There be句型写一写你自己的房间

There be 结构是一常见的表示“存在”的句型,但是,该结构不表示“存在”意义的现象又广见于书面语及口语,它以否定句的形式出现,用于对某一具体行为和抽象概念的否定。

其惯用结构一般有以下三种: 一、There is + no + Noun + in doing something 1.其中名词为表“利弊”、“用途”的抽象名词,如: There is no good in going. 去没有什么好处。 There is no harm in doing that. 那样做并无害处。

There is no use in doing it. 干此事毫无用处。 2.其中名词为表“价值”、“意义”的抽象名词,如: There is no sense in waiting here. 在这里等候下去毫无意义。

There is no point in doing so. 这样做毫无意义。 There is no disgrace in failing once. 一旦失败也不丢脸。

(注:此结构中的介词可以省略,如:There is no use asking her—she doesn't know anything.) 二、There is + no + doing something 1.其中的动词(do)多为“转述”或“认知”等意义的动词,如:tell, say, know等,其后一般跟疑问句,如when,what等。 There is no saying what may happen. 很难说会发生什么事。

There is no telling when he will return. 说不清他何时回来。 There is no knowing when we shall meet again. 不知何时我们能再相会。

2.其他动词,其意义相当灵活。 There is no mistaking what ought to be done. 应该做什么是清楚的。

三、There is + no + Action Noun 此结构的含义相当于It's impossible /unnecessary to do something。如: There is no hurry about it. 没有必要这么急匆匆的。

There is no question of his honesty. 他的诚实是勿庸置疑的。 有时,在此结构中的Action Noun被动名词形式所取代,其意义不变。

试比较: There is no escape from the evident. There is no escaping the fact. 两句都表示:无法逃(躲)避…… 但是,有时也存在意义上的区别,试比较: a. There is no doubt at all about it. b. There is no doubting her virtue. 句a为“存在句”,意即:对于此事不存在任何的疑问。 句b则是不表“存在”的一种惯用结构,意即:她的贞操勿庸置疑。

以上三种结构除用于陈述句外,尚可见于疑问句。如: Is there any use in discussing the matter further 这种事再讨论下去有何益处? Is there any hurry about it 这事需要匆忙吗? 此惯用结构中的be有时可与情态动词连用,其语气更趋委婉。

如: There could be no mistaking where he had e from. 他从哪里来是相当清楚的。 此结构中的no也不是一成不变的,它可被其他形式所取代。

如: There isn't any getting away from it. 要从它那里逃脱是不可能的。 There was never believing half of what he said. 他的话连一半也不信。

There's never any predicting what they will do next. 无法料及他们下一步将会干什么There be 结构是一常见的表示“存在”的句型,但是,该结构不表示“存在”意义的现象又广见于书面语及口语,它以否定句的形式出现,用于对某一具体行为和抽象概念的否定。其惯用结构一般有以下三种:。

6. 【以myroom为题用therebe句型介绍你的房间】

This is my room.There are a bed,a desk,a chair and a puter in it.There are lots of dolls in my bed.I like them very much.There're some books on the bookshelf.I often read them.I like my room.这是我的房间,里面有一张床,一张桌子,一张椅子和一台电脑.在我的床上有许多的玩具,我非常喜欢它们.在书架上有一些书,我常常看.我喜欢我的房间.写的很简单,请参考。

英语作文 我的卧室. 40-50词就行了There be的句型
答:我的卧室,英语作文怎么写?My name is Fuyeor and I have a very cute bedroom, let's come in and have a look!My bedroom door faces north. As soon as you enter the door, the most conspicuous are the two large windows, from where you can see far, far away. The curtains ...

there be句型写我的卧室作文英语
答:There is a big bed in it.There is a table in front of it,on the table there are many app les and pears.under the table there is a c at,on the wall there is a beautiful map.Thi s is my bedroom,it is clean,tidy and fine.I love my bedroom....

以“my bedroom”为题,写一篇作文,用上there be句型。要不少于五句...
答:Look, this is my bedroom, it is clean and large.In my bedroom, you can see a big bed at first. On the bed, there are some dolls, I usually like play with them on the bed in my free time. Near the bed, there is a window. By the window, there is a desk, you ...

用There be句型描写自己的房间(4句)
答:are some books on the desk. there is a bed on the left. there are some flowers on the windown.我房间右边有个桌子。桌子上面有些书。左侧有张床。窗户上有些花。^__^真心祝你学习进步,如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问,另外如果你觉得我的回答对你有所帮助,请千万别忘记采纳哟!

答:There are four pictures and a nice clock on the wall, too. I often clean my bedroom. But it is still untidy, because there are too many things in it. 我的卧室英语作文 篇7 I have a small but fortable and tidy bedroom. There are a single bed, a desk, a chair and a beoksheff ...

...的房间的作文,不少于50个单词,尽量用There be 句型。要有参考译文...
答:a chair.There is my bag on the chair.There is a window in my bedroom .The window is near my bed.(英语作文)There is a picture in my bedroom.The pictureis on the wall.My mother,my father and I in the picture.That,we are happy.I like my small bedroom very much!

答:, your right,there are two bunks for four students,while near the door is a stand for old wooden floor has lost its luster but it is corner,even every crack,has been carefully is the place which has been home to me and will continue to be all through my college 我的卧室英语作文 篇...

找一篇用There be句型的关于我的房间的作文
答:This is my room.There is a wall of lights, it's just a white issue.Because I like blue, the walls are blue.Look! Where there is a desk top, there are many books. There is a table lamp.Table near the bed, the big, long bed.Bed put a lot of the exercises. Bed in...

写《我的房间》的英语作文 用There be句型
答:My bedroom is not big.There are one bed and one desk inside.There is a clock hanged on the wall.There are many storybooks stacked up on my desk.

用there be句型写一篇my bedroom的作文。词数50个左右
答:I have a lovey bedroom。There is a small bed in the corner of my bedroom。And on my bed,there is a brown Teddy Bear with big eyes and sweet smile。I love it very much。What's more,there are some books on my desk。一英语的起源与发展 (1)英语(英文:English)是一种西...


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