请大家帮我把一篇一分钟的演讲稿翻译成英文, 高中横的水平不要用软件,


My favorite singer is Christine(fanfan),I love her music very much,such as 最初的梦想 which is created in 2008.She is very famous today ,however she is still kindly and lovely in many people's eyes.That is the important reason for I being one of her fans.Her music is always fresh and sounding to ears,which is just like her character.Now she has been married, I wish she happy,and I hope she could creat more wonderful songs,Thank you.

Another ten hours, 2010 passed. About this year, we will have memorable. Earlier this year, maybe everyone wrote this year of target, now take out to see, at the outset mights as well the goal we realize how much and how much it didn't happen, why didn't happen. 2010 has passed, we hurried from junior middle school to high school, experienced a separate sadness and initial joy. This year may let us as a souvenir, let us happy, let we regret, but they all had gone, we cannot again before tests, return to grade, everything will not come back again. 2011 the bell is going to sound, we will again write down new wishes and goal, but don't forget to write about 2010 memory, when after ten years, after twenty years, look now, these are valuable experiences and memories. Let's start a new efforts, the new struggle, maybe next year's today look now write down the goal, we will not regret. Finally, I wish you a happy New Year, in a New Year to achieve new progress, thank you

Quaker Elizabeth is an elegant lady who leads a wealthy life. However, we never see her wasting her time like a some rich and famous. In fact, in her life, she had done much to help the poor and those that are convicted. She build a convict school, improve the living condition of the convicts. May be we should also take her as an example and to help those who need help with what we are able to do. As the saying goes, giving a rose away, leave the hands linger with the fragrance

Quaker Elizabeth is a woman with wealthy and graceful life.But she doesn't waste her life,which like other noblewomen.In fact,in her life,we could see she reaaaaally have done a lot of things for

some poor people ,or even some prisoners.For example, she set up a school for a prison,in order to improve the surroundings of the prison.Maybe we should emulate her,try our best even it is poor.Help the people in need who are standing by you.There is a saying:Send person rose hand have lingering fragrance.

translated by liqichen6688

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