


1. Go and hang out the laundry/clothes/washing at the balcony and remember to wring out the clothes. (命令, laundry指的是洗衣店,不过hang out the laundry 或 do the laundry 就会变成 晒衣服 或洗衣服了)

2. I am going to bring in the washing as it is going to rain soon.
或者 I have to bring in the washing because/for it will be raining soon.

3. I walk to the balcony and open the window and it is snowing outside. (现在式)
I walked to the balcony and opened the window and it was snowing outside. (过去式)
或者: I walk in to the balcony and open the window, I saw that it was snowing outside.
When I open the window at the balcony, I find that it was snowing outside.

4. Can you please (shut/open) a little of the window next to you?

5. He roll down the car window and throw the/that piece of paper out. (现在式)
He rolled down the car window and threw the/that piece of paper out. (过去式)

橱窗是display window, 不会用在这个句子里。

6. We saw a lot of beautiful/pretty clothes/dress through the display window.
或者 Through the display window, we saw a lot of beautiful/pretty clothes/dress.


might open the window as well语法是正确的,但是建议使用may语气更肯定一些。

as well写在后面是可以的,但这里暗指的意思是,在打开窗户前,已经打开了例如门或其他(气流)通道,或进行了其他相关动作和操作。必须符合这个条件才可以说as well,如果只是打开窗户没有其他操作,就不能这么说了。

might as well open the window是另一种说法,用在这里表示“不妨”更为贴切些,不需要相关动作作为条件,可以单独指打开窗户。


补充作答楼主补充后的问题:如果是此种情形,考试是算错误的,应为might as well。

不行,“不妨”应该是“might as well”是连在一起的,所以应该是"might as well open the window".
所以原句应该是: As it's very hot here, we might as well open the window.
as well 放在句末,意思就是“也”,相当于too,和“不妨”是有区别的

To open the window.

You can open the window might as well.

To open the window

why not open the window? 或者we'd better open the window.

答:Do not open the windows.这些翻译问题可以在百度翻译或者Google翻译来解决。

答:Not at all/ Go ahead

答:Don't open the window.

答:把窗户打开英语说法:open the window 把窗户打开英语例句:1.ventilate a room by opening windows 打开窗户使房间通风 2.Open the windows and air the room.打开窗户使房间通风。3.Father open the window to let in the briskness of the morning air.父亲打开窗户让早晨的清新空气进来。4.Father...

答:Don't let the window open. [此处let用leave也行得通。]

答:Keep the window open.这里open是形容词 强调开着的状态

答:打开窗户的英文是Open the window。例句:1、打开窗户。这儿热得像火炉!Open a window, it's like an oven in here!2、我可以打开窗户吗?这里面都快把人闷死了!Can I open a window? It's suffocating in here!3、我们打开窗户,让傍晚那沁人心脾的空气流进室内。We opened the windows ...

答:Close the window .

答:please open the window?Would you mind if you open the window?Would you mind opening the window?Could you open the window for me please?May I ask you to open the window?Would you be kind to open the window for me?Would you like to open the window for me?够了吧?

二.翻译下列句子.1.请打开窗户 2.天气真好啊!3.请不要吵闹!
答:请打开窗户 Please open the window 天气真好啊 It's a fine day.请不要吵闹 Please don't noisy


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