

___the corner ,there is a park where we do morning exercise everyday.
选项: c、 around 拐过弯儿

in the corner在拐弯儿处

Jane did not say a word at the party. No one knew the reason ___she had left so early.
b、 for which =why

______,he felt too nervous to speak.
d、Being watched by a crowd of people 被观看

Our friends are expected to assume the burden of their own defense ,___they are competent to do .
a、which (we are certain 插入语)

Although TV is indeed one of the modern wonders of electronics ,its operation is not quite so difficult ____you might think .
a、as ,not so/as...as

If the project ____by the end of the year is delayed ,our unit will be fined.
a、to be finished 将要被完成*作定语

Today some countries are trying to get rid ___poverty .
c、 of 摆脱贫穷

It is economically essential to make sure that this entire shipment of new cars _____to the port on time.
b、 get ,essential后要用虚拟语气,should do ,should可以省略

"How about going sailing with us tomorrow?" " ______very much ."
d、 I'd like to 固定答语,我很愿意

She was not ____of the truth of his statement.
a、persuaded 被说服


46. B

47. A

48. A

49. D

50. A

51. D

52. C

53. C

54. C

55. B

56. A

57. B

58. C

59. B

60. D

61. C

62. C

63. B

64. D

65. C

They failed to pass the exam last time, I regretted ___.
a、being unable to help, d项中not要放在ing前

It is reported that _____chopsticks waste 20000 tons wood in China every year.
b、 one-time

They ___upon a bench that stood beside the lake.
b、 were seated 表状态,seat是及物动词

He is a tennis player ___nature because it took him only 6 months qualifying for the ATP.
a、by 天生的

"goofy愚的;可笑的" can be best replaced by which of following words?

The first,second ,and third prizes went to John ,Mary and Tom ____.
c、 respectively 分别地

It is a ___ that the corrupted official was ever famous for his anti-corruption remarks.
d、 irony 讽刺

America will never again have as a nation the spirit of adventure ___before the West was settled.
d、 as it did 像过去一样

With the reunification of German, many Easterners poured ____the West.
a、into 涌向/入

Too many matches let him____ and he lost championship.
a、up 放松,减弱,停止(不太确定)

1. a
2. c
3. b
4. a
5. a
6. c
7. d
8. d
9. c
10. b

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答:___the corner ,there is a park where we do morning exercise everyday.选项: c、 around 拐过弯儿 in the corner在拐弯儿处 Jane did not say a word at the party. No one knew the reason ___she had left so early.选项:b、 for which =why ___,he felt too nervous to spea...


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