

It is you who taught me everything important, love included / including love.

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您好, 可以参考以下翻译:

Look at the title and the picture of the reading passage and predict what it is about.


1.we got a big surprise to hear this news
2.He often helps us with English.
3.I have the enough time to study this question
4.When did you start learing English
5.He went to swim instead of going to school

1.we got a big surprise to hear this news
2.He often help us with English.
3.I have enough time to study the problem
4.When did you begin to learn English
5.He went to swim instead of going to school

1.We hear this news all to be surprised
2.He helps us to study English frequently
3.I have the enough time to study this question
4.When did you start learing English
5.But he swam has not gone to go to school.

答:1. How much is this? / How much are these?2. It's a little bit expensive. Can it be cheaper?3. Is there a little larger size for this kind of clothes / shoes?4. I can only speak a little English.5. Please speak it slowly, my English is not so good.6. I don...

答:My main task as a secretary is to assist leaders in handling daily affairs.2.很高兴你来机场接我。I am so happy you come to airport, and pick me up.3.请允许我代表我们系欢迎王教授给我们做英语学习讲座。Allow me on behalf of our department welcomes Professor Wang for us to do...

答:1.我曾经在一家少儿英语学校兼职3个月,没有带班,只是听其他老师讲课 I was doing a part time job in an English language school for children for a period of 3 months. I have not done teaching, but as an observer in classes conducted by other teachers 2.我还没有参加英语等级考...

答:1.A serenity of emotion take your mind far 2.You can accomplish anything if your mind tough 3.Trust yourself as the strongest one 4.Attitude determines destiny 5.no progress is regress 6.Discussion on desk only survives on desk qinyx1980,是没几个人能达到你的英语翻译水平。但楼...

答:1、在地中海的怀抱中演绎奇迹 To play miracles in the arm of the Mediterrearean 2、伟大的国家队 The great natiobal team 3、伟大的俱乐部 The great club 4、伟大的球员 The great (marvelous) player 5、伟大的过去 The Glorious past 6、伟大的将来 The great future 7、伟大的球场 The ...

答:3.正当我十分焦急时,一个孩子走上前来,指给我去车站的路(come up).Just when I was anxious, a boy came up, directing the way for me to the station.4.在一些重要方面,英国英语和美国英语很不相同(in some important ways).In some important ways, British English is quite different ...

答:3 He was a really considerate friend ,always available to help at the slightest hint of trouble ..他真是一个体贴的朋友,哪怕是微不足道的小麻烦也总能提供帮助。4 He pointed out something worthy of our attention in his report ,that is , the so called educational toys and ...

答:He can hoist up a very big and heavy stone.2.他有洁癖 He has obsession in cleaniness 3.他很自恋 he has narcissism 4.他做的蛋糕很好吃 The cake he made is palatable 5.他很单纯但是很乐观,总是打碎盘子,所以工资很少 He is simple but optimistic, always breaks dishes/saucers. ...

请高手帮我翻译10 个句子,谢谢啦~!
答:8.大学毕业才一年,她就从一个追求梦想的青年变成了一个凡事都无所谓的庸人.It`s within one year that she went from one person who pusured her dream to one person who cared about nothing.9.我已经获准进入那个地区进行采访,这可不是人人都能得到的机会.I had been given the permission ...

答:1. A big playground is being built af the foot of the mountain.2. John always goes to school by bike in order to save time.3. The driver did not know when he would leave for Shanghai.4. It seemed that he had already knew it.5. The little girl was flying the plane ...


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