

The research what is using the class observation method on Teacher-student interaction in some of individual classes of No.3 High school, Anshun City. The figure shows, that Teachers and students can not be separated in that relationships. and in order to get the best result need more conditions to satisfy that. In this case, and take advantage of the teacher-student interaction to get the best results in Classroom.

Translated by myself, I hope it's useful.
not the best, just for conference only.


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(America)2008-2009 annual other outdoor furniture market report.
Other outdoor furniture category includes not included in the chair and the combination of the other party, the stove, table, bar table service and other equipment, storage products, chair of the total sales last year, $195 billion by the end of the year and is expected to decline to 1.8 billion usd 7.7,.
In the center of household decoration types of biggest market share sales discount department stores, 36% to share is 35%.
Store in 2008 with sales of $25 million in which occupy the market share, is expected to 13% decline in 2009, at $23 million to 8.4 percent.
Including the Internet, mail-order catalogues and e-commerce shopping nets, family were expected to direct channel, the fastest growth this year, sales, sales channels.

(United States) 2008-2009 outdoor furniture market report
Other outdoor furniture category includes not included in the tables and chairs and dinner combinations in the other table, stove, service car, bar, storage appliances and other non-chair products, last year's total sales of 1.95 billion U.S. dollars, while the end of this year is expected to fell 7.7% to 1.8 billion.

Home Decoration Centre in the type of account for the largest market share in sales of 36%, while discount department stores accounted for 35% of the share.

Store Zeyi 25 million U.S. dollars in 2008 sales which account for 13% of the market share will continue to decline in 2009 of 8.4%, to 23 million U.S. dollars.

Including the Internet, mail order catalog home shopping network of e-business networks and channels, including direct sales, expected to be the fastest growing sales channels this year, sales fell only 2.4%, to 10 million U.S. dollars.

2008-2009 (us) the other outdoor furniture market report

Other outdoor furniture category includes not included in the chair and the combination of the other party, the stove, table, bar table service and other equipment, storage products, chair of the total sales last year, $195 billion by the end of the year and is expected to decline to 1.8 billion usd 7.7,.

In the center of household decoration types of biggest market share sales discount department stores, 36% to share is 35%.

Store in 2008 with sales of $25 million in which occupy the market share, is expected to 13% decline in 2009, at $23 million to 8.4 percent.

Including the Internet, mail-order catalogues and e-commerce shopping nets, family were expected to direct channel, the fastest growth this year, sales, sales channels, and only 2.4% down $10 million.

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