

① 当两位侦探打开包裹的时候正在发生什么?

② 飞机到达的时候正在发生什么?


What was happening 是过去进行时,表示“正在发生什么”

“发生了”应该说:What happened? 要用过去时!


how "怎么样,如何"
就像How are you?表面意思是:你(最近)怎么样啊?但通常直接译作:你好!


I am a college junior. I will graduate in year 2008.
My highest education is high school.
I live in Fengtai district, Beijing city.
I would like to have a better education in the United States, to make some new friends and to open up my mind.
I am an honorly recommended student.
There are about 40 people.
I would like to set up a company of my own in China.
My parents gave me all financial support to go abroard.
I will study in the United States for about half a year and then I will come home.

1.I am a junior,I will graduate from university in 2008.
2.My highest record of formal schooling is high school.
3.I live in Beijing's Fengtai District.
4.I want to learn better in the United States,make some new friends and broaden my horizons.
5.I am the commended student of our school.
6.About 40 people
7.I would like to open myown company in China.
8.The money I use to go abroad is funded by my parents.
9.I will return after studying in the United States for six months.

1.I am a junior, will graduate in 2008.
2.My highest education is senior middle school.
3.I am living in Fengtai District, Beijing City.
4.I would like to have a better education in America,make some new friends and broaden my view.
5.I am one of the students recommended by our school.
6.There are about over 40 students.
7.I would like to set up my own company in China.
8.I am supported by my parents in the education fees.
9.I plan to come back after finishing half year's study in America.


I am a college student. I am now in my junior year and I will graduate from college in 2008.
I hold a high school diploma.
I am living in Fengtai district, Beijing, P.R. China.
I would like to further my study, make some friends and broaden my horizon in US.
I am one of the 40 students recommended by our school.
I want to start my own business in China.
I get financial support from my parents for my study abroad.
I will come back to China after six months study in US.

签证啊.支持maryswallow :)

答:翻译如下:1.When you are eating ,do you like combining foods together ?(表‘喜欢做...’时,like后动词用ing形式)2.What is your favorite plant ?(favorite已经有最高级的意思了,不能出现most favorite)3.We arrived at the train station at the same time .(arrive+in到达大地方,如...

帮我翻译成英文 麻烦用简单点的词翻译 谢了
答:最简单,又能让别人理解的话~1、We are different style~或者We are not the same style~2、My own style fits me well.3、There is no one's taste is better than mine.


答:1. My university is. . . Major is. . . I very much enjoy their own major, and decided to put. . . Into their professional career.2. I am a girl-oriented, enjoy ultra-communicative, and I am more responsible and efficient. My hobby are sport and music, sports and ...

答:1 What should we do in the university?2 As we know, we are going to take the CET4 Examination, therefore we need to work hard.3 We need to learn from the books as well as to develop our abilities.4 The college students ought to make full use of the library and the ...

答:work is the relative out-of-date of testing instruments. Some testings have to be made in a relatively old way, which is time-consuming and energy-costing. The proposal is to buy some sephisticated instruments and have workers trained.完全手动翻译啊。。。希望对楼主有所帮助吧!

求个简单的英文翻译 急!
答:我还有15天结婚:I will be married in 15 days.结婚倒计时15天:Marriage(婚礼) count down(倒计时): 15 days Marriage(婚礼) count down(倒计时): 14 days Marriage(婚礼) count down(倒计时): 13 days Marriage(婚礼) count down(倒计时): 12 days 一次类推,最后一天就是 Marriage(婚礼) ...

答:1 ruthless Treat prey and brutal 2 cooperation:Wolves live in groups, general seven horse in a group, and each a horse for the flourishing and development of the group bear a responsibility.3 unity:The tacit cooperation between them is the decisive factor of success into a Wolf. ...

答:much more stronger how heavy have long hair

答:可爱 cute ; sweet 甜心 sweety,sweet heart;darling 宝贝 babe;darling


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