


Life is like a piano. The white keys represent happiness and the black keys represent sadness. But as you go through life, remember that the black keys also make music.


Life is not always going to be easy. We will all face hardships and challenges that seem insurmountable at times. But it is important to remember that these difficult experiences are what make us a stronger and more resilient person.


It’s important to accept that failure is part of the journey. It allows us to learn and grow, and shows us what we are truly capable of. Remember that success is not final, and failure is not fatal. What really matters is having the courage to keep going.


So when life gets tough, take a deep breath, and keep playing. Keep striving towards your goals, and don’t be afraid of the challenges you encounter along the way. Because in the end, it’s not about how you started, it’s about how you finished.


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