

Krypton website officially launched in December 8, 2010 36. Name 36 Kr source in thirty-sixth elements "of the periodic table of elements krypton", chemical symbol Kr. The legend of the Kryptonian Superman's hometown.
36 krypton is China's most influential internet business service provider, dedicated to Internet entrepreneur andpractitioners to provide media information, investment and financing, talent recruitment, database, a large exhibition services. Including the 3 major platform 36 krypton's attention: Internet business platform of the new media 36 Kr, service Internet business database platform 36 Kr + and provide early product line service platformfor entrepreneurs to open day. Through these 3 platforms, 36 krypton hope to provide one-stop business serviceis most valuable for entrepreneurs, help China Internet Venture Company faster, better growth.
36 krypton content mainly covers 3 dimensions:
Base: cover the major domestic and international news, help us to know the current trade
- the unique characteristics of the 36 Kr: attention at home and abroad Internet business model, the future development direction of enterprises, through the enterprise attempts to help you judge the industry concerned about the direction of
Position: - major events follow, trend and summarizes the comments......
As of 2012 October, more than a million readers access the 36 krypton website information monthly. In micro-blogSina and Tencent micro-blog on Krypton, 36 had more than 800000 fans; in addition, the reading platform, the number of subscribers has exceeded one million in 36.

1 我离开上一份工作的原因是因为个人发展的问题,公司虽然不错,但不能用到我的语言技能和IT相关知识背景,所以决定离职,想重新寻找一个能最大限度发挥自己特产的舞台。
The reason I left my last job was due to personal reasons. Although the company I used to work for was quite good, I just couldn't fully make use of my linguistic and IT knowledge. Therefore, I left the place and thinking of finding a suitable stage for me to make my specialities shine.
2 如被贵公司有幸录取,我一定会好好学习,尽快开展工作适应本岗位的需求,成为一名合格的员工,和公司共同发展,在几年之内我希望能成为该工作的专业人士,为公司带来更大的利益。
If by any change that your company would take me on, I shall work hard to learn harder. I would do my best to fit in my new post and its requirement as soon as possible and become a qualified staff, develop with the company together. Hope that I shall be a professional in the field of my work. Help the company to be even more profitable.
3 选择贵公司是因为很喜欢贵公司以人为本的企业文化,而且贵公司给我打电话的时候非常尊重我,笔试后及时通知我面试,很有效率。而且我在参加笔试的时候看到贵公司的员工齐心协力的讨论解决问题,非常和谐友好的氛围,没有太复杂的人际关系,这样有助于我把更多的精力用到工作上。所以我选择了贵公司。
Choosing your company is because I like your company policy of people come first enterprise culture. Also your company has respected me greatly when ringing me. Gave me an interview right after the written exams, which was very effective. In addition, I saw your company staff how to unite and in discussion of how to solve their problems while I was doing my written exams. They were so harmonise and friendly without those complicated work relation problems. That would help concentrating on my works. It was why I have chosen your company to work with.
4 辞职后我并没有急于找工作,而是一直学习充电来提高自己的职业素养。
I did not rush to look for a job after I left my last one but studied hard to improve my working qualities ever since.
5 我的上一份工作主要是将采集到的数据进行分类整理并及时上传到上级部门,同时要提交给经理相关的报告。在这份工作中我获得了良好的客户满意度。
My last job was collecting data and arranged them and passed on to the my superior depart for further process. At the same time, handed in the related report to the manager. I had a good customers' satisfaction record with this job.
6 我相信贵公司有着严格的薪酬制度,所以我只要遵循贵公司的薪酬制度就可以。
I believe your company has a strict salary rule. so, I would just like follow your company's salary rule.

the concept of post-treatment:
Network element is割接has been completed, the network management system has been collected after the割接network element, through the procedures specified割接before and after the network element and their respective lower-level network element of the correlation between.
割接to deal with here is limited to the relationship between network element belongs割接adjusted, excluding net割接new equipment, equipment upgrades, such as割接;
2, provides engineering割接point-to-point mode of operation:
Select the source equipment, the specified target location, by the way the rules of matching network element of the lower割接processing; At the same time, the system automatically update the network element of the relationship between;
3, to provide network element割接interface attributes to adjust to change after割接information changes (such as network element name, etc.), while retaining the residential latitude and longitude, no need to change the site information such as;
4, to provide back割接function to ensure割接to return back after the failure of state割接.
A BSC to adjust from one MSC to another MSC, the OMC directly from data collected under the BSC all of the CELL has updated the data LAC, CI and even the CELL name, if a simple re-OMC through the data acquisition, Network Management System to update the data, the CELL will be the network element as a new accession, and the loss of the original number of static attributes, such as latitude and longitude, site, but the actual ownership of the relationship between these CELL is changed, the majority of the original attributes should also be retained. With this feature, can be avoided割接adjustment will be mistaken for the network element is added, or deleted network element, which led to the relevant manual entry of data loss.

GeJie post-processing concept:
Now GeJie yuan has been completed, network management system has been gathering in the net GeJie came after a specified program, through GeJie around $nets and their subordinate relations between $nets.
1, GeJie management scope:
Here is the GeJie processing to the adjustment of the network yuan GeJie, not including new equipment, equipment upgrades GeJie net GeJie; etc.
2 and provide engineering GeJie point-to-point mode of operation:
Select the source device, the designated position, through the rules of matching GeJie yuan subordinates nets, At the same time, the system automatically update the relationship between $nets,
3 and provide GeJie nets yuan attribute to adjust, change GeJie interface to change after the information (such as name, etc.), $nets and reserve area, without change hail latitude and longitude of information; etc.
4 and provide GeJie back to ensure GeJie after failing to back to GeJie state.
A BSC from one to another under the MSC direct from MSC OMC data gathering in the CELL of all the BSC data has been updated with LAC, CI and even the CELL's name, if only to the data collection, OMC will update the data network management system, the CELL can be as new nets yuan to join, but lost the original some static properties such as latitude and longitude, hail, and the actual these CELL just ownership has changed, the original most attributes should also be preserved. Through this function, can avoid GeJie will adjust nets yuan for add or delete the nets yuan, resulting in the loss of data related to artificially entry.

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答:只要将下面的故事简单的翻译成英文就可以了!!!高分求!!!故事在:http://hi.baidu.com/xuhuijie/blog/item/d526b12345f00b4eac34de4e.html... 只要将下面的故事简单的翻译成英文就可以了!!!高分求!!!故事在:http://hi.baidu.com/xuhuijie/blog/item/d526b12345f00b4eac34de4e.html 展开 ...

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答:path which Our country Enterprise should insist for a long time.翻译好了,你的“4.2对我国汽车进出口企业。”这句好像不完整,所以我没有翻译这句,如果你弄完整了,我可以帮你翻译出来,还有,后面的段落开头我没有用到大写,需要用的话你改成大写的就可以了,希望对你有所帮助。

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