

珍珠奶茶:Tapioca/Pearl Milk Tea

冰红(绿)茶 :Iced Black Tea / Iced Green Tea

冰奶茶 :Iced Milk Tea

港式奶茶 :Hot Tea, HK Style

巧克力奶茶 :Chocolate Milk Tea

冰巧克力奶茶 :Iced Chocolate Milk Tea

草莓奶茶 :Strawberry Milk Tea

花生奶茶 :Peanut Milk Tea

哈密瓜奶茶 :Hami Melon Milk Tea

椰香奶茶 :Coconut Milk Tea

芋香奶茶 :Taro Milk Tea

热柠檬茶 :Hot Lemon Tea

冰柠檬茶 :Iced Lemon Tea

菠萝果茶 :Pineapple Tea

菠萝冰茶 :Iced Pineapple Tea

黑莓冰茶 :Iced Blackberry Tea

草莓冰茶 :Iced Strawberry Tea

蓝莓冰茶 :Iced Blueberry Tea

芒果冰茶 :Iced Mango Tea

蜜桃冰茶 :Iced Peach Tea

香蕉冰茶 :Iced Banana Tea

奇异果冰茶 :Iced Kiwi Tea

百香果汁 :Passion Fruit Juice

冰果汁 :Chilled Juice

菠萝汁 :Pineapple Juice

苹果汁 :Apple Juice

橙汁 :Orange Juice

纯木瓜汁 :Papaya Juice

凤梨木瓜汁 :Papaya and Pineapple Juice

哈蜜瓜汁 :Hami Melon Juice

红莓汁 :Cranberry Juice

火龙果汁 :Dragonfruit Juice

苦柠檬水 :Bitter Lemon Juice

西瓜汁 :Watermelon Juice

葡萄汁 :Grape Juice

酸枣汁 :Wild Jujube Juice

西柚汁/蜜柚汁 (冷/热) :Grapefruit Juice(Cold / Hot)

时令果汁 :Seasonal Fruit Juice

西柠蜜瓜汁 :Melon and Lemon Juice

椰汁 :Coconut Juice

草莓果茶 :Strawberry Juice

蓝莓果茶 :Blueberry Juice

蜜桃果茶 :Peach Juice

鲜榨果汁 :Fresh Juice

鲜榨青柠汁 :Fresh Lemon Juice

鲜榨蔬菜汁 :Fresh Vegetable Juice

番茄汁 :Tomato Juice

胡萝卜橙子汁 :Carrot and Orange Juice

胡萝卜芹菜汁 :Celery and Carrot Juice

山楂胡萝卜汁 :Hawthorn and Carrot Juice

黄瓜汁 :Fresh Cucumber Juice

胡萝卜汁 :Fresh Carrot Juice

苦瓜汁 :Bitter Melon Juice

西芹汁 :Celery Juice

牵手南瓜汁 :Together Pumpkin Juice

牵手果蔬汁(胡萝卜橙汁) :Together Vegetable and Fruit Juice (Carrot and Orange)

山药养生汁 :Yam Juice

凤梨柠檬芹 :Pineapple, Lemon and Celery Juice

番茄柠檬汁 :Tomato and Lemon Juice

Do you want it straight up or on the rocks? 你要不加冰的还是加冰的?How much 要多少Hot or cold热的还是凉的

A. Can I help you?
B. Yes, a cup of milk tea, please.
A. What flavor?
B. Strawberry with rose in it, half sugar.
A. Ok, with ice or in hot?
B. Ice please.
A. All right, 11yuan please.
B. Here you are, thanks.
A. My pleasure, have a good day.

of more days and months and years

Guest: Non-smoke room, please.

答:关于购物的英语对话 A:What can i do for you?B:I"m looking for a sweater.A:Let me show you.What about this one?A:It's too big for me and I don't like the colour.B:Let me show you another.This is the most beautiful in my shop.Think abou it,please.It's noy too...

对话翻译成英语, 作业,帮忙了,我就这么点财富值了,全给了
答:Attendant:How are you, welcome Customer 1:This store good imposing style, thing cost a lot Customer 2:Nothing important, this money doesn't calculate to my husband what, attendant, take the most expensive of take a look.Customer 1:Past my letting your down you can't mind Cus...

答:minutes for ,i'll get that for you later.需要等*分钟,我等会儿帮你送过去啊。。。找零:here your change 。找你***。最后可以的话跟客人说声HAVE A NICE DAY 或者是ENJOY YOUR MEAL之类的那个前台七步曲大概都做齐了吧。。。ketchup=番茄酱 straw=吸管 coffee cream=咖啡配的那个奶精 ...


答:Woman:Can I help you?Mary:Yes, please. I want a jacket for sports meeting.Woman:OK. What color do you want?Mary:Red.Woman:How about this one?Mary:It looks nice. How much is it?Woman:Ten dollars.Mary:I'll take it. How much are the those gloves?Woman:Three dollars for...

答:R: Can I help you, sir? (接待:请问先生需要什么服务?)C:I want a room for myself. (顾客:我想要一间单人房。)R:Have you booked a room in advance?或:Do you have reservation?(接待:请问您是否有预定?)C:Yes, I have.(用于第一种问法)或:Yes,I do.(用于...

答:服务生:I think so, but the red wine you had is very expensive!是的,但是您喝的红酒是很贵的。客人:How come!怎么会这样。服务生:I don’t know. Would you like to pay your bill?我不知道,您要付账了吗?>>>下一页更多精彩“餐厅服务员与顾客英语情景对话”

答:Sales clerk:"Sir,Can I help you?"Customer:"yes,I heva Buy a little fruit.”Sales clerk:”Our this kind many,What fruit?”Customer:"Give present ought to what to give fruit well”Sales clerk:”The apple , grape , banana, are all not bad”Customer:"I think of down”Sale...

英语二人对话,内容是在餐馆就餐~ 要求时间在1分钟到两分钟就可以了.其...
答:good morning sir :what can i do for you?B:yes ,please,i would like to order A:What would you like do eat?B:coffee and sandwish please.A:Ok, anything else?B:No,thanks.A:all right,wait a moment please.After some mins.B:waiter,pay for the dinner please A:Hi,sir ,it...

答:Can I help you?我能为你做点什么吗?yes please!好的 This way please, look at this side!These're the latest style.这边请,请看这里,这些都是最新款式。What color do you like?你喜欢什么颜色?Let me see !我看看 What about the yellow ? or the red ?试试黄色怎么样?或者红色?


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