

At first, scientists thought that Venus was the planet most likely to have other living creatures. 起先,科学家们认为金星是最可能有生命存在的一个星球。They made some discoveries which made them think this. 此推断基于他们之前的一些发现。 Venus is the closest in size to the Earth. 金星跟地球在大小上最为接近。 It seemed to be made in a similar way. 它们就像是同一个模子里出来的。 It was covered by a layer of ‗cloud‘. 金星为一团云层所覆盖。
Later, scientists made more discovered, which made them think there has never been life on the planet. 此后,科学家们有了更多发现,进而认为此星球上从未有生命存在过。 The layer of cloud is made from sulphuric acid droplets. 这个云层是由硫酸滴所形成的。 The surface of the planet is so hot it can melt metal. 该星球表面非常炙热以至于能融化金属。 Any water on the surface would boil away in the heat. 所有水分在此高温表面都将沸腾蒸发。 Now, once again scientists are beginning to think that there was once life on Venus, and that maybe some still exists. 现在,科学家们再次开始认为金星上曾经有过生命。 About 50 km above the surface of the planet, it is cooler and there is some evidence of water droplets in the clouds, as well as acid. 在该星球表面上方大约50km处,温度有所下降,云团中除了酸性物质,也有水滴存在的痕迹。 The chemicals in the atmosphere of the planet are different from what scientists had expected. 在该星球大气层中的化学物质跟科学家们料想的不同。 Some scientists say the difference can only be explained by living things changing the atmosphere. 一些科学家说,这种差异只能解释为生命对大气层的改变。 Other scientists are less certain. 其余科学家却并不是很确定。They say it is too soon to understand chemical reactions on another planet. 他们说,外星球上的化学反应不是那么快就能被理解的。
So, is there life on other planets? We still don‘t know! 那么,外星球上是否存在生命呢?我们仍然不清楚。

1 to become
2 decided
3 is climbing
4 to reach
5 fell
6 entered
7 forgot
8 will fail

1 A
2 D
3 C
4 D
5 C
6 D
7 D
8 B

We all know that mobile phones are very useful.众所周知移动电话是很有用的. It’s easy to make plans,and to change them, 用它来制定计划并做出改变都是容易的事情.if you have a mobile phone. So how do mobile phones work?如果你有一个移动电话, 那么它是怎么运行的呢?Mobile phones are also called ‘cell-phones’.移动电话也叫"手机"This is because of the way they work.原因是他们的工作方式 Cells are small parts of living things that all work together for the living thing to survive. Cells是为生存而一起工作的生物的N个小零件的In the same way, a mobile phone network can’t survive without lots of their kind of cells. 相同的道理, 一个移动电话的网络没有它们许多各自的Cells也没办法存在. Mobile phone companies divide countries into areas they call ‘cells’. 移动电话公司将许多国家分成许多区域他们叫“cells”。Each cell has a base station that sends signals to your mobile phone inside that cell. The base station also picks up signals from your mobile. This lets you make calls.每个cell都有一个基站发送信号到您的手机内的cell,基站还从你的手机接收信号。这就能让你打电话。Cells need to be touching each other for a mobile phone network to work.手机网络的运作需要Cells之间的相互接触. As you travel, you move from one cell to another.比如说你去旅行,你从一个cell移动到别一个cell, As you move out of a cell,its base station no longer reaches your mobile. 当你走出一个cell的范围的时候, 它的基站搜索不到你的手机,But, if the cells are touching,you move into another cell at once. 但是,如果cells正在相互接触,你马上就会进入到另一个cell的范围.So its base station keeps your mobile working. 它的基站就会让你的手机保持工作状态.Your mobile doesn’t work in any gaps between the cells. 你在手机在cells之间的空隙是收不到任何信号的.



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