

1.we plan to build a new building here
2.would you come and see a film with me?
3.we couldn't see that man's face because he is reading a newspaper
4.can I put my book on your desk?
5.there is a map of China and a photo of our village on the wall
6.is there a black desk in the room?
no ,there isn't.but there are some chairs
7.there are some English books of my father's in the sanctum

B: 针对我订的货物,你会采用怎样的保险项目
Z: 我们是基于CIF条款来讨论的么?
B: 是啊。
Z: 那么我将会买WPA险种
B: 那会包含破损险么?你知道的,花瓶是易碎产品。
Z: 破损险被归纳为不相干的风险。但是如果你要求这样,我们将会为你将破损险包含进去
B: 那谁来为它支付这个额外的费用呢?
Z: 这个附加费会由买家支付。也就是你们。
B: 我明白了。请安排吧。

B: 现在你已经为我的订单做了CIF上海的报价。 那你将会购买何种险种呢?
L: 额,很显然,你不会想要把所有的风险都纳入保险中。
B: 为啥不呢?
L: 因为针对你的产品最常用的险种是FPA。
B: FPA不对部分损失做保险,我的理解对么?
L: 对的。因为你托运的货物是钢的盘子,所以FPA足够了。
B: 但是如果我想要WPA险种来确保所有的风险都被涵盖呢?
L: 那你就不得不支付额外费用了。
B: 好吧,我接受FPA险种。

Girls and boys are planting trees on the hill.

They plan to go Shanghai for shopping this autumn.
They are going to Shanghai for shopping this autumn.(be going to do sth. 表示打算好将来要做什么,表未来时态)

There is no rose in my garden

Where does your father have his meals?
Sometimes in his company,sometimes at home.

some girls and boys are planting trees there.

they plan to go Shanghai for shopping this autumn

there is no rose in our garden

where did your father have his meals?
sometimes in his company,sometimes home.

Last line should be :
where does your father have his meals?
in his company or at home.

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