

Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf。
《喜羊羊与灰太狼》(Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf)是由广东原创动力文化传播有限公司制作的原创动画系列作品。


(village head) “lazy sheep sheep!”(ablazes with anger)
(lazy Yang Yang is sleeping)
(village head) “lazy sheep sheep!!”
(happy sheep sheep) “the lazy sheep sheep, the village head is called you.”(gently)
(lazy sheep sheep) (blurry) “graciousness? The village head, finishes class? Oh! Puts winter vacation!”(happy)
(village head) “lazy Yang Yang! Asks a your question: What meaning do three smelly tanners go against Zhuge Yang are?”
(lazy sheep sheep) “......”
(boils sheep sheep) (low voice) (to gesticulate)
(lazy sheep sheep) “, the village head, I knew. I ask you, that ten smelly tanners go against several Zhuge sheep?”(leisurely)
(lazy) “(*^__^*) hee hee ......, I let you eliminate endlessly.”(low voice)
(village head) “lazy Yang Yang! Winter vacation the work you make the duplicate!”
“following arrangement winter vacation work: Language 8 practice book. Mathematics: 4 practice solemnly. English ......”
“tinkles ......”
(everybody) “finishes class! Puts winter vacation!”
(village head) (ablazes with anger) “English 2 practice book ......- -, but, alters to 6!”
(everybody) “- -”
One month has passed by - -
Winter vacation last day - -
(ash too wolf takes telescope to face Yang Cunwang)
(red too wolf) “ash too wolf! Has not seized the sheep!”A flat-bottomed pan flies
(ash too wolf) (pretends “the wife very painful), leaves anxiously, you looked, this is I spends one month 1 second to make - - the automatic work machine!”
By a flat-bottomed pan, (did red too wolf) “know! For this thing, I has eaten 1 month-long weed salad!”
(ash wolf) “the wife should not be too anxious, so long as we ...... whisper like this” nearby the ear several.
(two people knew that plan later will smile)
(red too wolf) “that has not caught the sheep! ~”
(ash too wolf) “the wife, you waits for my good news!”
Blue prairie - -
(lazy Yang Yanghe boils sheep sheep) (to knock class leader main house gate) “class leader, is your work copies taking advantage of us good?”
(warm Leader Yang Yang) “, but, because the village head knew that you will copy my work, therefore already received mine work.”
(lazy, boils) (publicizes mouth)
(lazy Yang Yanghe boils Yang Yang to arrive at drill ground to meet good omen sheep sheep)
(two people) “is the happy sheep sheep, the work copies taking advantage of us good?”
(happy sheep sheep) “, but, I have not done, I am last day-long evening only then do.”
(that two people) “cut! As a good student, how can the work not do!”
(happy sheep sheep) (helpless)
(beautiful sheep sheep) “lazy Yang Yang, boils the sheep sheep, how can you like this! You have not done.”
(two people) (isologue, acts like a spoiled brat) “the beautiful sheep sheep, copies the work taking advantage of us is good?”
(US) “, but ......” (blushes) “I not to do ......”
Lazy Yang Yang arrives at the village, the visible ash too wolf's automatic work machine, then walks, puts the busy book, in this time, the ash too wolf holds its hand.
(ash too wolf) “, the lazy sheep sheep, goes home with me - - like this, you did not need to do one's assignment.”
Wolf fort - -
(ash too wolf) “the wife, I came back!”
(red too wolf) (joyful appearance) “! Lamb!”
(ash too wolf) “the wife boils water quickly!”
(red too wolf) a flat-bottomed pan flies “the ash too wolf!!
(ash too wolf) “is, the wife, I boils water!”
(lazy sheep sheep) “the red too wolf elder sister, asks you to complete my last desire!”(desire judgment)
(red too wolf) (very happy) “really will speak the truth, you must always eat in any case by me, will complete your desire!”
(lazy sheep sheep) “the elder sister, I wants to complete the final work!”
(red too wolf) “good!”
(lazy Yang Yang sees window to hide happy sheep sheep)
(ash too wolf) “wife! How has this pot gone bad?”
(red too wolf) “how possible? Bought newly ......” walked.
The happy sheep sheep comes to pull lazy Yang Yangjiu to run, runs the wolf fort. The ash too wolf and the red too wolf is also repairing the pot.
(happy sheep sheep) (is smiling) “3! 2! 1!”(detonation)
(ash too wolf) “I meets certainly!”


(懒)“(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……,我让你除不尽.”(小声的)
懒羊羊走到村口 ,看见灰太狼的自动作业机,便走过去,把作业本放进去,就在这个时候,灰太狼抓住它的手。

Happy Sheep and Poor wolf
Sheep happy and Wolf poor

Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf,这是官方的,杂志上啊,电影上啊,都是这样印的。(其实偶是在看英文杂志的时候看到的,然后又在看电影的时候注意了一下,没想到你真的问了~呵呵~)

答:Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf。《喜羊羊与灰太狼》(Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf)是由广东原创动力文化传播有限公司制作的原创动画系列作品。动画主要讲述在羊历3513年,青青草原上,喜羊羊所在的羊羊族群已经十分兴旺发达。在羊羊一族里面已经有小镇,有学校,有超市,有美容院,所有羊羊族群的...

答:Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf 这是最新的《喜羊羊和灰太狼》的官方翻译,绝对准确

答:官方翻译 《Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf》

答:Keys:最正规的翻译 喜羊羊Pleasant Sheep 灰太狼Big Big Wolf 美羊羊Pretty Sheep 沸羊羊Fork Sheep 懒羊羊Lazy Sheep 红太狼Red Wolf 慢羊羊Slow Sheep 暖羊羊Warm Sheep +分哦

答:“喜羊羊与灰太狼”英文翻译为:Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf,羊用goat。但要注意的是,每只羊的名字用sheep,如:喜羊羊Pleasant sheep 美羊羊Pretty sheep 懒羊羊Lazy sheep 沸羊羊Force sheep 暖羊羊Warm goat(用goat是因为暖羊羊是盘羊)慢羊羊Slow sheep 参考资料:百度百科上是这么说的...

答:Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf http://blog.163.com/qjl1120@126/blog/static/24052901200982004529143/

“喜羊羊与灰太狼” 用英文怎么说
答:happy lamb and gray wolf 或者直接说 xiyangyang and huitailang

答:Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf

答:“喜洋洋与灰太狼”的英文是 Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf 。不过喜羊羊与灰太狼的电影里面官方是喊灰太狼为 Wolffy 。红太狼是 Hollie 。小灰灰是 Howie 。但是一般场合把“灰太狼”的英文都说为 Big Big Wolf 。

答:课程将为广大美术考生与爱好者积极准确地提供:全面而不偏科的专业辅导 细致而生动的教学模式 系统而扎实的课程体系 正规而高效的课程安排 为美术爱好者,应往届美术考生提供素描 速写 色彩 设计等方面的专业美术辅导。本课程以严谨而细致的教学态度对待每位学生,有效帮助学员提高实力,实现自身理想。积极发挥...


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