
谁知道这是啥意思,英语好的 麻烦帮忙翻译一下~

用Steam下载,Steam是个平台,下载游戏速度很快,没Steam下不了,有一段资料“ Steam平台的用户端(Client),必须先安装Steam,经注册后才能享有Steam平台的使用权,而Steam平台上的付费游戏,必须透过代理厂商购买产品,或着是透过Steam平台上的线上订购,取得付费游戏序号后,才可拥有下载以及安装权。”

This design is mainly for processing 10000 tons of mango fruit juice factory process design. First of all to understand pulp fruit and mango, determine factory address. Then be determined by the production process and material balance. According to the current food industry development, the selected equipment. To estimate factory of electricity, steam, water, and to determine the preliminary design of the construction of the factory.

是网页加载不出来的意思。就是说浏览器打不开kernel library(中心图书馆)这个网页,可能是这个网址无效,也可能是网页的版本不支持DLL(动态链接库)


Not found the kernel library or the kernel library is invalid or the kernel library of this edition does not support DLL

kernel 图书馆找不到,或kernel图书馆无效,或kernel图书馆这个版本不支持dll




答:1.allright,youneedme,don'tyou? 是的,你需要我,不是吗?2.Iwanna stay with you 我要和你在一起 3.what's wrong with you? 你怎么了,出什么事了?4.gonna sleep in a hurry don't think about anything 着急要睡觉什么都没想 5.why did you keep say that? 你为什么还说那些 ...

答:there's no friend to call her name没有一个同伴来把她唤醒 eva sails away伊娃扬帆起航 dreams the world far away梦着这个遥远的世界 the good in her will be my sunflower field她就像向日葵田野一样天真美好 打问号的地方就是不怎么明白那句的意思= = 只能按自己的理解翻译。

答:grooving [音标]:['gru:viŋ] 这里是朋友的意思 rooling [ru:liŋ] 滚动,摇摆的意思 penguing's penguin[音标]:['peŋgwin]这里是企鹅 Jumping grooving dancing everybody 跳起来,朋友,跳舞,大家(朋友们,大家跳起来!)Rooling moving singing night day 摇摆,移动,歌唱...

答:首先声明:第一句绝对不是“I have been travelling",因为那是“我有在旅行”的一次,跟我未曾旅行相反,而且讲的不是地方。以下是我对照意思翻译的,并不只是复制到翻译器里得来的!!只是英文的“关闭”……很难翻,因为英文不会直接说把“我”关闭之类的,也不会说把花打开,所以有些地方可能有...

答:改:companionship, the longest love confession 百度了一下,这个翻译是用得最多的。语法和单词方面都没有问题。个人也认同这个翻译。推荐给你。我改的那句,更突出了陪伴这个词,不过意思都没变的。在所有“陪伴”的单词中,companionship 指的是一种陪伴的关系,状态,最符合这句话的意思。accompany...

答:4.The group is growing good this year,for there is plenty of rain.5. The history museum is near the railway station.6.It is the house in which ma grandpa has lived.7.It is the funniest joke I have ever listened.8.I have nothing to do here.9.It is the chair on which...

答:2:you were ,you are ,and you remain my dear friend.你过去是我的好朋友,现在是,今后也一样是!3:more recently ,people in some western countries have been moving from the cities to the suburs.近来,在一些西方国家中,人们不断地从城市迁移到郊区。4;the crisis ,however ,was ...

答:The long semester has finally come to an end and the winter vacation has come.为了避免在假期前不开夜车,所以我在放假前期就写了一大部分麻烦的作业。虽然挺累,但也充实。I finished most of my boring homework before the end of the semester so that I wouldn't have to stay late ...

答:看在上帝的面上请叫我灵魂、精灵 (SPIRIT 可译为精神,灵魂,精灵,烈酒) 这个应当是书或电影里的对白 那位大哥英语好,帮忙翻译一下 “永远属于你” I will be yours forever! I will always be yours. (我将永远属于你的) 麻烦英语强人帮忙翻译一下这个句子。 Your story is more exciting and moving than...

答:The elevation near 5000 meter Qinghai and Xizang railroad Tanggula shankou section, a worker lies prone in on the snow and ice cover railroad observes the railroad is whether straight.This is Chinese's proud travel: The century day road creates world 1st nine big most world: Line ...


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