

读音:英 [bəʊθ] 美 [boʊθ]    
adj. 两者的 pron. 两者
conj. 不但 ... 而且 ...
There are trees on both sides of the street.
读音:英 [ɔːl] 美 [ɔːl]    
adj. 所有的;全部的 adv. 完全;都;非常
pron. 一切;全部 n. 全部
He spent all his time reading.

读音:英 [ɪn'taɪə(r)] 美 [ɪn'taɪər]    
adj. 全部的;完整的;全面的
She wrote the entire novel in only six months.
读音:英 [ɪn'taɪəli] 美 [ɪn'taɪərli]    
adv. 完全地;全部地
His actions are entirely mercenary.
读音:英 [həʊl] 美 [hoʊl]    
adj. 全部的;整体的;完整的
n. 全部;整体;完整 adv. 完全
He ate the whole cake and drank all the tea.

1、全面的comprehensive。[例句]America needs a more comprehensive strategy to combat joblessness。美国需要一个更全面的战略来对抗失业。
2、all-around,全面的。全面小康社会 a well-off society in an all-round way。
3、全面的,comprehensive;all round。我们已意识到潜在的问题,并采取了全面的预防措施。We are aware of the potential problems and have taken every precaution.
4、全面,overall; comprehensive; all-round; entire。deepen the overall reforms; deepen the reform in an all-round way;全面深化改革。overall reduction of (nuclear weapons);全面削减(核武器)。

1. Food Cards (AB type of card) ** only in the food court inside the building to use.
2. Customers can purchase food at the checkout *** all cards, food cards to 30,50,100 yuan ... ... the amount of recharge in different denominations and can be used repeatedly continued Result. Dining Card is valid from the date of purchase is valid for six months, during which the final Result Date Result can be calculated. Each food card deposit containing 5 yuan. Expired card balance can continue to spend money, but can not retreat or renew the card value, the amount of zero can be used to refund the deposit card that Shouka to recover Taiwan.
3. Food cards anonymous and do not report the loss, safekeeping. Due to inappropriate use of custody: Dining Card wear and tear caused severe (on the back of valid identification card number unclear), card degaussing deformation and so on, back card will be deducted from the card 5 yuan nominal fee as compensation; such as gourmet food card accidentally bending during use, extrusion, fracture, damage and so on, the card balances automatically expire non-refundable deposit
4. Gouka amount of less than 1,000 yuan, the total consumption of the day the amount of invoice. (Note: Since the date of consumption, within one month to produce a small ticket spending, invoicing, expire) if the amount of 1,000 yuan a one-time Gouka above can Gouka when invoiced, but the consumer can no longer be invoiced and when you get cash back.5. Punch-card notes: punch-card only for the integration of the company or one-time customer of more than 1,000 yuan Result sale Shouka when invoiced, so the card will not get cash back and re-invoice.
6. Gouka back card customers, please check the card face value and give change in cash, out of date shall not be liable. 7. *** Limited use of food to enjoy the ultimate power to interpret the cards.

1. Food Cards (AB type of card) ** only in the food court inside the building to use.
2. Customers can purchase food at the checkout *** all cards, food cards to 30,50,100 yuan ... ... the amount of recharge in different denominations and can be used repeatedly continued Result. Dining Card is valid from the date of purchase is valid for six months, during which the final Result Date Result can be calculated. Each food card deposit containing 5 yuan. Expired card balance can continue to spend money, but can not retreat or renew the card value, the amount of zero can be used to refund the deposit card that Shouka to recover Taiwan.
3. Food cards anonymous and do not report the loss, safekeeping. Due to inappropriate use of custody: Dining Card wear and tear caused severe (on the back of valid identification card number unclear), card degaussing deformation and so on, back card will be deducted from the card 5 yuan nominal fee as compensation; such as gourmet food card accidentally bending during use, extrusion, fracture, damage and so on, the card balances automatically expire non-refundable deposit.
4. Gouka amount of less than 1,000 yuan, the total consumption of the day the amount of invoice. (Note: Since the date of consumption, within one month to produce a small ticket spending, invoicing, expire) if the amount of 1,000 yuan a one-time Gouka above can Gouka when invoiced, but the consumer can no longer be invoiced and when you get cash back.
5. Punch-card notes: punch-card only for the integration of the company or one-time customer of more than 1,000 yuan Result sale Shouka when invoiced, so the card will not get cash back and re-invoice.
6. Gouka back card customers, please check the card face value and give change in cash, out of date shall not be liable.
7. *** Limited use of food to enjoy the ultimate power to interpret the cards.

答:金山词霸手机版是来自金山软件旗下的一款久经考验的、功能强大的、翻译精准的手机词典App,可以中文翻译英文,也可以英文翻译中文。词汇覆盖性广阔,一词多意把所有的意思都讲全面。本地词典和本地语音不用联网也能查词查,省去了不少流量,词典支持免费下载。4、有道词典 有道词典手机版是网易出品的一款...

翻译用英语如何说 翻译用英语怎么说
答:翻译用英语怎么说 1、翻译英文有translate、interpret。2、音标:translate英[tr?ns?le?t],美[?tr?ns?le?t];interpret英[?n?t??pr?t],美 [?n?t?rpr?t]。3、相关短语:to translate sth from English 将什么自英文翻译过来 to translate sth into English 将什么译成英文 to interpret s...



答:翻译的英文是translate。读音:英[trænzˈleɪt],美[trænzˈleɪt]释义:vt.翻译;转化;解释;转变为;调动 vi.翻译 例句:My tutor is translating a little-known Japanese novel.我的导师正在翻译一本不太出名的日本小说。变形:第三人称单数translates,...


答:2、搜狗翻译:一款集成语音、对话、拍照、文本翻译功能的产品。翻译功能使用业界最新技术——神经网络机器翻译技术研发而成,结合语音识别、图像识别技术,只为给你更好的翻译体验。3、谷歌翻译器:谷歌翻译器手机版中文版英文又叫google translate翻译,是谷歌公司推出的一款手机翻译软件,比一般的翻译都好用...


答:翻译英文好用的软件可参考如下:1、有道翻译 有道翻译官是一款致力于汉语翻译的系统软件,此版本是2022最新版,给用户们带来了全新的使用体验。碰到不明白的,可以直接在这里进行内容的输入,所有汉语的翻译结果都会非常及时的为你输出的,绝对是你生活以及学习中的好助手。2、必应词典 必应词典是一款功能...


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