

More and more students are doing part-time work today. Students working part time usually have a positive attitude towards this extracurricular experience. Besides earning some money to support themselves,they can learn a lot which cannot be learned from textbooks. They will learn to get along with different kinds of people,get useful working experiences and learn the value of labor.
However, there are also some disadvantages in students doing part-time work. For example, too much work may cut into student's study time when they should get the best out of their college llfe and lay a good foundation of knowledge for their college life and lay a good foundation of knowledge for their future work. Another disadvantage is that money earned, if not properly used, may lead to some bad habits, or even greed.
Good or bad, it is not easy for students to get part-tithe jobs in China now. Even if they do get some work, they are often badly paid. To change the situation, the society should develop a fresh look at students doing parttime work and provide them with opportunities in applying what they learn in the classroom to the real life situation of our society.

One possible version:
Dear Sir,
I'm writing to tell you about my experience in your bookstore. I bought an English dictionary there two
days ago. When I arrived home, I found that some pages of the dictionary were missing. I went back to the
store the next day and asked a saleswoman to change it for another one. However, she was very rude and
said it was my own fault. I was deeply hurt by her attitude.
I would like you to change my dictionary. I would also like to suggest that you improve your service to
the customers.
I'm looking forward to receiving your reply soon.

The application manager first: the manager.
Dear leader: hello! I am honored to join the family business of this unity and vigorous collective, time flies, since the September 24, 2009 entry of good trading company first in situ shop practice, in October after the company according to the needs and the leadership of my family trust to super Hong bin stores deputy manager duties. Nearly four months of work and self learning, let me to the supermarket operation and basic job responsibilities have a deeper understanding. For the work, always hold "enterprising, Yongpangaofeng" faith and efforts, it is also because of this, we hope to be able to promote the post of manager, through the work to constantly improve themselves, so that they can contact to the more difficult position to hone their own and to the company, for our team to create more benefits. During his tenure in the champagne shop, carefully complete the leadership of assigned tasks, to assist the manager to work inside the store, the store to maintain normal operation, maintenance companies and stores the image set at any time. Solve customer complaints, to the best service for customer satisfaction and return, and actively work for the staff ideological work, strive to keep the store staff to keep the most full of enthusiasm for work, always pay attention to the store. Learn the new company documents, company development, enterprise culture, the system, the spirit of the meeting, use and master a variety of technical and sales skills, and at the time of autonomous learning and some work related knowledge, make the daily work, in order to achieve the purpose of self sublimation. For the operation of the system, such as: order receipt, assembly and disassembly, sales inquiries, and other stores need to master the skills of retail profits have the skilled operation ability. In the work can be found in a timely manner, and have a certain ability to solve their own or to put forward good suggestions and advice for the company. Of course, as a manager, not just above the work, as the manager should set an example, lead the store team in the best state of confidence to meet our common cause. To put forward reasonable suggestions, coordinate with each department, making quarterly, monthly and weekly plan and daily plan the analyses of personnel management to store, process of making and implementation supervision, make the situation, Xiaqing upload. Responsible for the overall management of the store, the store at any time according to the change of personnel to develop the ability to achieve the maximum let employees to maximize capacity. Save manpower and reduce unnecessary expenses, training new employees, instillation of enterprise culture to understand the responsibilities. The regulations of the implementation and execution of the company's headquarters. Mastering the skills for stores beneficial, do logistics Barrier. Always pay attention to sales, store sales increase, the daily record of work summary notes at any time the store of analysis as far as possible in order to approach the best events. The daily work allocation such as: discipline, health, marketing etc.. Give guidance and help to the place where the work is not done. Now I may not be able to complete these, but I firmly believe that: today, my family to be proud of, tomorrow, the family will be proud of me. In the last few months, from entering the family or absolutely empty walls now gradually on the right track,

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