

I just want to thank you for giving me the most memorable month of my life, as it was the best summer holiday I've been ever on.
I just want to thank you for giving me the memory in a month.
It has been a wonderful memory.
It was the best summer holiday I've been ever on.


1. We usually say...(我们一般[这么]说...)
2. That depends on the individual.
3. Everyone knows that.
4. Do you all know how Valentine's Day came about?
5. There are varying opinions as to the origin of Valentine's Day. I will share one of them today. *

这最后一句,一般要解释为什么选择这一个版本,所以比如I will cover the most popular one today (我分享最普遍的).

1 尽量乘坐公共汽车
2 倡步行,骑单车
3 不燃放烟花爆竹
5 作业本要做到双面使用
6 吃饭时要节约粮食,“谁知盘中餐,粒粒皆辛苦”。
7 随手关闭水龙头
8 随手关灯,节约用电
9 拒绝使用一次性筷子
1 Embark bus as far as possible
2 Initiate to walk, ride bicycle
3 Non-combustible put a smoke flower firecracker
5 The homework wants to attain a two-sided usage originally
6 Have a meal to economize a food, "who know the dish Chinese food, the each grain is all hard".
7 With the hand close faucet
8 With the hand pass light, economy in electricity
9 The brush-off uses a time of chopsticks
10 know a national point protection to move a plant

1 had better go by bus
2 it's promoting to walk or ride bike
3 don't do the fireworks
5 execise book should be write on both sides
6 it's good to save food supplies when one was eating,every drop of it is difficult to get
7 turn off the tap after using
8 turn off light after using,saving the eletricity resource
9 refuse to use the disposable chopsticks
10 know aninals and plants which are national emphases to protect

1 try to take the bus
2 It is better walk more, ride more
3 Don\'t use fireworks
5 use double page of notebooks
6 save food while having meals. \"who knows that every rice is gained from hard work
7 turn off the tap after using
8 turn off the light to save eletricity
9 refuse to use throw-away chopsticks
10 come to know the national key protective animals and herbs

答:1。我认为你应该提高你写作业的速度,当然还要保证质量。我认为上课认真听讲也可以提高你写作业的速度。I think u should increase the efficiency when doing ur homework, but make sure of its high quality, of course. Being attentive in class is also a effective way to achieve that goal.2...

答:1.The house is on fire,people inside are in dager of death.2.The idea sounds a little strange,but it really makes sense.3.John looks like a good guy,even so, I don't trust him.4.If he talks about the past, you will never get away from him.5.The rate of ...

答:12.上个星期,他们在公园里玩的很高兴 They (have) a (happy) (time)in the park (last)Sunday 13.有两个儿子,1个10岁,1个15岁 He (has) two sons. (One) is ten,(another) (one) is fifteen (years)(old)14.他只是个12岁的孩子 He's only a (twelve)-(year)-(old) boy ...

答:are you in a hurry, Sir?20.我给你打了几次电话,但是没人接。I called him several times, but got no answers.21.我从中国打来的(电话)。This is from China.22.你需要确认一下我的票吗?Do you need to check my ticket?手工翻译。保证正确简单。都是平时自己常用的!笑纳!

英译几个单词非常简单却有一定难度的句子,一定要用语感翻译哦,英语爱 ...
答:three weeks. So you will never find him.3.放心吧,三星期前,我已经学会了处理这些复杂的事情,我已经不是过去的我了。Don' worry, I have got the way to deal with these complex stuffs, I am no longer the one I was.句子中我用了几种不同的表达方式,你可以自己参照着使用。

答:1.工具在哪里?where is the tool 2.工具在张三那里.it is at zhangsan 3.好像有问题,但我不知道怎么处理.你来看看!maybe something is wrong,I don't know how to deal with it ,please to see 4.张三在一楼zangsan on the first floor 5.张三在楼下\楼上 zang downstair/upstair 6.工具...

答:1. I have 4 years of smaller companies operating in China's experience, there is a certain degree of market analysis. I can communicate and business partners to gain the initiative and guide each other down my mind consider.2. Insist that I can make one thing very durable and ...

答:This dish tasts great!2、他变得越来越有礼貌了 He becomes more & more politely!3、他看起来很年轻 He looks so young!4、我今天感到很疲惫 I feel a little (bit) tied.5、听比读难 Listening is harder than reading.或者It's easier reading than listening.简单就好,翻译其实可以千变万化...

答:13.他们看到一个男人在跑步 They saw a man run.14.鲁迅是李芳最喜爱的作家 Luxun is the favorite writer of Lifang.15.我喜欢能跟着跳舞和跟着唱的音乐 I like the music with which I can dance and sing.16.他更喜欢能写歌的歌手 He prefers singers who can write songs.17.这音乐让我...

答:1. 同大多数人一样,我从小所受的教育使我认为生命是一个不断索取的过程。直到三十年前我才有了一个重大发现:给予会让生活变得更精彩。2. 飞机是运输食物的最快捷方式。当通过其他途径给人和动物运送食物难以实现时,飞机的作用就表现得尤其明显。3. 他站起来,穿过房间,迅速而猛烈地将门大打开来...


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