

1,2010 cosmetics sales in China reached 140 billion yuan, compared with 2009 growth of 12 to 15%.
2, continued growth in imports of Chinese cosmetics. Beginning in 2004, the average growth rate of 30%, far exceeding GDP growth. Shows that the Chinese cosmetic market prospect is broad.
3, the high rate of female consumers skin care products have been close to 100%, remained stable for three consecutive years.
Female consumers of popular skin care products utilization rate is very high, a slight increase of three consecutive years. That most women use skin care products.
4, in the Chinese market, European and American leading position. In the high-end market, 10 brands accounted for 8 seats in the European and American brands, the other for Japan and Japanese-related brands.
5.30 over the age of high-end women pay more attention to skin care.
30 women over the age of high-end skin care products, high utilization rate of women above 30 years of age.
High-end women 30 years of age, more emphasis on make-up.
6, female cosmetic consumers through magazines and the Internet brand of cosmetics.
It was found that the higher consumption levels, female consumers reading magazines in the intention. Internet also showed similar trends. 简单啦

为什么是新的可口可乐公司又推出第一? 问题出在什么地方?许多分析家指责错误在贫瘠的市场调研。
在20世纪80年代初期,虽然可乐仍然是主要sotf喝酒,这是缓慢而失去的市场份额百事可乐多年来,百事可乐已经成功地启动了“百事的挑战。”和一系列的品位测试表明,消费者更喜欢品尝百事过了分享超市销售百分之二这2%的这个又大又软的饮品市场意味着数百万美元的零售可口可乐必须想办法阻止这一. 解决方案似乎是改变的焦炭的味道。


1.歌伴舞,song and dance(歌舞)dance with song(歌伴舞,注意dance在前,否则就成了舞伴歌),你看自己需要哪种(下同)。
3.诗歌联诵,poems and songs就行。
4.让我们来欣赏,please enjoy...let's enjoy...
5.有请……,please welcome...或now it's ...(for us).


1.歌伴舞,song with dance
3.诗歌联诵,joint reciting of poems
4.让我们来欣赏,let's enjoy
5.有请……,please welcome……

1. Song dancing parter 2. Chorus 3. The poetry association reads aloud 4. Let us appreciate. 5. Invited

答:8、即使你说得是对的,也要考虑一下别人的建议。you should consider other people's advice even if yours are right.9、每次我去拜访他,他总是不在。everytime I drop by he is absent.10、请你在星期五之前完成这份工作好吗?would you please finish this piece of work before Friday?11...

请高手帮我翻译10 个句子,谢谢啦~!
答:8.大学毕业才一年,她就从一个追求梦想的青年变成了一个凡事都无所谓的庸人.It`s within one year that she went from one person who pusured her dream to one person who cared about nothing.9.我已经获准进入那个地区进行采访,这可不是人人都能得到的机会.I had been given the permission t...

答:I will not stop loving you until you no longer love me.

答:2.、A home without love is no more a home than a body without a soul is 没有爱的家就不是家,就像一个人没有了灵魂 not a man 3、Drunken driving is no less than suicide and killing 酒后驾车无异于自杀和谋杀 4、He does not think he is superior to others because his father...

答:3 九莲潭 nine lotus pond 4 天壶瀑布 heaven pot water fall 5 天梯 heaven staircase 6 小西天 little west heaven 7 西莲寺 west lotus temple 8 中莲后静宫 mid lotus peaceful palace 9 东莲 east lotus 10 仙脂峡 fairy water gorge 11 莲花洞 lotus cave 12 群...

答:电脑的发明对科学的进步产生很大的影响(affect)The invention of computer has affected the advancement of science greatly.尽管他已经十八岁了他还是很少意识到与别人交流的重要性(realize)Although he is 18 years old, he seldom realizes the importance of communicating with others.人工翻译 ...

答:/ surgery tomorrow afternoon ( to be honest, I'm a little sacred ). I will take a vacation for one week after the operation / surgery. Please wish me good luck.您好,原文翻译如上供参考,不明白可继续提问。若回答对您有所帮助,请点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮,谢谢。

答:逐句对译如下:My world seemed fine before you came along.在你出现之前,我的世界似乎很好。But then you came,I wanted to be someone better for you.但是后来你来了。为了你,我想变成一个更好的人。Things became more than they were because I started to care.情况变得超乎所料,因为我...

答:有个天使在微笑 When she thought up that I should be with you.当她想到让我跟你在一起的时候 But it's time to face the truth 而面对事实的时候到了 But it's time to face the truth 而面对事实的时候到了 [请楼主下次说明整段翻;英文的语序和中文的大不一样,可以翻得好一点。]...

答:你好,翻译如下:The rise of the Internet to a certain extent, changed the whole community of goods trading. From major domestic enterprises in the 1990s when the rise of the Internet, creating a network to sell the idea.However, on the site enterprises to the credibility of ...


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