

这项研究在华盛顿大学(西雅图校区)洛杉矶加州大学和麻省理工学院已经开展了有些年头了。第一名全职的关于机器翻译的研究人员,Yehoshua Bar-Hillel(人名),于1951年在麻省理工学院上任。一年后,他组织召开了机器翻译会议,在会上明确了未来的研究方向。其中,有人提出研究应该根据 Victor Oswald 和Bar-Hillel(他的范畴语法)研究出的语法进行,还有建议认为所翻译的文档应该根据特定的专用于机器翻译的语言书写,并对进行组建子语言系统开展了讨论。很明显的是,如果没有长期的研究,机器翻译是无法实现的。并且,在准备翻译文档或修改结果的过程(被称为译前编辑/译后编辑)中,人工协助是不可或缺的。很多与会者认为首要任务是证明机器翻译的可行性,于是,1954年1月在治敦大学,Leon Dostert 与IBM合作完成了一个项目,第一次公开展示了一套机器翻译系统:精心选择的49句俄语(只使用了非常有限的250个字母集合,而且只有6种语法结构)被翻译成了英文。尽管只有非常有限的科学价值,这却极大的激发了美国人对机器翻译研究的投资,并鼓舞了世界各地(特别是在苏联)的机器翻译项目的启动。

译者注:MT=Machine Translation,机器翻译,即软件翻译(如一楼的做法),已经研究数年,但目前还远远达不到预期的效果(从一楼的答案你也能看的出来)。

i'm so sorry,but i'm really love you. you are the best for me,in my heart you are no.1,i can't lose you.i must say to you ,i'm sorry for you to give you some troubles because my fault.if you can acept me again,i will let you happy,sweet and no tear.dear,believe me!

This paper in the luxury of defining the basic concept under the premise of its existing basic characteristics: high-quality, high prices, high technology, personalized, the scarcity of culture, the times, and in accordance with three criteria The classification of a luxury, luxury consumption in China has revealed the main problems in the performance of immature consumer psychology, consumer behavior is not rational, consumer culture instability, such as consumer imperfect system, should be further raised from establishing a correct concept of consumption To promote rational consumer behavior, a stable consumer culture, establish a sound system and other consumer perspective to guide the luxury of spending more rational.

This paper in the luxury of defining the basic concept under the premise of its existing basic characteristics: high-quality, high prices, high technology, personalized, the scarcity of culture, the times, and in accordance with three criteria The classification of a luxury, luxury consumption in China has revealed the main problems in the performance of immature consumer psychology, consumer behavior is not rational, consumer culture instability, such as consumer imperfect system, should be further raised from establishing a correct concept of consumption To promote rational consumer behavior, a stable consumer culture, establish a sound system and other consumer perspective to guide the luxury of spending more rational.

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答:他们做种树,建造横跨穿过森林河流的桥等等保护环境的工作。在Linited州的一个小镇里,很多女孩子清理了她们11公里长的河岸。年轻人可能通过一个名为“没有人会改变我们的世界”的专集听说了环境保护。这份专集是由披头士乐队,Cliff Richerd和其他歌手创作的。有专集销售所地的钱将会用来帮助那些保护动物。



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