

蓝牙耳机已寄出,顺丰快递追踪号码是: XXX.
The bluetooth headset / earphone has been sent, for which the tracking number of the SF Express is XXX.

bluetooth headset / earphone - 蓝牙耳机(前者是戴在头上的耳机、后者是塞在耳朵的耳麦)
tracking number - 快递追踪号码
SF Express - 顺丰快递


what is the meaning of this setence?
what is the meaning? 简说

New technology is developing everyday ,changing the ways we live and think.Better communication and transportation make us a global economy.As a result,in every house,there are products from all over the world. People begin to realize its importance, and govenments pay a lot of attention to it.It's the main motive force to cause society to develop.However,technology bring us many advantages as well as disadvantages
.When used for military purposes or by evil
people ,it will result in terrible disasters.
So it's important to make the best of it properly.

用英语怎么说 这句话用英语怎么说?
答:what's the English for this?What's this in English?How to say it in English?

答:翻译如下:非常抱歉,由于我们工作上的疏忽大意给您的审稿工作带来了麻烦。按照您的要求,我们已经对回复信和文章做了相应更改。I'm sorry to say that the carelessness in our work has brought trouble to your reviewing work.According to your request, we have made the corresponding change to ...

答:翻译 这个有啥用啊?要看你是什么意思。有“这个如何用”的含义:What is this used for?What is this for?有“这个有用吗?” 的含义:Is this of any use?Is this any good?希望帮到了你,若满意请点击“选为满意答案”及时采纳,谢谢。

答:We need your help. (need是动词)We are in need of your help. (need是名词)比如:Deeds are better than words when people are in need of help.当有人需要救助的时候,行动胜于言语。

答:可以有很多种说法,简单点就good job.或者详细点的you did well on...就是 你在...事情上做的很好。

这句话用英语怎么说? 翻译成 英文
答:How to say this sentence in English?

答:How to speak this sentence in English?

答:What are you doing here? 是最常见的、中性的、比较正宗的询问方式,不像汉语里,如果想用这句话表达反感、不欢迎等态度只需加重语气即可,英语如果想表达不耐烦、不欢迎、惊讶等情感,最好加上上下语境。举例:What do you come here for?你来这儿干什么?你来这里有什么事?2.He stared and ...

答:我觉得不能直接翻译,我大概猜出你要邀请一个外国朋友吃饭,这句话可以这样说——Remember me? I'm your Chinese friend;I'd like to ask you for dinner. What time is convenient for you?

“这句话英语怎么说?” 如何用英语提问这句话
答:1. How can you put this in English? 比较英式的表达方法 2. How can you express this in English? (非直译, 但是表达的是“ 这句话如何用英语表达)3. How do you descript this in English? (同上)4. How do you say it in English? 比较非正式的口语表达 ...


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