
~ 百塔寺位于终南山北麓长安区王庄乡天子峪口,始建于唐,是三阶教祖庭圣地,也是人类历史上无可替代的文化遗产。数千年的历史中几经波折,现在仅存一进式院落。
Tower temple is located in the north of the Changan District Zhongnan Mountain King Township yukou, was built in Tang Dynasty, is the three in order to ancestral shrine, human history is irreplaceable cultural heritage. Thousands of years of twists and turns, now only one into a courtyard.
This paper firstly introduces the three order to teach Zuting tower temple, the Buddhist temple Zuting value, then through the environment analysis temple Zuting, summarized the status of temple architecture and investigate the causes of failure. Then focus on the three order protection teach tower temple and the tourism development and protection of construction project.

答:So i am gonna introduce a series of fiction to you guys, its my favorite fiction which i have read during this vacation.这套小说就是御我的《玄日狩》。this fiction was 玄日狩 by 御我 这套小说一共5本,主题分别是Protection、Friendship、Humanity、Study和Love there has five books in...

答:你好!这是我从网上找的翻译,望采纳!Tower temple is located in the north of the Changan District Zhongnan Mountain King Township yukou, was built in Tang Dynasty, is the three in order to ancestral shrine, human history is irreplaceable cultural heritage 。Thousands of years of twi...

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答:Time can bring everything away,however I want to tell you donn't be so impulsive,nothing is impossible unless you have not paid out endeavors. Don't say that you will never talk about love affairs for you impulse,many people will treat you kindly. Let everything go naturally ...

答:I am so happy that you come today ,and very glad to meet you .you are a nice boy ,cute,enthusiastic and you are really good at singing .希望我们能成为好朋友吧。到下周一的时候,我希望你来的时候还能在我们这一组。would you like to be my friend ? In the next week ,I ...

答:Hello, everyone.My name is**.Nice to meet you.I'm 13 years old and come from**. Now, I’m in no.4 middle school.I am an ordinary girl and I am very happy everyday.I usually go to school on foot, because the school is near to my house.I’m interested in many ...

答:青蛙笑了,说:“朋友,我天天坐在井里,一抬头就看见天。我不会弄错的。”Frog laughed and said: "My friends, I sat in the well every day, I looked up to see the day. I am not deceived."小鸟也笑了,说:“朋友,你是弄错了。不相信,你跳出井口来看一看吧。” Bird smiled ...

答:by in silence 木马依旧旋转,Our merry-go-round remains rotating 故事还在继续。While our story is gonna resume 孩童们的歌谣,The kids' ballads 洒落一地烟雨。have dropped down, along with the misty rain 我喜欢你 my love for you 是我独家的记忆。should be my exclusive memory....

答:For almost four years I have had a remarkable friend whose imagination illuminates mine 我有一个有着卓越想象力的朋友已经四年了,她想象力深深地影响了我 we write long letters in which we often discover our strangest selves .我们经常写很长的信,这些信通常都关于发现自己的与众不同的...


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