

Hold you tightly and cry on your shoulder

楼上的翻译有明显的语法错误 and前后必须连接相同结构,你前面是句子 后面是什么?

It is you for whose life-long safety i pray to God
倒装么= =我都写了那么复杂了肯定哪里倒装了吧【很自信】
那个因为我不敢乱加。因为你肯定前面还有句子。你怎么不把整句放上来啊。英语里不可能有一句句子是以因为开头而不用所以结尾的。。。我给你写了也是fragments 片断句。句法是不正确的
但如果你不强求的话就加个because 好了

想念思念用 miss 比较好
I spend all my time in missing you.
我的时间都在用来想念你(all my time可以译成我所有的时间也可以译成我的一生)

I have been thinking of you all the time. / I have been thinking of you all the way.

All my time is spent in thinking about you.

I keep thinking about you all the time.

my time is for missing you。

All of my time is used to miss you.

答:求英文帝翻译句子 你好:翻译为:This is a page of the newspaper is devoted to local news (devote to) they believe that it is necessary to their websites from daily news provides in-depth reporting (v.+it+a.+to v.) although television and radio can deliver news faster, but...

答:6. 丰富我们的学校生活 to enrich our school lives 7. 无法用语言表达 cannot express in words 8. 命令某人做某事 to order/command/direct sb. to do sth.9. 掌握了很好的历史知识 to master history knowledge well 10. 某物原产于某地 sth. originated from sw.翻译句子 11. 我们应该逐渐...

答:1 "Table 3-1: The National "Eleventh Five Year" Plan and the recycling economy model project related to the venous industry"2.“表3-2静脉产业类生态工业园区资源循环与利用指标”2 "Table 3-2: The resource recycling and utilization indicators of the venous industry ecosystem industrial...

答:Be quiet! He hasn’t finished speaking. 安静! 他并没有说完 Our teacher encourages us to speak English whenever there’s a chance. 我们的老师鼓励我们只要一有机会就说英文 Making history in my family is yet another important thing I hope to gain from my college education.成为我家...

答:1 some of the requirements of high also cannot satisfy 2 all nationalities, fusion, create the brilliant Chinese culture and civilization.3 HuangShanSong various forms, beautiful, have tenacious vitality and impressive 4 in huangshan, you can enjoy the beauty of all, it's charm lies ...

跪求英语帝帮我翻译下面的句子 谢绝英语翻译器
答:Reading can improve your pronounciation .2.听音乐是一种极好的放松方式(means,relaxation)Music-listening is a very great way of relexation .3.集硬币可以增加我们生活的乐趣(add to)Coin-collecting can add joy to our life .4.什么东西赚钱,这家工厂就生产什么(make money)This factory...

答:1.More people than even before are participating the election for city council.(参加市议会竞选).2.She's a former ambassador to the U.S. (驻美大使).3.They are very chary with their good reputation. (爱惜自己的好名声).4.The organizers are hoping to arose youngster's interest....

高分跪求英语帝 翻译几个很简单的句子 感激不尽 在线等
答:my best wishes for everybody here, wish you all will make progress each day in the coming year, and be always happy!!! Thank you 小弟还是小妹啊?看你这要求确实对你的学习有很大帮助,就是要敢于在公开场合大声发表你的英语演讲,这样你进步就快了。哥哥用美国英语写的。看看吧 ...

答:1.Have you been to the Shanghai Expo?2.What do you think of the Shanghai Expo?3.Are you planning to go there?4.Where have you been to in China?5.Which places in China appeal to you?6.Do you like fish?7.Do you like Chinese food?8.What is your favorite food?9.Do...

答:(achieve)If you don't work hard while you're young, you will not achieve anything in your whole life.10.别忘了你的诺言,每天锻炼半小时。(promise)Don't forget your promise to exercise half an hour every day.希望对您的理解能提供一些帮助,别忘了采纳哦 。。。


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