

或, 810-16*50=810-800=10(克)

3.don't know
4.doesn't talk
6.don't believe
8.doesn't eat

一、had better后面必须跟动词原形。

  had better后跟动词原形(即不带to的不定式),构成had better do sth.句型。


  You'd better go to hospital at once.你最好立即去医院看病。

  Tom, you'd better go there today.汤姆,你最好今天去那儿。

  二、主语不论是第几人称,句子不论是什么时态,都要用had better的形式。如:

  Now you(he,we) had better listen to the teacher.你(他,我们)现在最好听老师讲。

  三、had better可用于的时态。

  1.had better用于指现在。如:

  Now you had better listen to the radio.你现在最好听收音机。

  You had better be quiet.你最好安静一些。

  2.had better用于指将来。如:

  You had better start tomorrow.你最好明天动身。

  We had better buy the more expensive one. It will last much longer and so it will be cheaper in the end.我们最好还是买贵些的,它更经久耐用,所以到头来,它还是更便宜些。

  3.had better用于进行式,表示讲话人提出建议时,动作正在进行。如:

  We had better be watching the TV play.我们最好现在就看到电视剧。

  We had better be starting back now.我们最好现在就动身回去。

  4.had better + have + V-ed可表示"本该做而没有做的事"。如:

  You had better have done it .如果你把那件事办妥就好了。(但实际上你没有那样做)

  You had better have stayed with us .要是当时你和我们呆在一起多好啊。(实际上没有)

  四、had better的否定式。如:

  常用的否定形式是将否定副词not直接放在had better的后面。如:

  You had better not miss the last bus.你最好不要错过末班公共汽车。

  You had better not leave for Nanjing the day after tomorrow.你最好后天不要动身去南京。

  注意:否定副词not绝不能放在had的后面。如:不能说:You hadn't better go.而应该说:You had better not go.

  五、had better的疑问式。

  had better通常不以普通疑问句的形式出现。但有时用于否定疑问句,常用Hadn't+主语+better...?结构,作为一种劝告形式,比肯定形式的语气更婉转一些。如:

  Hadn't you better take an umbrella?你不认为该带一把伞吗?

  Hadn't you better ask him first?你不认为该先问问他吗?

  六、had better在反意疑问句中。

  在反意疑问句中,疑问部分一般用"had+主语?",但有时可用"will you?"表示一种请求或建议。如:

  You'd better not go out today, had you? 今天你最好不要外出,好吗?

  I must stay at home this afternoon. You had better come to my house, will you?今天下午我必须留在家里,你最好来我家,好吗?


  Better not do it .最好别做那事。

  Better not wait for them.最好不要等他们。

  八、had better的被动式。

  You had better do it.->It had better be done.

  You had better have done it.->It had better have been done.

  九、had better在间接引语中的用法。

  在直接引语变为间接引语的过程中,had better同第一人称或第三人称连用时,保持不变;had better同第二人称连用时,可以保持不变,也可用advise+宾语+不定式(宾补)来表示。如:

  He said, "Ann had better hurry."->He said (that) Ann had better hurry.

  He said, " I had better hurry."->He said (that) he had better hurry.

  He said to me," You had better hurry." ->He said (that) I had better hurry.->He advised me to hurry.

  十、had better在表示对别人劝告、建议时,不宜用于与陌生人、长辈及上级的交谈中。

  对长辈说话时,最好不用had better。比较有礼貌的说法是:It might be better for you...;

  It would be better for you...。如:

  It might be better for you to help me,Grandpa.爷爷,您最好能帮我一下。

D 吧应该,D是被动句,手机和修之间是被修的关系。

A have做使动词。使某事被做,所以说 have sth done

A. have it repaired
have sth done: 让某事被做...
如果选B, 则为get sth done


答案是A,have 是使役动词,have后面直接动词的过去分词,表示被动。get 接名词后应该用原形,make,let也是一样的

请问这几道英语选择题该怎么做,帮我简要分析下 谢谢~~
答:1.D 询问店员某本书是否有趣,是否,if 2.B 不知道她什么时候来,这个选项最合常理,其实个人觉得c和d也不怎么错,就是不大合常 情,中国人的思维和老外还是有一定差距的。。。3.C 什么时候交作业,一般疑问后接特殊疑问,特殊疑问句的句式和一般情况有所不用,应该是 主语+情态动词,而...

答:第一题,有have证明是现在完成时,所以用see的过去分词,即填seen 第二题,there be 接一般进行时 表现在的状态,他们在听收音机,所以是listening 第三题says后面是接间接引语,由于主句是一般现在是,所以后面填has repaired 4.由于有明确的过去的时间,yesterday,所以是一般过去时,填left 5,。因为...

答:Excue me, How to do the question?

答:the way做先行词是非常特殊的,一般情况下,做从句状语的引导词都是关系副词 或 介词+关系代词,(上面第2题所述),所以这里in which首先正确。其次,the way做先行词,引导词可以用that,也可以把引导词省略。所以就有了三个答案,三个都是正确的。这个特殊情况你记住就好了。其他做从句状语的先行...

这道题怎么做 英语
答:探究案 1. 翻译:我每天刷三次牙。 tooth意为“牙齿”;复数形式:teeth;刷牙:brush one’s teeth teeth 2. 翻译:养成好习惯,提示自我! develop a good habit 意为“养成一个好习惯”;同义词:form a good habit to develop a good diet habit 3. 翻译:我仍然不是经常整理床铺,但是我...

答:12.这里的NOT代表的是某物的名称是专有名词,就像你的名字要有大写一样 13.是太多的意思 14.what是作什么,如果画线提问什么就用这个,例如what are you dong ,你在做什么 我想你肯定是初中生吧你很好学,有问题要多问才会进步,以后多问问同学老师比较好,会讲的比较仔细!

答:1.As a public relations officer, he is said __to have known_ some very influential people.it's said that 句型改写成sb is said to do/ have done sth.如果不定式动作先于主句谓语is said发生,则用不定式完成式 这道题先后顺序不太好确定,如果不论先后,应该A答案也可以 2. Government ...

答:第九题选C。as for为固定搭配,意思是至于,关于 第十题选A。当别人赞美的时候,应该用thank you来表示感谢。第十一题选A。常识问题。人们用鼻子闻。第十二题选C。如果你牙疼,应该去看牙医。第十三题选C吧。。这个不确定,因为最后一个单词yin不认识,是不是打错了。按照我的理解,是不是说我们...


答:1.Have you given up smoking?2.The teacher told them no to make so much noise.3.He didn't know what to buy for her.4.Mr. Wang asked Lin Tao where did he live in Zhengzhou.5.I want to know the time when the train leaves.6."Is it your bike or Tom's?" She asked...


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