
国庆节计划 英语作文~

Today is National Day on Oct.1st,2011, we have 7-day holiday, I just made a call to home but mom still didn't get home, I asked mother to try to call her to confirm her position right now in order to be convenient for taking fetch by my father in 6-cross roadmouth. New house has been finished nearly. Dad decided to resume working in Houzai Glass factory just for 350yuan monthly even actually I don't want him to work back. there are 7 days holiday I will take for Chinese National Day. But maybe I need on duty every day. I will come back to Dongguan today.

十月一日 10点,阅兵式准时开始了,一对训练有素的军人走着标准的正步出现在天安门,伴随着慷慨激昂的乐队奏鸣曲,走过了群众的视线,也升起了那红的耀眼的五星红旗.十点15分,胡锦涛主席站在轿车上开始向检阅部队问好,那一个个高大魁梧的解放军战士像一杆杆标枪直挺挺地立在那里,散发一种不知名的硬气质,等待着主席的问候,等待着人民的检阅。可是这却让我觉得这不像是受检阅的,倒是像是在战场上整装待发的军人——中国军人!而主席也微笑着向这百万雄狮致敬和问候。

My National Day
National Day of 2011 is coming. On the early morning of the 1st day, I had my breakfast quickly with my family, then went shopping outside with my several friends.
We bought a lot of goods, such as some food, some toys and so on, so everyone was very happy. From joozone_com.
After lunch, I would go to the park and play badminton with my young brother, but we went back and did our homework because the wind was very heavy outside. Oh, this is my National Day.

Today is National Day.We have no classes. In the morning, I went to the People's Park with my mother.We had a good time. In the afternoon, I helped my parents to cook supper.I had a busy day today.

答:100字 你想知道关于我的国庆节假日计划吗?让我告诉你吧 在第一天我去看望了外婆 我的外婆对我很好知道我要来给我买了许多好吃的 在第二天和第三天我做我的作业 那是非常难的 在以后的四天里我的父母决定带我去北京度假 我有一个好的假期 所以我很快乐 这就是关于我的国庆节假日 你能告诉我...

答:国庆节要到了,我已经定了一个计划,我和我的父母去北京,因为那有很多名胜古迹。首先我们要去长城 ,它被认为是世界七大奇观之一。第二我们要参观颐和园,许多帝王避暑的地方。然后我们去水立方,很多重大的体育比赛都在那举行。最后我们要去参观胡同 去了解一下老北京的文化。我想这次旅行一定很有趣,...

英语作文咋写 关于我的国庆假期计划
答:we also took many photos on the party. We played very happy. I also watched lots of carton films at home, they were wonderful. I like the holiday. I like my National Day.我有一个很长的假期为国庆节。我很高兴,因为我能做任何我想做的事。在那些日子里。我过得很愉快。起初,我...

国庆节计划 英语作文
答:Today is National Day on Oct.1st,2011, we have 7-day holiday, I just made a call to home but mom still didn't get home, I asked mother to try to call her to confirm her position right now in order to be convenient for taking fetch by my father in 6-cross roadmouth....

答:Hubei I plan to visit Beijing for vacation.There are many places of interest in Beijing,such as the Great Wall ,Tian'anmen Square,ect.I'm going to Beijing by plane.It's very fast.I plan to stay in Beijing for five days.国庆计划 国庆节马上就要到了。你会怎样度过这七天假日呢...

英语作文 书面表达。 国庆节就要来了,谈谈你的假期计划。
答:so I think five days spent in Luoyang is a good choice.Of course, the last two days can adjust the side write homework.I think this is a perfect holiday plan!【楼主这样可以么?不可以的话我会改的!求粉嗷嗷!!】【还是把翻译也写上吧:我的国庆节假期计划 国庆节的七天长假让我...

用be going to 句型写一篇关于国庆节打算和计划的英文作文
答:National Day is comming.I have some plans in National Day.On the first day,I am going to finish my homework.The next day,I am going to the park with my parents.And we are going to have lunch in the park.And the...

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答:I search the Internet to see the travel raiders and I have known where the most attracting place is and where to live in. I am sure it will be a wonderful journey. There are only several days for the coming trip, but I have been too excited to wait.随着国庆节的到来,我...


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