
~ It was getting dark we did not go home early

答:我该回家了的 It's time for me to go home 注:home 英 [həʊm] 美 [hoʊm].n. 家; 家庭; 家庭生活; 终点;adj. 家庭的; 家用的; 本地的; 本部的;adv. 在家; 在家乡; 深深地; 深入地;[例句]Last night they stayed at home and watched TV.昨晚他们呆在了...

答:回家的英文:go home:回家 短语 Bear go home 小熊回家 ; 胖熊回家 ; 带小熊回家 Go Home often 常回家看看 例句:Let's go home—it's getting late.咱们回家吧,时间不早了。come home:回家 短语:Come Home Love 爱·回家 ; 爱.回家 ; 回家 Lassie Come Home 灵犬莱西 ; 灵犬莱茜 ...

答:天黑了 it is getting dark 天黑了,一轮巨大的月亮把道路照得通明,周围的景物可以看得一清二楚。It was dark and a giant moon lit the road so brightly you could see the landscapeclearly

天黑了,小男孩你该回家了 用英语怎么说
答:it's getting dark,little boy you have to go home.

答:回家的英文单词go home。home 读音:英 [həʊm];美 [hoʊm]n. 家,住宅;产地;家乡;避难所 adv. 在家,回家;深入地 adj. 国内的,家庭的;有效的 vt. 归巢,回家 n. (Home)人名;(德、芬)霍梅;(英、尼)霍姆 短语 Home directory [计] 主目录 ; 输入此用户的主...

虽然天黑了,但我坚持要回家 英语翻译
答:Even though it is dark, I still insist to go home.

答:晚上了,我们一起回家 At night, we go home together.晚上了,我们一起回家 At night, we go home together.

答:太晚了我必须回家了英文It's too late that I must go home.

麻烦翻译5个英文短句 追加5分/句
答:(1)I think we should head home now,before it is gets to dark。我想在天黑之前我们现在应该直接回家;(2)The price of the dishwasher includes free home delivery and installation。自动洗碗机的价格中包含免费的送货上门和安装;(3)The interior of the hotel has' been extensively ...

答:直到天黑了她才意识到该回家了She didn't realize she should go home until it was dark


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