


PS: 这个意思表达得有点混乱啊。到底是只做朋友还是想深度发展呢?英文写得很不掉。




Dear Jenny

I am so sorry that I told a lie that day. Actually, I have the microphone. But I dare not speak with you. You know, my English is very poor. My prononciation is not standard, even worse, I know little about tone when speaking. Please forgive me.

I'd like to speak with you very much. It can improve my English. But i need some days to prepare,namely,to master some essential words and expressions. I hope that you can help me learn English well. In this way, we can talk over more topics. If I make grammatical mistakes, please point them out for me so that I rectify them.

I think we can help each other. If you want, I can teacher you Chinese.

Best wish + Take care

Yours sincerely


dear jenny.
i am so sorry that i told a lie. actually, i have a microphone, but i still dare not say anything. you know, my english is very poor, my pronauncation is not so accurate and i cannot grasp my mood. please forgive me.
i want to communicate with you and improve my english listening. so i need some days to make preparation and learn some essential sentence. i hope that you would like to help me with my english and then we can discuss more. if i have some solecism, please remind me, and i can correct them.
i think we can help each other. if you want, i would like to teach you Chinese.
see you.

dear jenny
I am very sorry, I to your lie .In fact I have the microphone, but I dare not speak still.You know, my English is very bad of, the pronunciation prohibits, even aming not I tone.Ask you to understand.
I want to follow your dialogue very much, and can also increases my English hear the dint.So I need several days work well the preparation, controling some necessary language sentence.Hoping you can help I learn English, like this we can discuss more matters.If my phrasing uses mistake, please remind certainly me, in order to I correct.
I think that we can help each other of, if you would like to, I can teach you Chinese language.
see you

Dear Jenny
I am so sorry that I have told a lie that day.
Because I had microphone that day but I can't say.You know that my English si so poor and my spokenEnglish is not good,too. So I am so sorry.
In fact, I want to talk to you very much..It can help me improve my listening English.So I must prepare for some knowlege these days.
Wish you can help my English thus we can talk more.Please tell me if there were some mistakes in my grammar.
I think we can help eachother.I can teach you Chinese if you can.
Best wishes


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答:much.Best wishes for you and your work.Yours sincerely,因为原信有些地方不太通顺,所以翻译的时候我稍微更改了一下,还有几处我适当地作了添加和删减,请对照一下,如果接受的话,在最后井号那儿添上你的名字即可,信封等等的填写方式可以在网上找到,如有疑问可以再找我。祝你好运!加油吧!

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