

Dear Mr/Ms...,

How's your business going these days? Hope everything is fine on your side!

We are now making our production schedule. After studied the sales records, we found you used to place order in April and May every year. How about this year? If you have decided to order some items, please let us know. This way we could arrange production for you earlier.

Hope we can work tightly together to go through the current Financial Crisis. Any questions, just feel free to let us know.


At present the most important thing is to let the customer receiving the goods in time. We will deal with every thing if the shipping company has any thing requiring us to do. As regards the issues occured this time we will have negotiation with the customer in the Fair and find a perfect solution

This is the FORM-E for the goods of XXX containers. Please confirm and reply ASAP.

Please send me the sample of FORM-E for the goods of XXX containers.

Which contaniner needs FORM-E, please send me the sample of FORM-E ASAP.

This is the B/L for the goods of XXX containers. Please confirm and reply ASAP.

Are these goods ready for containers? Please reply ASAP.

1. This is the from-E of XXX container, please reply me after your confirmation as soon as possible.
2. Please send me the Form-E'ssample list of XXX container to me.
3. Which container need to do as the Form-E, please send me the Form-E'ssample list as soon as possible.
4. This is the bill of lading of the XXX container, please confirm it, and reply me as soon as possible.
5. Whether these goods could be loaded? Please reply me as soon as possible.

1.This is the FORM-E of container***, please let me know after confirm.
2.Please send me the copy of FORM-E of container***.
3.Please send me the copy of FORM-E of the container which needs FORM-E.
4.This is the B/L of container***, please confirm and reply ASAP.
5.These goods are ready to load? Please reply ASAP.

1、 this is XXX cabinet FORM-E, after please confirm replies
2 、 the trouble as soon as possible issues XXX cabinet FORM-E type announcement I.
3、 which cabinet has to make FORM-E, issues as soon as possible the FORE-E type announcement I.
4、this is XXX cabinet bill of lading, please confirm, replies as soon as possible.
5、 these goods may install the cabinet? Please as soon as possible reply.

1. This is the from-E of XXX container, please reply me after your confirmation as soon as possible.
2. Please send me the Form-E'ssample list of XXX container to me.
3. Which container need to do as the Form-E, please send me the Form-E'ssample list as soon as possible.

5. Whether these goods could be loaded? Please reply me as soon as possible.

答:The goods already? If you send out the goods today, after 6 days to air transport to our local, we in the customs offices for handling the formalities of customs clearance is usually eight working days. Plus we October 1 to October 7, 7 days holiday, our goods in the ...

答:16 我和朋友共进午餐的时候,我问她那日理万机的繁忙日程怎么样了。她说她为自己制定了一套严格的新规则——每周至少调减三项任务——她在练习做个懒鬼。她发誓不再同时处理多项任务,而是尝试统一处理。尽管她承认这非常困难。然后她邀请我午饭后一起去花园中心。17 It would have been fun, I ...

答:This film is about the current queen Elizabeth ii's father, king George vi in the treatment of stuttering story, according to the British history is a true story.As the duke of york, George is the second in line to the throne, father, king George v, elder brother is the ...

答:Choose your access to the coin:1: Mail transaction (the Post gold coins directly to your designated ID)2: auction transactions (to the auction house auction your items, we have to buy)The name of the item (the specific name):Auction items ID:The price of the auction items:

答:all pass the CET4 and CET6 next term.I feel so pretty that I have a chance to enter the class, I’m so happy to know every one of you. That’s my greatest luck. Thank you very much.注:我只是一名初中生,但我的英语实力还是比同龄人强一些。以上是我个人翻译的结果。

答:1)We are not live to eat, but eat to live.2)He may come back soon, but I'm not sure 3)A cat can also see in the dark.4) This knife cut very well.5) The earth likes to move around the sun.3)我好不容易才找到这本书。4)中国的门户网站减速 1)A good medicine ...

答:right here ,right now ,just forget about all the above 但就在这里,就在此刻,把那些都忘了。Because I have a better plan---Dance with me ?因为我有更好的计划——-和我共舞?第一段有一句好像拼错了 应该是 admiration 赞美、羡慕、赞赏 都是自己翻译的,一定对、、希望采纳、、...

答:Giacomo Puccini=吉亚卡摩·普契尼 Inspiration is an awakening, a quickening of all men's faculities and it is manifested in all high artistic achievement.中文翻译:灵感是人类所有才华的的一种觉醒和再现并在很高的艺术成就中展现出来.(1)inspiration英 [ˌɪnspəˈre&#...

下面有几个句子 英语好的人麻烦帮我翻译一下!
答:你认为一个人要做什么才能成为一个幸福的人?(to be a happy person)What is your opinion on how to be a happy person?自从她去年离开上海去重新过她的农村生活后,我的心里一直很失落。(a void finds its way into ...)Eversince she left Shanghai for her life in the village, a ...

答:取代 “Lee”,视乎你个人喜好而定)这个拼写方法一般用来做身份证、上学、出生证等等正式用途。但是要注意如果只是为了方便到港后的称谓,最好还是使用原来 的名字写法,因为到时登记了之后如果没有身份证明文件相符(例如变成香港学籍名字但是与国内证件名字不符),那就会给自己造成麻烦。希望帮到你。


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