

是否 冥冥之中 注定你我 没有结果
isn't so we are destined to have no ending
为何还要 飞蛾扑火
then why i am still seeking my own doom
是被情所困 是为爱蹉跎
is this because of i am being trapped in love or I'm willing to waste my time for love
am i a fool ,am i doing right or wrong

也许 缘分注定 你我只能 擦肩而过
perhaps we are destined to cross by each other
but why i will feel the sadness
看花谢花开 看潮起潮落
like the flower, blossom and fade, like the wave,sometimes in flood but sometimes in ebb
i am feeling the vicissitudes in life

the past were gone with the wind but i am still floating in the past
i try to runaway but i suffering too at the same time
the time pass like a dream and i am drowning in my dreamland
i didn't left anything more but memories

曾经 恩恩爱爱 卿卿我我
we were close and intimate before
如今 孤孤单单 只剩寂寞
so far, i only left with loneliness
什么 缘分已尽 想一个人过
Our fate is end and i just want to be with myself
难道 这就是你给的承诺
it this the promise you gave me

画心Don't put your lost soul guessing is the color of your pupil a gust of wind, a dream, love is as unpredictable as life what is confusing your heart you disappeared in the dark peach out to see what the results I looked at you with eyes like the moonlight lonely let you in the arms of other people happy love with you as hard to touch the heart drawing you out of your bones, remember your face I wait for you you are my endless song see through your lost soul guessing is the color of your pupil a wind like a dream love is as mysterious as life your heart what is confusing you disappeared in the dark peach out to see what the results I looked at you with eyes than the moonlight lonely let you happy in others love you as hard to touch the heart drawing you out of your bones, remember your face I wait for you you are I love ... You disappeared in the dark peach out to see what the results I looked at you with eyes than the moonlight lonely let you happy in others love you as hard to touch the heart drawing you out of your Skeletal remember your face is to wait for you my heart is beating because of you ... La la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la ... La la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la ... La la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la .. ...
羞答答的玫瑰静悄悄地开The Shy Rose Blossom SilentlySlowly blooming passion she left for meThe hands of spring reads herI am secretly thinking should gently pick it offThe Shy Rose Blossom SilentlySlowly burning the feelings she does not recognizeThe hand is testing her waitingI was hesitant to gently pick it off---How can I accept your loveNever love would be love into sorrowHow can I held you in my armsThe more I love, the worseThe Shy Rose Blossom SilentlySlowly blooming at the same time at the same time.Love hand caressing her waitingI am secretly regret has not put her gently pickThe Shy Rose Blossom SilentlySlowly blooming passion she left for meThe hands of spring reads herI am secretly thinking should gently pick it offThe Shy Rose Blossom SilentlySlowly burning the feelings she does not recognizeThe hand is testing her waitingI was hesitant to gently pick it off---How can I accept your loveNever love would be love into sorrowHow can I held you in my armsThe more I love, the worseThe Shy Rose Blossom SilentlySlowly blooming at the same time at the same time.Love hand caressing her waitingI am secretly regret has not put her gently pickLove hand caressing her waitingI am secretly regret has not put her gently pick

February snow like a farewell when we passed this street saying your facial cold, so you must tear Baiseqingrenjie said Wing how far have not gone screen love is a catastrophe of the destruction of my first broken the world Late Spring Rose others provide laughs sweet Peter and I find a last-hand we have one pair of snow in February under the sad night, I did not sleep a person's winter conditions are singing more embarrassment February snow in the windows obscuring the view shed tears the moment I miss you but not the language

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答:求caxa画电路图教程,好心的人帮帮忙 你好。你如果已经安装了这个软体。开启软体,在软体的帮助里就可以看到教程。和使用方法。我用过的。就是这样学习的。希望对你有帮助 求一首歌的歌名!哪位好心人帮帮忙! 当你离开的时候:蔡健雅] 听错了吧。百度貌似没有带“嘿GIRL、”的 各位好心的人,请...

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