

[the games of this life] 此生之嬉戏
When my eyes met your eyes again. 当眉目传情之时
The time stood still for a moment. 此刻已持续多时
I realized what I had to realize. 意识到该意识的
I laughed at the games of this life.微笑着此生中的嬉戏
It is interesting that you are with me again.感叹再次同你相伴多趣事
It is interesting that you are thinking of come back.感叹你考虑归返之事多趣事
You are telling me the things that I already told you when you were leaving.当离开时你却诉我那 我已诉你的内容
You were saying that this love is in vane.但却在诉说着爱已到尽头
And you live only once.但曾经你却单身过
You were talking about it all the time.一直都在诉说着
Now what can stop you from crying.此刻却不知如何令你泪可止
You were saying that he is much better than me.诉说着他比我好得多
and he is a winner if he loses.不管得失,他仍是赢家
You hung out with him now tell me who he has hooked up with.

He didn't know how to show you the love.但他却不知如何向你示爱
Just wanted to interrogate you.只不过质问你是否听到
I had made you with love.我以爱织成的一片天
How could he break you.但不知他如何把你击倒
He promised you heaven on earth.他向天对你而发誓
He didn't keep not even one of his promises.但却从未履行过所谓誓言
He took you over me in one piece.但他却将毫发无损的你带回我身旁
returned you with a broken heart.以破碎之心令你归返

I hold your loneliness.我把握住了你的寂寞
and will solve your problems.发誓定将把你难题噶掉
I will hold your hands again.再次因握住你手
and die for you.而欣喜若狂着
With a heart which is worried about you.带着一颗充满担忧之心
take you to the top again.带你再次走进爱之最高境界
So the one who wanted you to cry.所以,那个曾想令你哭的人
regret the things that done to you.也忏悔着对你做过的事。


网上购物的过程消费者通过购买产品或服务在互联网上。一个网上商店,网上商店,网上商店,网上购物,网际网络收音机, webstore ,网上商店或虚拟商店使人的身体比喻购买产品或服务在一个砖块和迫击炮的零售商或在购物mall.The的隐喻网上目录也用来,类比邮购。所有类型的商店零售网站,包括那些不也有物理店面和纸张catalogs.Online购物是一种用于电子商务企业对企业( B2B )和企业对消费者( B2C ) transactions.The的“网际网络收音机”亦指营业地在网络开发,虚拟主机和其他类型的网络有关的活动举行(网址是指万维网和“商店”的含义有一个口语用来描述一个地方的占领进行) 。


自90年代初以来,网上购物已成为到每一个角落的生命,把人民的文化和资本主义在日常频繁的方式。它可以让我们购买我们想要什么,如果我们想在我们的方便,并帮助我们想象自己购买,拥有,并取得积极成果的货物可有在网上公布。购物方式已经确定自己在今天的文化,我们购买和我们如何使用我们的采购。网上购物一直是中东,以高档次的商品,因为其第一次到达在互联网上的社会。 1990年,伯纳斯李创造了万维网Browser.Charles栈建立了第一个网上书店,图书史德无限(又名Books.com )于1992年,前两年开始Amazon.Other杰夫贝佐斯进展发生在1994年这样的如网上银行,在这之后,下一个大的发展是开放的在线比萨饼店的必胜客。在同一年,网景公司推出SSL加密,使加密的数据传输网络已经成为不可或缺的网上购物。 1995年,亚马逊扩大了网上购物,并于1996年,易趣开辟了网上购物以及。

这种想法,网上购物之前,万维网有早期实验涉及的实时交易处理从国内电视。该技术的基础上,可视图文,首次证明了迈克尔奥尔德里奇谁在1979年设计和安装系统在英国,包括特易购首次试验系统于1984年。 [ 4 ] 。第一的B2B是在1981年汤姆逊休息。

三分之一的人认为网上购物使用搜索引擎来寻找需要的东西和大约四分之一的人找到网站的口碑。 [ 7 ] 。口耳相传已增加作为一个主要方式,人们发现从购物网站。网上购物时有良好的第一次经验,某些网站上百分之六十的时间,他们将返回该网站购买更多。




一旦某种产品被发现网站上的卖家,大部分在线零售商使用的购物车软件,让消费者积累多个项目和调整的数量,类比填补物理或篮子购物车在一个传统的商店。 “结帐”的过程如下(持续的物理存储类推) ,在付款和交货的信息收集,如有必要。一些商店让消费者申请永久在线帐户,使部分或所有这些信息只需要输入一次。消费者经常收到一封电子邮件确认一旦交易完成。不太复杂商店可以依靠消费者电话或电子邮件的订单(尽管信用卡号码不接受电子邮件,出于安全原因) 。

一些网站将不允许国际信用卡和帐单地址和送货地址必须在同一国家中,网站没有业务。其他网站允许用户从任何地方的任何地方发送礼物。金融交易的一部分,可能是实时处理(例如,让消费者知道他们的信用卡被拒收,然后注销) ,或以后可能会做的一部分,实现进程。

虽然信用卡是目前最流行的支付手段,网上商品和服务,其他在线支付将占到26 %的电子商务量到2009年,根据塞伦提。


1. XXX is a global, non profit organization aiming at improving the entrepreneurial ability.
2. XXX has created a forum for informal communication among businessmen.
3. Respect for the religious, moral and political differences.
4. Conscientious in the performance of its duties with its own ideology system guding action.
5.XXX tries best to achieve its stated goals with practical acts and abides by its own value system.
6. Be of increasing importance in the world economic activity, especially among the WTO and other multilateral international organizations.
7. Guidance of a new research project in Asia cooperating with other research teams from RIIA.
8. Sucessful experience in related fileds plus skillful management.
9. Priority to the one with good command of Mandarin or in close touch with the relevant institutions in China.
10. Ffieldwork may be carried out in China while the focus of the work is to promote cooperation between CIS, RIIA and the Chinese organizations.
11. One year of office term from Oct. 2002 to Oct. 2003, annual salary of 30000-40000 USD.

1. XXX is a global and nonprofit institutions, aims to promote entrepreneurs capability is improved.

2. XXX created a entrepreneurs informal exchange of ideas BBS.

3. Respect religious, ethical and political differences

4. Earnestly perform their duties and formed its own theme thought system in order to guide action.

5. XXX efforts to their words to achieve their goals, and abide by their own value system.

6. The world economic activity in China increasingly important role, especially in the world trade organization and other international multilateral organizations in the role.

7. Guiding a new Asia research projects and other research cooperation projects RIIA development the project.

8. Have relevant successful experience in the research field and can have management skills.

9. Understand mandarin is preferred, and relevant Chinese institutions have a solid contact are preferred.

10. Estimates this post will involve on-site work in China, the key is to promote RIIA CIS, effective cooperation with Chinese institutions.

11. Its tenure for one year, October 2002 to October 2003. - $40,000 to $30,000 annual salary.

我只会一个 哈哈 太专业的话了 不太懂
xxxis an international and non-profit institution,aiming at improving the entrepreneurs' ability

1. XXX is a global and nonprofit institutions, aims to promote entrepreneurs capability is improved.
2. XXX created a entrepreneurs informal exchange of ideas BBS.
3. Respect religious, ethical and political differences
4. Earnestly perform their duties and formed its own theme thought system in order to guide action.
5. XXX efforts to their words to achieve their goals, and abide by their own value system.
6. The world economic activity in China increasingly important role, especially in the world trade organization and other international multilateral organizations in the role.
7. Guiding a new Asia research projects and other research cooperation projects RIIA development the project.
8. Have relevant successful experience in the research field and can have management skills.
9. Understand mandarin is preferred, and relevant Chinese institutions have a solid contact are preferred.
10. Estimates this post will involve on-site work in China, the key is to promote RIIA CIS, effective cooperation with Chinese institutions.
11. Its tenure for one year, October 2002 to October 2003. - $40,000 to $30,000 annual salary.


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