
~ Do not speak to me .

Don't talk to me

Don't talk to me.

Don't talk to me.

Don't talk to me

答:都他妈不要跟我说话 I don't fucking talk to me.———您好,用心、细心为您答疑解惑;如果本题还有什么不明白可以追问,如果满意请记得采纳;如果有其他问题请采纳本题后,请指向我的图像点击向我求助!答题不易,请谅解,谢谢。———祝您生活愉快!

答:Don't you want to talk to me?

答:If you don't want to speak to me,Please don't beat around the bush/Just speak it out.beat around the bush不直截了当地说;旁敲侧击

你不配和我说话 用英语怎么说
答:你不配和我说话 You don't deserve talk with me

你不要跟我说鸟语 我听不懂。 英语怎么说
答:Don't speak bird language to me ,I can't understand


她再也不会和我说话了 用英文怎么说?
答:she will never talk to me again.如果想加强语气的话,结尾还可以加一句“never ever”在英语口语中经常用到。

既然你不想和我说话 那我也没什么好说的了 英文怎么说
答:Now that you don't want to talk with me, I have got nothing to say either.麻烦采纳,谢谢!

抽纸 的英文是什么?要求一个单词。 不要跟我说是 tissue,这个是指的...
答:paper extraction

“我还以为你不喜欢和我聊天呢” 用英语怎么说?
答:I supposed you didn't like to chat with me.虽然thought语法上也对,但既然是英语肯定也要求语感对嘛,suppose本来意思就和think一样,但更好


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