
求大神帮写一篇大学英语作文,题目是my dream job,字数150以上,限今晚,谢绝复制粘贴~

My dream job

Everytime I am asked what I want to do in the future. I think a minute and say being a doctor is my dream job. Doctor is an other kind of artist who does human art by fighting with diseases and making people feel good. I think it is a pleasure to try my best to bring happiness to others. It is a feeling of pride and I am fond of it. In modern life, a mass of people work day and night to seek wealth and as a result they ignore their health. It is known that strong body is a foundation of beatific life. I dreamed to be an excellent doctor who can help them have a right to enjoy life again. Curing people is a doctor's holy responsibility. Being a doctor is my dream job, now I should study hard to gain more knowledge to reach my goal.

题目:More Work Done by Machine
Nowadays, more and more machines are produced to replace workers in manufacturing industries. This phenomenon becomes very common and will bring about many benefits as well as disadvantages for humans. On one hand, workers do not have to do heavy work as machines can help them to finish such work. This also protects workers' safety because machines can do many dangerous work for workers. On the other hand, workers many face unemployment. Since machines can replace workers to do their jobs, there is an decreasing demand for workers. Although people who control those machines are still required, they have to be highly skilled and to understand how to control machines. This will put those lowly skilled workers at risk as they may not find jobs and hence stuck in the poverty cycle. In my opinion, it is still necessary to use machines because they are more efficient than humans. To solve the problem of unemployment, we can have training programmes to update workers' skills so that they can be highly skilled. In conclusion, more work should be done by machines. (正好180字)

My View on Delaying Retirement Age
Recently,the policy of delaying retirement age has stirred up a huge uproar,drawing attention from all sectors of the community.
Indeed,whether to delay retirement or not is closely related to everyone's vital interests.Because in China,with a average life expectancy of 75,this policy mean you might probably not have the chance to get back old-age insurance premiums you have paid when you are young,not to mention interest.What a trap!
Look at the policies they have made:"One-child policy is good,you will get a pension for free when you are old" was once their slogan,so we obeyed,then they said," birth control limits are good,government will help you when you are old",lies went on.Today,finally,they blow their cover of hypocracy,not only force us to pay for that,but eat out our money.They are bloodsucking parasites.
They say it's a major policy decision of our country,but whom does this country really belong to?civil servants?I can't imagine in a domestic country,a policy can be carried out without the permission of most of its population.
So,we are just slaves,I don't deserve to have any view on any policy in this bullshit country.



My View on Delaying Retirement Age
Recently,the policy of delaying retirement age has stirred up a huge uproar,drawing attention from all sectors of the community.
Indeed,whether to delay retirement or not is closely related to everyone's vital interests.Because in China,with a average life expectancy of 75,this policy mean you might probably not have the chance to get back old-age insurance premiums you have paid when you are young,not to mention interest.What a trap!
Look at the policies they have made:"One-child policy is good,you will get a pension for free when you are old" was once their slogan,so we obeyed,then they said," birth control limits are good,government will help you when you are old",lies went on.Today,finally,they blow their cover of hypocracy,not only force us to pay for that,but eat out our money.They are bloodsucking parasites.
They say it's a major policy decision of our country,but whom does this country really belong to?civil servants?I can't imagine in a domestic country,a policy can be carried out without the permission of most of its population.
So,we are just slaves,I don't deserve to have any view on any policy in this bullshit country.

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