
~ 在网上搜索研究了一下,没有很多提到service flag的中文译文的,有说“军事服务旗帜”的,但明显也不对。wikipedia上对service flag是这样解释的:
A service flag or service banner in the United States is an official banner that family members of service members can display.[1] The flag or banner is defined as a white field with a red border, with a blue star for each family member serving in the Armed Forces of the United States during any period of war or hostilities in which the Armed Forces of the United States are engaged. A gold star (with a blue edge) represents a family member that died during service, without specifying cause of death. The deceased might have been killed in action, or died due to unrelated causes.[2]
A service flag approved by the Secretary of Defense may be displayed in a window of the place of residence of individuals who are members of the immediate family of an individual serving in the Armed Forces of the United States during any period of war or hostilities in which the Armed Forces of the United States are engaged



These Blue Star Banners, known as service flags, are used to honor a family member who is a member of the U.S. military during a time of war.



答:We are going to Brunei for business. The local langauge is Malay. Can you recommend one English-Maraly bilingual colleague of you to help us out? Your help is much appreicated!.

答:xiao zhang cannot help us until the end of august. and it's very difficult to get a visa to south korea(韩国是南朝鲜,不能就让它把被朝鲜都一下子收了). it takes a long time.

答:I will let you know the specific agenda later.我稍后会告诉你具体的日程。

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答:4. Should a gold star replace the blue, it would indicate that a family member has made the ultimate sacrifice for their country.5. Traditionally, these flags are displayed in the family home's window as a testament to their loved one's service. Additionally, businesses and ...


答:XX,I will pay attention to improve it (afterward /later). I will try my best to audit the plants together in an area nearby So that it could save money / save the travle expense.差旅费:travel expense ,其意义就是省钱,所以也可以直接说 save money。两种都可以。原汁原味...

答:We prefer to set the time in March, which is more proper, for some stuff members will still be on vocation for the Spring Festival, and the factory will not be in usual operation.


答:it needs a long time to really and truly eliminate racial discrimination. teachers and parents should educate children since youth to eliminate the concept of race and make them believe that all men are created equal and there is no gentle and simple distinction between them....


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