
~ 随着知识社会的到来,政府管理效能的提升,政府合法性基础的巩固,学习型社会的形成,传统的官僚制模式面临着新的挑战。
With the knowledge society's arrival, the management efficiency of ascension that government legitimacy foundation of the consolidation of the formation of learning society, the traditional bureaucracy model is confronted with new challenges.

Intellectual economy evokes a learning age, learning activities have become the basic human activities.

This needs the government through organizational learning, strengthens the collective innovation and improve the overall level of public management, to establish the new idea of the government of learning type.

Based on the construction of the government of learning type as the research object, combining the learning organization related theory knowledge, comprehensive use of literature research and comparative research of our country wait for a method, on the government of learning type construction thorough study on the basis of the Chinese scholars, see more than about the government of learning type and learning organization's writings, probes into the necessity of construction of the government of learning type, and put forward the construction points.

This paper from the following six aspects:

The first part discuss learning-typed government background, this part elaborates learning-typed government the purpose and significance of the government of learning type, introduces the current research status, which reflects the importance of the construction of the government of learning type, and discusses the necessity, for after wen paper discusses lay the foundation.

The second part introduce the government of learning type summary of this section through expounding the government of learning type, and the definition of the current our country learning-typed government favorable and unfavorable conditions, explicit I learning-typed government faces problems and usable advantages.

The third part discuss the necessity of building the study-oriented government, this section through the explanation learning-typed government is adapted to the contemporary economic and social development the objective requirement of the civil service, is to improve the comprehensive quality of need, is the key to build study-centred society, to reflect learning-typed government's important.

The fourth part discuss five uniting the government of learning type, this section reference learning organization related theory, the learning organization five uniting with the government of learning type unifies, from self-surpass and improve mental models, establish Shared vision, team learning, systematic thinking on introducing the government of learning type.

The fifth part discuss the government of learning type, this part of constructing points from cultivating students' innovative consciousness and build learning atmosphere, develop the member's study force, the study and solve new problems are expounded, and points out that the construction of the government of learning type method.

The sixth part discuss learning-typed government targets, this part elaborates learning-typed government's target is to serve the society, to fulfill the goal to realise the service society is a new management concept, and serving the society needs the government function change.

[关键词] 学习型政府 必要性 五项修炼 构建要点 服务社会
[key words] the government of learning type necessity pentathlon uniting the constructing points to serve the society


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