求使命召唤6全部英文台词 满意答案追加50分奖励


1、Alan was always in trouble with the police when he was young but he’s now a married man.
3、Because his condition’s not serious they’因为他的情况并不严重,他们已经把他的名字写在医院里等待名单中。
4、’s fall from power.
5、When I say my little boy crying bitterly over the death of his pet dog ,my tears.
9、People the old days with good times, and seem to forget the hardship they suffered.
11、Jane’s worried she won’简的担心她不能准时上交她的论文。
12、’s sever social problem.

以it为形式主语的主从复合句:1.他看来不愿意对这件事作出进一步的评论。(seem) It seems that he doesn't want to make further judgement on this matter.2.你喝了那么多咖啡难怪睡不着.(no wonder) It is no wonder you cannot sleep after having that much coffee.3.据估计,飞到火星上来回一趟需要一年半多的时间。(estimate) It is estimated that it takes more than one and a half years to make a round trip to the Mars.4.他碰巧以前做过类似的练习。(happen) It happened that he has done the similar exercise before.5.他真的打算一路乘火车去莫斯科。(true) It is true he planed to go to Moscow all by train.6.一切物质都是由原子构成的,这是众所周知的事实。(fact) It is a well known fact that all the substances are made of atom.7.这种材料能否用在我们工厂仍然是个问题。(question) It is still a question whether this material can be used in our factory.8.已证明他们的建议在一定程度上是合理的。(prove) It has been proved that their suggestion is correct to some degree.9.原来他根本就没出过国,也根本不是华侨。(turn out) It turned out he has never been abroad, don't even mention he is a overseas Chinese.10.下一班火车什么时候去西藏通知了没有?(announce) Is it announced the next train to Tibet?11.新产品销路好不好取决于它的质量.(whether) It is the quality which dicides whether the new good sells well.12.据报道这种野生植物含有丰富的维生素.(It) It is reported that this wild plant is full of vitaman. 主语从句:1.这个教材是否可用于我们的学校还未讨论过.(whether) Whether the book can be used is not discussed by the school.2.使我最感吃惊的是他态度的突然转变.(what) What surprised me is his sudden change attitude. 3.2010年世博会将在上海举行已成定局.(that) That 2010 Expo will be held in Shanghai is settled. 4.所有国家都同意,决不攻击带有红十字标记的任何物体.(whatever) All the country aggreed never attack the subject whatever has a red cross.5.这次计划讲如何执行仍需讨论.(how) How will the plan goes still need to discuss.6.一本书是否畅销取决于诸多因素.(whether) Whether the book sells well depends on several facts.

使命召唤6英文对白 :
Price:This is for the record.History is weitten by the victor.History is filled with liars.If he lives and we die, his truth becomes written-and ours is lost. Shepherd will be a hero. 'Cause all you need to change the world is one good lie and a river of blood. He's about to complete the greatest trick a liar ever played on history. His truth will be the truth. But only if he lives and we die.

Price: They are just around the corner come on. Soap get on the boat.Go!Go!Go!Through that cave. Focus on driving the boat, I'll keep them suppressed! Stay clear of open areas! Soap,dodge that helicopter! We got a chopper on our six! Take evasive maneuvers! Rapids up ahead!It's going to get rough, hang on.
Shephard: Avatar One,gimme a sitrep,over!
UAV Operator: I have Warhorse 5-1 standing by. Pave Low's downriver sir.
Shephard: Copy that! Warhorse 5-1,be advised,we're comin' in hot!
Pave Low Pilot: Roger-dropping the hatch-keep it above 30 knots and watch the vertical clearance.
Price:Soap!Hold it steady!Steady!Steady!Back up back up!
Shephard: Five years ago, I lost 30000 men in the blink of an eye.And the world just fuckin' watched.Tomorrow there will be no shortage of volunteers,no shortage of patriots.I know you understand.
Price: Soap!Soap!It'll hold for now.Come on,get up!I thought I told you this was a one way trip!
Nikolai:looks like it still is...they'll be looking for us you know.
Price: Nikolai,we gotta get Soap outta here.
Nikolai:Da-I know a place.

Contingency 对白
Captain MacTavish: Uplink nearly complete.General Shephard you're online with Captain Price.
Shepherd:Back from the brink, Captain.
Captain Price:"Out of the frying pan"is more like it. This world looks more like hell than the one I just left.
Shepherd:We thought we'd recovered the ACS before the Russians could crack it.We were wrong.Then Makarov turned U.S. into his scapegoat.Next thing you know there's flames everywhere.What's this image you're sending me?
Captain Price;You wanna put out an oil fire, Sir, you set off a bigger explosion right next to it.Sucks away the oxygen.Snuffs the flame.
Shepherd:Price,you been locked away too long.Better get your mind right,son.
Captain Price;Shephard,are you willing to do what is necessary to win?
Captain Price:We got ourselves a pretty big fire.Gonna need a huge bang.
Shepherd:You've been in the gulag too long.Price.Focus on taking out Makarov.
Captain Price:No time,Sir. We need to end this war today.
Shepherd;I'm not asking you, Price.This is an order!You're to...
Captain Price:Looks like we lost our connection.

Captain MacTavish:Price,I can barely see what you are shooting into my satellite feed,too much interference.Do you see him,over.
Captain Price:Roger that Soap.I've found Roach.He appears to be intact.We're going to heard northwest to the sub base,over.
Soap:Copy that.The rest of the team landed near Ghost,pretty far to the east.
Price:Tell them to proceed with the mission,we'll regroup if possible.Roach,follow me and say out ot sight.Contact.Enemy patrol 30 meters to our front.Five men,automatic rifles,frap grenades.One German Shepherd.
Soap:Dogs.I hate dogs.
Captain Price:These Russian dogs are like pussycats compared to the ones in Pripyat.
Soap:It's good to have you back,old man.
Captain Price:Roger that.Let's follow them quietly,and pick off any stragglers.Patience...don't do anything stupid.We'll have to take'em out at the sametime.Convey coming,get out of sight.Let them pass.Two of them have stopped for a smoke.Take one and I'll take out the other.Good.I'm ready.Let's take them all out at once.You take the handler and his dog on the left.Beautiful.Soap,out intel was off.The Russians have mobile SAMs.
Soap:Roger that.
Captain Price:Have to found us some transport?
Soap:I'm working on it.Out.
Captain Price:Incoming!Look out!Follow me!Into the woods!Let's go,let's go!Slow domn.Their vehicles can't follow us this far.Let them pass.Looks like they're searching for us.Dog patrol.Three man patrol dead ahead.Take them out or leave them be.Your call.Nicely done.Large patrol at 12o'clock.Use a suppressed weapon.We'll have to take them out at the same time.Take the two on the right.Well done.We got another dog patrol.Take them out or try to slip past.Your call.Soap,what's the status of out air support,over?
Soap:A UAV loaded with AGMs is en route to your position.
Captain Price:Roger that.This ridge is perfect.Roach,take control of the Predator drone.Bullocks!
Soap:What just happened?
Captain Price:There's a mobile SAM site in the village.It just shot down our Predator.Soap,we need another Predator!Roach,let's go.
Ghost:Stand back!
Captain Price:Roach,they know we're here.You might want to grab a different weapon.
Ghost:Get back!Check your fire!Friendlies coming in at your 12!
Captain Price:Nice work on that SAM site.
Ghost:Thanks,but we better get moving-those explosions are gonna attract a lot of attention.
Captain Price:Contact,9o'clock!Check your fire!Frag out!Soap,we've linked up with Ghost and the rest of the team.
Soap:Roger that.The secong Predator is almost in position.Make it count,these things don't grow on trees.
Captain Price:There's the submarine!Right below that crane!Roach,soften up their defenses with the Predator!Watch for the flashing strobes.That's us.
Soap:That got their attention!The whole base is on alert!You've better hurry.You've only got a couple of minutes before that submarine dives.
Captain Price:We're moving!
Soap:AGM Missile is online.AGM Missile is online.I repeat AGM Missile is online.Good kill.Truck destoryed.Arming AGM.Standby.You're halfway there.AGM Missile is online.
Captain Price:Use a Predator missile on that truck!
Soap:Direct Hit.AGM Missile is online.AGM Missile is online.I repeat AGM Missile is online.Mutiple confirmed kills.Nice work.
Captain Price:I'm going for the sub!Cover me from that guardhouse by the west gate!
Ghost:Roger that!Roach,we have to get to that guardhouse by the west gate to cover Price!Follow me!
Soap:AGM Missile is online.
Captain Price:All right, I'm inside the sub!Cover me,I need a few minutes!
Ghost:Incoming!Two trucks to the east!Contact 12o'clock!More vehicles to the east!Use the UAV!
Soap:Five plus KIAs.Good hit.Good hit.
Ghost:Contact to the north,on the dock next to the sub!Price,are you there?The silo doors are opening on the sub,I repeat,the silo doors are opening on the sub!Price,come in!They're opening the silo doors on the sub!Come on!Hurry!Price,do you copy?The silo doors are open,I repeat,the silo doors are open!
Ghost:What?Wait,wait,Price Nooooo!We have a nuclear missile launch.Missile in the air!Missile in the air!Code Black!Code Black!

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