

人名只能用汉语拼音翻成英语,Qiao Ye

Establish a clearly defined objective. The market changes rapidly, if you can't come up with a long-term plan you would be forced to get out sooner or later. Therefore, in order for small business to expand its capacity, an entrepreneur must precisely define his business goals, thoroughly analyze his position in the industry and how he can guarantee that his operation will sustain in the future. This is not only an assurance for winning against the competition, but a stabilizing factor for his employees.

Emphasize on building a marketing team. Marketing department in a small business is quite often understaffed. The owner himself usually attacks the market right from the beginning, and for quite awhile he'll manage to get customers and orders solely based on his own personal charm and the network he's built up. As competition heats up, business owners will be less available to battle in the line of fire himself, that can't even fully support further development of the business. Unfortunately many small business failed to recognize the importance of marketing, some without even a marketing department. Business can't grow if building a marketing team is neglected.

Stress on human resources management. Human resource has been a very hot topic for corporate management in recent years. At the present time some small business have yet to be keen on training their manpower, even ignore the importance of recruiting. This is quite a mistake, because employee is a very important resource for the business, especially in the rapid developing society of the 21st century. Talented people are the foundation for sustainable growth in any business, thus we must stress on effective management of human resources.



这位 Tom Anderson 有心理阴影(他的同学死了),所以很萎靡。如果他的同学(句中her boy,she是同学的母亲)还在世的话,Tom显然又能做他可以做的人 (the person I might have been):成功的人生,幸福的生活。毕竟心理阴影没了嘛。 这是那位母亲在开导他。






I looked into her eyes and found there a kind of permission to be the person I might have been if her boy had lived.


答:Shoes divided into football shoes and basketball shoes.Thoes clothes include long-sleeved t-shirts, sleeved clothes, football shorts and basketball shorts, which are made in china.The T-shirt contains cotton and polyester.We give 30 percent discount off the price.翻译:AD源于德国,我们...

答:solving the problem. The article puts forward the characteristics and to hand-painted illustration style, expression, skills and modern business illustrations in hand-drawn examples of use in research and analysis, better reflect the use of commercial illustration in hand 希望能帮助到你 ...

答:and, today, they Have passed. Tomorrow, they will be with us head-on collision. Our attitude is that we fear no evil Children!(Toast), I had all of us have met all the bad son, I have a first drink.(Glass of red slip down) I said something.我自己翻译的,呵呵 ...

答:③.用“……也”表示判断 吾令人望其气,皆为龙虎。---我让人观望他的气象,都是龙虎之气。人方为刀俎,我为鱼肉。--- 人家正是剁刀和案板,我们是鱼和肉。④.无标记表示判断 此亡秦之续耳。 ---这是已灭亡的秦朝的后继者罢了。(这是重蹈秦朝灭亡的覆辙)(2)倒装句 ①.宾语前置 今日...

答:这个时候应该怎么办呢?自分が情けなくて、何も出来ないことが悔しくて憎いです 何かアドバイスください。因为自己的一时的感情,什么没有做而后悔,憎恶。请告诉我该怎么劝说。长文すいませんでした 很长的文章不好意思了。本文原文是该有段落时候没段落,该打标点没标点。翻译得累死我了...

答:1 ordinary people have to lose them all the time, they will be treasured by all.2 I have burned the retreat, but there are still coughing and headache.This plant only 3 years of history, products have entered the international market.4 as the antithesis of Health is dead, all...

答:When the network has become a part of life for many people, a brand new television network TV -- in this year's China International Radio, Film and Television Expo some concern. Online TV network, it is simple to use computers through the Internet to watch television programs to...

答:也许是这种情况,在澳门最尊重的女神,阿妈,已经深深地影响了他们的生活和文化以至于参观此处地任何人都不能忽视她。换句话说,没有阿妈地文化,就没有人能称了解澳门。5. Humans are killing the animals. Whether by snare or spear, trap or gun, people are taking a staggering toll on ...

哪个好心人帮我翻译一下这些句子 !!快快!!
答:2. 现在许多人到国外去寻找天气温暖的地方来度过他们假期 3. 滑雪的话,人们经常去阿尔卑斯山 4. 海边的假日是非常受欢迎的 5. 同时, 他们通常在夏天休息两周 6 中国每一个人都喜欢中秋节 7. 月饼的式样有许多种 8.韩梅梅她说最好吃的月饼是广东来的(广式月饼, 文艺翻译)10, 他们好好吃啊 11....

答:急你所急。你的中文很棒!相信为你提供的这段译文也不差,可帮你考上心仪的学校。根据英文习惯,对句子顺序稍作了调整。为你加了开头和结尾。日期是暂时的,你可更改:Dear Sir or Madam,I am xxx from xxxx. I love music, basketball, knowledge, particularly about everything under the sun ...


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