

红毛衣多少钱? 八美元
蓝裙子多少钱? 七美元
白书包多少钱? 九美元
黑裤子多少钱? 十美元
蓝袜子多少钱? 三美元

1 If you want to visit Chengdu, come in July.
2 You can get a glimse of the way people in Chengdu enjoy their live
3 Everybody can find his or her fun, and nobody will leave this city with regret

1.That store doesn'枣咐春t sell a stationery.
2.This set television in three days can make allies.
3.That book I have already return to the library yesterday.
4.Have to wash hands before the rice.
5.The workers the compelled nature'凳耐简友s work make for 12 hours.

1.That shop doesn't sell stationaries.

2.This TV set can be repaired well within 3 days.

3.That book I had returned to library yesterday.

4.You must wash your hands before meals.

5.The workmen are forced to work 12 hours a day.

2.This TVset will be repared within there days
3.I have returned that book yesterday.
4.Hands must be washed before meals.
5.Workers are forced to work 12hours a day.

That store doesn't sell school things.
The TV will be repaired in three days.
I returned the book to the library yesterday.
You must wash your hands before meals.
The workers are made to work for 12 hours every day.

The store never sell stationery.
This TV set will be mended in three days.
I have return the book to the library.
you must Wash your hands before meal.
The workers were threatened to work 12 hours in a day.

答:safe and in good state of repair?12.排水系统是否能够充分排出污水?Is drainage adequate to remove waste water?13. 废水是否定期清除?Is waste cleared away regularly?14. 工人是否能接触到干净的卫生间设施和饮用水?Do workers have access to clean toilet facilities and to potable water?

答:at four o 'clock in the afternoon about our journey, and then driving to the next city. A whole fish feast 在这个岛上有很多娱乐项目,例如划船,射箭等等。我们将另外有一个小时的时间在这个岛上自由活动。大约下午四点钟结束我们的旅程,然后将乘车前往下一个城市。全鱼宴 望采纳!!

答:14他完全有资格对这件事进行评价 He has all the qulifications for the disscussion for the case.15英格兰队没有获得参加下一轮比赛的资格 The England team hasnot got the qualifications to attend the next quater.16我在写作业是你不要讲话,你会让我分心的 Please donot speak when i am...

答:3。由于现代科技,找出更多的有关埋在墓地里人的材料成为可能。(thanks to )Thanks to modern technology, it becomes possible to identify more materials of the buried in the cemetery.4。1929年春天,在现在的南兴市,一个农民正在地里干活,这时他的儿子挖出了一块圆玉。(dig up)In the city...

谢谢大家 谁能帮我翻译翻译这几个马克吐温的句子 谢谢
答:这只狗是个绅士,相对于人类的所谓天堂,我更希望能去他的天堂 Wisdom teaches us that none but birds should go out early, and that not even birds should do it unless they are out of worms 知识教导我们早起的鸟儿有食吃,但并非每只鸟儿都必须这么做,除非它们已经无米下锅 参考资料:...

答:状语从句 1.I'll go on with it when I'm back tomorrow.2.As soon as I got into the room,I heard a cry.3.You can't see him now,since he's not here.4.No matter who ask him for advice,he's ready for help.5.They set out early so as to get there on time.定从...

答:the trend for summer watches this year will be for underwater ready watches 今年夏天手表的流行趋势将是防水表。解释:直接翻译是:今年夏天手表的流行趋势将是为防水手表准备的。they brought out what wil certainly be the next hot style in watches for work 他们带来了工作用表的下一个热点...

答:He was spotted by police by accident boarding a plane for Paris.3. 你曾和你朋友打过赌吗?Have you made a bet with your friends?4. 他对他的愚蠢的行为做出的解释实在是 难以置信。What accounts for his silly behavior is really unbelievable.5。这张照片使我想起了我们共同度过的美好...

答:1.One day my father and I went fishing by the river and we saw the water pollute, we only caught some small fishes.2.Why and who will be polluted? Because poople throw away the waste.3. If the water all over our country is polluted, we cannot live. We won't have ...

谁能帮我翻译一下这几句英文??? 必有重谢!
答:Yes, you can 是的,你能 And more importantly, you can become a millionaire by 40 if you led a ground work in your 20 to do it. 更重要的是, 如果你在20-30这个年龄段打下基础,你就能在40岁前成为百万富翁。You know, when you right at the college, you may have dates, you...


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