
~ 诸葛亮是中国历史上一位伟大的政治家。千百年来对其崇拜、研究的学者大有人在。本文是在借鉴前人的基础上,对诸葛亮的形象以:207-218年诸葛亮受刘备重用屡建奇功;218-223年诸葛亮在刘备称王夷陵之战等问题上与刘备产生分歧;223-234年诸葛亮在蜀汉独掌大权是最活跃的时期,这三个时间段。对诸葛亮的三大形象特征进行了分析——“忠贞”、“智慧”、“刚勇”。

答:第一段翻译如下 From 1930's to the seventies, many event contaminating gravely has appeared consecutively in all the countries in the world , has aroused crowd impatient the consequence being poisoned dying , bringing about is very grave , people is therefore face to face significant ...

谁能帮忙用英文翻译下毕业论文中的摘要、关键词里的所有内容啊,非常感 ...
答:Abstract: The Business English Correspondence is in the business environment, the use of correspondence with clients with different cultural backgrounds to communicate cross-cultural behavior. Business English Correspondence in the style and genre has its particularity, its translation is also ...

答:论文第1章主要介绍系统,ASP动态服务器网页技术及网页设计相关软件的内涵和技术。 Papers Chapter 1 introduces system, ASP active server page technology and web design software content and technology.第2章简单介绍了系统整体设计。Chapter 2 introduced the whole system design.第3章介绍了对本次...

答:Abstract:With the development of the society and the fierce competition of the market,emloyee is playing a more and more important role in the existence and development of enterprise.As a result of the low income of private enterprise and the poor environment of outstanding employee,...

答:摘要 Abstract 随着资本市场的不断完善和企业经营状况的复杂化趋势,企业财务质量的综合分析正越来越受到企业相关信息使用者、政府管理部门和企业自身的关注。财务质量分析是以企业财务报告及相关资料对企业的财务状况,经营成果以及现金流进行的综合质量分析与评价。通过对企业财务年报所提供的会计资料进行综合...


答:摘要:Abstract:随着现代社会经济的发展,经过近十年的发展,我国注册会计师行业从无到有,其地位和作用日益被社会所认识,注册会计师队伍也稳步发展,其服务领域也从单纯的查帐验资逐步发展到会计报表审计,验资、设计会计制度,提供管理咨询、代理纳税申报等各个方面。With the development of modern social ...

答:摘要 the 本文主要介绍营销员对社会以及企业生活中的重要性,以及优秀营销员应该具备的素质。This paper mainly introduces the sale member to the social and the importance of corporate life, and outstanding sale member should have the quality.结合自身体会到的和对营销员的了解描述营销员的地位、...

毕业论文摘要的英文翻译 急急急!!!
答:Construction is characterized by the production of products is fixed, mobility, and mostly open-air, high above the construction environment and poor working conditions, unsafe work factors as changes in the image of the progress of changing the law worse, many hidden dangers. Therefore...

答:About dossier control system reform ponder [Abstract] the dossier is the state institution and the Social organization produces directly about the dossier control system reform's ponder in personnel management, reflected that the personal experience, Germany can twist, the task performance, ...


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