以“我喜欢十二月份”写一篇六年级英语作文 带翻译 急!


以“我喜欢十二月份”写一篇六年级英语作文 带翻译 急!, 帮忙写一篇英语作文 我喜欢旅游 急!

I like to travel, it's really fun. You can go to any places you want, beautiful landscape, clearly blue sky, different cultures and lots more you can met if you go travel. Landscape shape most people's desiry, what I mean is, there are lots of places that they're famous because of the pretty landscape. Cultures are another. You can met different groups of people if you go travel, it's really cool. I like it not only because of these several different reason, I also likes to hang out with my friendsto go together and play around those beautiful places. My dreamis to travel around the whole world, which, well, might not be true, because I have so many other things to do in my life, but I'll try to achieve it. I have read a story about a person named Gorden, who actually went almost all of the places in the world. I kind of like that and admire of him. I like travel, seriously I do. Another reason is that I like adventures. Adventures are cool, it gives you more experiences and, as I mentioned that Gorden, he met lots of difficulties when he went travel. He went to Amazon, which there're so many snakes and aligators. A friend of his actually died in that trip!!! It's sometimes a bad thing for travel, too. Anyway, I just like to travel!! I like to met all those sorts of difficulties (I didn't mean to die!). Mountain biking is also a kind of travel, and that, I dreamed of doing it!!! Mountain biking is so cool!! One sentence at last, I love travelling and trips!

以我的社区为题写一个六年级英语作文 带翻译 急!

My name is Banyang residential munity, I can proudly say that the district is the largestliving area of Zichuan district. Morning, you walk along the road into the area, will see manypeople selling breakfast.
You can walk along the *** all, will see a wholesale cold place, you drink from the wholesaleplace to walk across, will walk into a *** all alley, you walk along the alley, will e to a dollart kindergarten. In the afternoon, there is lively and extraordinary. There is even more beautiful, cobblestone road, spring road, full of flowers, autumn leaves fall to the ground, my mother took me to pick up leaves, we pick up the side, while chatting.
The *** all square dancing, night brilliantly illuminated, playing, playing, bike etc.. There you will see my home, there is a green house in front of the building of grass, where corn,peppers, cabbage, radish, etc..


A happy experience
Once n a mathematic class, the teacher was talking about linear function. It was so hard for me because this was the first time I had acquitained the concept of function. I listened to the teacher carefully, thinking actively with the teacher's pace. However, there were still some parts I did not understand. After class, I rushed to the teacher and asked her what I did not understand before she left. She answered me patiently and praised me for asking questions. I felt so happy.

我喜欢的月份 英语作文 急 各位大哥大姐给我一 我喜欢的月份 英语作文 !111

My favorite moth
My favorite moths are January and early February
As we know,the celebration of Spring Festival may monly last for 7 days,which is higlighted as one of the symbols of traditional chinese culture.It's usually a time beeen late January or early February.Not only in china but in some other Asian countries like Singapore,Indonesia and Korea people also celebrate Spring Festival.Aording to the usual,on the eve of the Spring Festival,a get together banquet is a must,and the most popular food is Dumpling,which is supposed to bring good fortune.People tend to get up early the frist day and visit neibours and relatives. I like Spring Festival,so I like these moths.


春节到了,我家里来了很多亲戚朋友,妈妈准备了一大桌丰盛的菜肴,大家有说有笑。爸爸给每位客人倒好了红酒,我也喝了点。妈妈端上一盘热气腾腾的饺子,我垂涎三尺,立马加了一个往嘴里送,叔叔问:“好吃吗?是什么陷儿的?” 你猜怎么着,我中了个头彩,咬到了夹在饺子里的硬币,成为新年家里的第一个幸运儿!
In the Spring Festival, our family invited many relatives and friends to our house. My Mom prepared a table of delicious meals, everyone was happily chating and laughing. My father served eveyone a cup of wine, even for me. When a plate of Jiaozi was presented by my mother, my mouth was watering. I couldn't help picking up one to my mouth, and what happended next can you guess? It was the one filled with a coin which means bringing lucky. What a luck guy I am!

用英语写一篇"最喜欢的节日"最少五句话 以六年级的水准写,带翻译 急!

;My favorite holiday is Mid-autumn Day. Do you know why? Firstly, it’s day for family gathering. On Mid-autumn Day, families will stay together and eat a big dinner. My families always make very delicious food. After dinner, families will enjoy the beautiful full moon. We often have a good talk and eat moon cakes and fruits. For me, I like moon cakes very much. They are so tasty. Besides, the Mid-autumn Day is in autumn. It’s my favorite season.


Monkey is a type of cute animal.It is often thought as the symbol for flexibility and wisdom.Monkey is good at and likes to climb the tree in forest.


寒假过去了,可我还在回味寒假中的一件趣事——放鞭炮。Winter passed, but I also in the winter vacationaftertaste a funny thing happened - set off firecrackers.放鞭炮是新年的习俗,对我们小孩子来说,在新年是最有趣的事情。Setting off firecrackers is a New Years tradition, to our children speaking, in the New Year is the most interesting thing.正好,我们今年的新年就在外婆家的“爆竹声”中度过的。Well, we this New Year will waipojia firecracker dates.我就去买鞭炮,买好之后,我迫不及待的撕开了装鞭炮的胶袋,不过我看到鞭炮的种类也真不少:冲天炮、轰炸机、地老鼠、降落伞。I will buy firecracker, bought after, I cant wait ripped the plastic bags pack firecrackers, but I see many kinds of firecrackers also true ChongTianBao, bombers and: down, parachutes.最常见的火柴炮和沙炮也有,烟花也有不少。The most mon matches guns and sand cannonalso has, fireworks, there are many.这个寒假玩的真开心啊!This winter holidayplaying really happy!


My favorite day of the Spring Festival, because I like the atmosphere of excitement, there is a warm feeling of family reunion.
My favorite city is Paris, I love the other side of the monuments and elegant atmosphere.
Purple is my favorite color, because it is full of mysterious beauty.
If we let me choose a sport I love, I would choose table tennis, because it's popular.
I love KFC, even if it is unhealthy fast food. But I love it fast and easy.
Speaking of movies, I love that "The Painted" It makes me understand the meaning of love

以“我喜欢十二月份”写一篇六年级英语作文 带翻译 急急急!
答:Travel I like to travel, it's really fun. You can go to any places you want, beautiful landscape, clearly blue sky, different cultures and lots more you can met if you go travel. Landscape shape most ...


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