

本品以西洋参、苦瓜 、枸杞子、葛根、吡啶甲酸铬为主
This product is a healthcare prodcut, it use 西洋参、苦瓜 、枸杞子、葛根、吡啶甲酸铬 as its main raw materials. Simulation experiments prove its healthcare function of decreasing blood suger.

主要原料:西洋参、苦瓜 、枸杞子、葛根、吡啶甲酸铬
Main raw material:西洋参、苦瓜 、枸杞子、葛根、吡啶甲酸铬
Effective contents and amounts:100g/pill, 总皂甙1.11g
Function: to decrease the sugar level.
Suitable For:patients with high blood sugar levels
Not Suitable For:children
Using method/quantity: three times a day, one pill each time.
规 格:450mg/粒×12粒×2板
SPECIFICATION: 450mg/pill, 12pills,2 sets
保 质 期:24个月
Storage period: 24 months
Storage methods: Preserve in cool, dry place in sealed condition, away from sunlight.
Notice:This product can not replace medicine
Supervising unit:Warner Health Prodncts Inc.
开 发 商:上海靖安保健食品有限公司
Developer:Shanghai Jingan Healthcare Food Co.,Ltd
地 址:上海市虹口区临平路333号
Address:No333 Ling Pin Road, Hongkou district Shanghai, China
电 话:021-65090608
Telephone number :021-65090608

English football fans riot has no choice but to use the law to control the situation, but with little effect ", one of many reasons, the British weakness is caused by fans radical main factors.The special geographical environment, historical conditions, cultural traditions formed a peculiarly British industrious and Hardy, firm and persistent, full of energy, very negative self-esteem main practice action character.Usually, the British be scanty of words, don't love entertainment, in the work, the British concentrated, stable work.But the work is too stringent and pragmatic, life too gentrification, the life and work of much norms, especially people of moral ethics constraint and British people be full of go, active personality has a direct conflict, resulting in the British dual personality, on one hand to keep the ideal of chivalry; on the other hand to vent excess energy.Dual personality make the British have a depressed state of mind, it is generally a kind of mood abreacts desire.Football as Britain's traditional sports activities, naturally become the British abreaction important places, especially if they are serious contusion when self-esteem, anger will have revenge mentality, thus the external formation behavior violence."The British Heavy action, so the British illogical", British fans rioted and so it is.The British conceited conservative character in fans riot, also completely unmasked, they are immersed in the team of brilliant history, also dare to face up to the reality.However, no team is powerful, brilliant and decline is often staggered turnover, UK fans too much fascination with history, the brilliant history of easy to make their pride and arrogance of the parochial arrogance fantasy.But the ideal and the reality is always full of contradictions, most British people is embarrassing Britain after almost a century after the decline of the British economy, proud football slip into the trough, the British still cling to what? The values of the lost and confused, emotional depression and depression, the British fans easily impulse, in the course of general discontent to vent, so the British fans riot inadequacy is strange.UK fans were regarded as football in England is one of the major characteristics, but we also should see its deep cultural factors

Lovely Mickey Mouse,naughty Garfield,charmingly naive panda and so many plush toys are not only children's toys in their hands but also more and more of them into people's lives,becoming the nice playmates that make people relaxed and decorate our home.

China is the toy producer and exporter country.However, China's toy manufacturers are stuck in a strong production capacity, but in the cycle of the lack of well-known brands.Producers always indulge in the pursuit of lower production costs, which depressed export prices to get more orders from abroad. It makes the plush toy industry slow down its pace of development in China and there is no innovation to speak of.And some of the existing studies mostly aimed at how to improve the quality of products, how to improve the packaging of the product.

In view of this, a main line in accordance with this article will introduce toy industry in China's export status, analyze the characteristics of the export of plush toys, discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the export and put forward their views and solutions for this, and try to be innovate in theory.

Key words:Plush Toy,Export Status,Solution


Cute Mickey Mouse, Garfield naughty, as well as the giant panda Very cute• • • • • • so many plush toys, not just the hands of the children's toy, it is more and more into people's lives, become relaxed mood, decorate their homes in good playmates.
China is the toy producer and exporter country, but China's toy manufacturers are stuck in a strong production capacity, but the cycle of lack of well-known brands. Producer only indulge in the pursuit of lower production costs, which depressed export prices to get more orders from abroad, it makes the plush toy industry in China's slow pace of development, there is no innovation to speak of. And some of the existing studies, mostly aimed at how to improve the quality of products, how to improve the packaging of the product.
In view of this, a main line in accordance with this article - find, analyze and solve problems - to introduce 11 of China's toy export industry status quo, analysis of the characteristics of the export of plush toys, plush toys to explore the advantages and disadvantages of the export and for this put forward their views and solutions, and strive to be innovative in theory.

Keyword Strategies toy export status 或Preface

Cute Mickey Mouse, Garfield naughty, as well as the giant panda憨态可掬• • • • • • so many plush toys, not just the hands of the children's toy, it is more and more into people's lives, become relaxed mood, decorate their homes in good playmates.

China is the toy producer and exporter country, but China's toy manufacturers are stuck in a strong production capacity, but the cycle of lack of well-known brands. Producer only indulge in the pursuit of lower production costs, which depressed export prices to get more orders from abroad, it makes the plush toy industry in China's slow pace of development, there is no innovation to speak of. And some of the existing studies, mostly aimed at how to improve the quality of products, how to improve the packaging of the product.

In view of this, a main line in accordance with this article - find, analyze and solve problems - to introduce 11 of China's toy export industry status quo, analysis of the characteristics of the export of plush toys, plush toys to explore the advantages and disadvantages of the export and for this put forward their views and solutions, and strive to be innovative in theory


关键字 毛绒玩具 出口现状 对策
Cute Mickey Mouse, Garfield naughty, as well as the giant panda Very cute• • • • • • so many plush toys, not just the hands of the children's toy, it is more and more into people's lives, become relaxed mood, decorate their homes in good playmates.
China is the toy producer and exporter country, but China's toy manufacturers are stuck in a strong production capacity, but the cycle of lack of well-known brands. Producer only indulge in the pursuit of lower production costs, which depressed export prices to get more orders from abroad, it makes the plush toy industry in China's slow pace of development, there is no innovation to speak of. And some of the existing studies, mostly aimed at how to improve the quality of products, how to improve the packaging of the product.
In view of this, a main line in accordance with this article - find, analyze and solve problems - to introduce 11 of China's toy export industry status quo, analysis of the characteristics of the export of plush toys, plush toys to explore the advantages and disadvantages of the export and for this put forward their views and solutions, and strive to be innovative in theory.

Keyword Strategies toy export status

Cute Mickey Mouse, Garfield naughty, as well as the giant panda Very cute• • • • • • so many plush toys, not just the hands of the children's toy, it is more and more into people's lives, become relaxed mood, decorate their homes in good playmates.
China is the toy producer and exporter country, but China's toy manufacturers are stuck in a strong production capacity, but the cycle of lack of well-known brands. Producer only indulge in the pursuit of lower production costs, which depressed export prices to get more orders from abroad, it makes the plush toy industry in China's slow pace of development, there is no innovation to speak of. And some of the existing studies, mostly aimed at how to improve the quality of products, how to improve the packaging of the product.
In view of this, a main line in accordance with this article - find, analyze and solve problems - to introduce 11 of China's toy export industry status quo, analysis of the characteristics of the export of plush toys, plush toys to explore the advantages and disadvantages of the export and for this put forward their views and solutions, and strive to be innovative in theory.

Keyword Strategies toy export status


Cute Mickey Mouse, Garfield naughty, as well as the giant panda憨态可掬• • • • • • so many plush toys, not just the hands of the children's toy, it is more and more into people's lives, become relaxed mood, decorate their homes in good playmates.

China is the toy producer and exporter country, but China's toy manufacturers are stuck in a strong production capacity, but the cycle of lack of well-known brands. Producer only indulge in the pursuit of lower production costs, which depressed export prices to get more orders from abroad, it makes the plush toy industry in China's slow pace of development, there is no innovation to speak of. And some of the existing studies, mostly aimed at how to improve the quality of products, how to improve the packaging of the product.

In view of this, a main line in accordance with this article - find, analyze and solve problems - to introduce 11 of China's toy export industry status quo, analysis of the characteristics of the export of plush toys, plush toys to explore the advantages and disadvantages of the export and for this put forward their views and solutions, and strive to be innovative in theory

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