
英语翻译一句 非常紧急~

动词原形前用TO,together 直接就修饰动词WORK HAND IN HAND 不用再加介词WITH了

1.I am proficient when she already rested。
2.To dusk when the news has spread over global。
3.After school, I discovered that I fell the book at home 。
4.After he walks, I found that to believe。
5. We to the movie theater late, the movie already started 。
6.We discovered that some people have broken mine window 。
7.Soon I realized oneself commit serious wrong 。
8.I have not gone, because I had looked at this movie。
9.He examined after all information, believed that own choice are right 。
10. waited for me to finish eating the food, the news already developed 。
11. when I hear mother is called my time, I know me to rest .
12. he said that he had already bought book .
13. he telephones, I already finished the work.

一般紧急:General emergency
非常紧急:Very urgent


答:Please do give me the scanned document today and send top urgent via DHL at the same time. Soon Dorris is to deal with the British and German visas, so the Korean ones shoule be delivered to the Embassy by February 1.注:do 在此无意义,起加强语气的作用,“务必,一定”...

非常紧急需要寻求专业翻译 中翻英 拜托了 !!! 以下句子急需要翻成英文...
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答:choice are right 。10. waited for me to finish eating the food, the news already developed 。11. when I hear mother is called my time, I know me to rest .12. he said that he had already bought book .13. he telephones, I already finished the work.参考资料:雅虎翻译 ...

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