
~ 1. 我的普通话已通过国家一级乙等 (意思达到即可)
2. 孩子就像一张白纸,你在上面画什么,他就是什么
1. I had passed through the Mandarin B at the national level (which means you can reach)

2. The children like a piece of blank paper, what are you painting above, he is what

1.I have been through country-level Mandarin B.
2.White as a child, what are you painting above, he is what.
翻译的还可以吧 呵呵 我对我的答案很自信。。。谢谢。。。 我英语过八级了 你可以参考下

1.I have passed the national level Mandarin B.
2.Blank as a child, he is just like what you are painting above.

1 I had passed National Mandarin Test of One Grade B Level

2 Children like a piece of blank paper.He is like what you are painting on the paper

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