

5.does want,6.would 1.would like

the kitchen(厨房): a kettle(水壶),a teapot 茶壶, a refrigerator冰箱,cups茶杯,an electric cooker 电饭煲,dishes碟子,taps阀门,spoons勺子,plates盘子,knives刀子,forks叉子

the living room(客厅):a television电视,armchair扶手椅

the bedroom(卧室):a wardrobe(衣柜),books书,bookscase书柜,clothes衣服,beds床,a dresstable梳妆台


Yesterday afternoon while  i  was preparing dinner and my son Billy was playing with his wagon, the doorbell  rang.....I put everything down and rushed to answer it. I opened the door and found a delivery man standing in my doorway.



在 听 写 的 过 程 中 , 记 录 声 音 符 号 这 一 步 ( t h i s s t e p ) 就 是 那 一 点 点 。 如
果 不 记 录 , 你 永 远 不 知 道 这 个 单 词 这 个 短 语 ( e x p r e s s i o n ) 作 用 在 你 的
耳 朵 里 是 什 么 声 音 。 同 样 的 词 作 用 在 不 同 的 ( d i f f e r e n t ) 人 耳 朵 里 , 声
音符号(symbol)是 不 同 的 。



In the zoo

It is Sunday today.
We had no lessons,so I went to the zoo in our city with Lilei on Bus No.408 .
(We had no lessons,so I took Bus No 408 with Lilei to the zoo in our city).
In the zoo,we saw many animals,such as tigers,lions,elephants and monkeys.
The monkeys were eating bananas and they were so lovely.
Soon,it was time for lunch and we came back home.
We had a good time in the zoo today!


In the Zoo
There is no class today,so i go to the zoo with LiLei by No.408 bus.There are so many animals in the zoo,such as tigers,lions,elephants and monkeys.A monkey is eating bananas,it is very cute.Soon,it's time to eat lunch,so we go back home together.It is really a pleasant day!

答:“这道题怎么做” 也就是 “如何解答这道题” ,可以翻译为 How can this problem be solved? 或 How do you find a solution (or an answer) to this problem?

这道题怎么做 翻译成英语
答:How to answer/explain/do this question?

答:Excue me, How to do the question?


答:这道题其实就是让你写把单词记在以上5个地方的优缺点啊 第一个可以写优点“It is convenient to mark them on the book”,缺点“There are too many words that it is hard to find an accurate word quickly”第二个优点“It is clear to write down the meaning of each word”缺点“The ...

答:回答:你如果喜欢就写Yes,不喜欢就写No。(3)What's in your pencil box? 意思是:你的铅笔盒里有什么?回答:看看你的铅笔盒里有什么,把英文写上去。提示:橡皮:eraser,尺子:ruler,铅笔:pencil,钢笔:pen。(4)Who's your English teacher? 意思是:你的英语老师是谁?回答:把你的...

答:一般外国人都是说,我不会这道题,可以帮帮我吗?I don't know how to work out this question. Can you help me?work out是解决的意思。最后记得和他说声Thank you!采纳我,给我点赞


答:请采纳,谢谢!!!1题, run 改成running He was spotted running away from the scene of the crime.他被目击正逃离犯罪现场。be spotted doing sth 被看见正在做某事 2题 去掉it The first thing we should do now is to find a local guide.我们现在首先应该做的事是找到 一名当地导游。

答:Tom, you'd better go there today.汤姆,你最好今天去那儿。二、主语不论是第几人称,句子不论是什么时态,都要用had better的形式。如:Now you(he,we) had better listen to the teacher.你(他,我们)现在最好听老师讲。三、had better可用于的时态。1.had better用于指现在。如:Now you...


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