

Tsingtao 是邮政式拼音,和北京大学(Peking University)的 Peking 一样。(清华大学的 Tsinghua 虽然不是邮政式拼音规定的现成地名,但也遵循了邮政式拼音的规则。)也有说来自法国远东学院拼音(EFEO system)。
依据 EFEO,标准格式为 Ts'ingtao,省去送气符号「'」后与邮政式拼音一致。所以这两种拉丁化方案在「青岛」这个词上没什么区别。但不管怎么样,这不是随手音译的结果。另外,Tsingtao 不是威妥玛拼音。把 Tsingtao 当成威妥玛拼音是很常见的误解。威妥玛拼音的「青岛」写作 Ch'ingtao 或 Chingtao(省去送气符号)。

青啤的品牌历史悠久,在国际上的影响力比较大,可是“帆很大,船很小”。1998年,公司制定了“大名牌”发展战略,开始进行大规模的并购扩张。青啤的战略重点从“做大做强”转为“做强做大”,从扩张转向整合。青啤品牌在世界品牌价值实验室(World Brand Value Lab)编制的2012年度《中国品牌500强》,品牌价值已达631.68亿元。青岛啤酒2013年品牌价值正式发布:805.85亿元,升值28%,连续十年居啤酒行业首位。
参考资料:青岛啤酒 百度百科


This summer, the King met the best example of Qingdao beer ... ...

Tsingtao Brewery from China has the longest history of beer production plant as early as 1906, in Munich has won the International Gold Award-winning Fair, then it is winning again and again, keep good reputation.

Such a good beer also comes from relatively high-quality raw materials; Qingdao beer is brewed by Barley 2. 2 barley full particles, usually a fine wrinkles oatmeal, barley, this has relatively more content and less of oatmeal. Oatmeal is less relevant material polyphenol and less bitter substances, the barley extract content is relatively high; can be seen, barley 2 system is very suitable for wheat and brewing beer. In addition, together with that from ancient times, there are mountains of the Chinese name "Laoshan" spring water, the perfect spring clean, clear and sweet. The two go hand, making a king with winds of Qingdao beer.

Tsingtao Brewery century German brewing heritage to technology, 48 days and 8 hours of brewing fermentation, so that the beer in the beer into full bubble, bubble so meticulous, supple texture, and as a result of brewing beer in general than many of the growth, the number of drink Caused by excessive alcohol, such as a hangover headache, and other phenomena are more difficult to place in the Tsingtao Brewery.

Qingdao Beer on the run, the quality of life of the enterprise, in order to ensure the freshness of beer, and equipment for the production environment has very strict requirements and to ensure that in three cans of law in the production process, completely sterile control, so that The peace of mind you drink, drink more fun!

Do not machine translation, the professionals come in to help the next busy to answer additional reward for good

This summer, the King met the best example of Qingdao beer ... ...
Tsingtao Brewery from China has the longest history of beer production plant as early as 1906, in Munich has won the International Gold Award-winning Fair, then it is winning again and again, keep good reputation.
Such a good beer also comes from relatively high-quality raw materials; Qingdao beer is brewed by Barley 2. 2 barley full particles, usually a fine wrinkles oatmeal, barley, this has relatively more content and less of oatmeal. Oatmeal is less relevant material polyphenol and less bitter substances, the barley extract content is relatively high; can be seen, barley 2 system is very suitable for wheat and brewing beer. In addition, together with that from ancient times, there are mountains of the Chinese name "Laoshan" spring water, the perfect spring clean, clear and sweet. The two go hand, making a king with winds of Qingdao beer.
Tsingtao Brewery century German brewing heritage to technology, 48 days and 8 hours of brewing fermentation, so that the beer in the beer into full bubble, bubble so meticulous, supple texture, and as a result of brewing beer in general than many of the growth, the number of drink Caused by excessive alcohol, such as a hangover headache, and other phenomena are more difficult to place in the Tsingtao Brewery.
Qingdao Beer on the run, the quality of life of the enterprise, in order to ensure the freshness of beer, and equipment for the production environment has very strict requirements and to ensure that in three cans of law in the production process, completely sterile control, so that The peace of mind you drink, drink more fun!

this summer,run into royal qingdao master-beer
qingdao beer is made by the most historical beer plant in china,in 1906,ie munich international expo it was awarded gold prize,since then,it has been awarded constantly,winning a acclaimed reputation.
such a excellent beer is relatively base from superior material; it is made from erdiao wheat.erdiao wheat has a nature of round grain,usually thin skin and exquisite wrinkle,therefore this kind of wheat contain comparatively more content,less skin of wheat.

Xia, met the King's style of Qingdao Beer Need ... ...
Tsingtao Brewery from China has the longest history of beer production plant as early as 1906, in Munich has won the International Gold Award-winning Fair, then it is winning again and again, keep good reputation.
Such a good beer also comes from relatively high-quality raw materials; Qingdao beer is brewed by Barley 2. 2 barley full particles, usually a fine wrinkles oatmeal, barley, this has relatively more content and less of oatmeal. Oatmeal is less relevant material polyphenol and less bitter substances, the barley extract content is relatively high; can be seen, barley 2 system is very suitable for wheat and brewing beer. In addition, together with that from ancient times, there are mountains of the Chinese name "Laoshan" spring water, the perfect spring clean, clear and sweet. The two go hand, making a king with winds of Qingdao beer.
Tsingtao Brewery century German brewing heritage to technology, 48 days and 8 hours of brewing fermentation, so that the beer in the beer into full bubble, bubble so meticulous, supple texture, and as a result of brewing beer in general than many of the growth, the number of drink Caused by excessive alcohol, such as a hangover headache, and other phenomena are more difficult to place in the Tsingtao Brewery.
Qingdao Beer on the run, the quality of life of the enterprise, in order to ensure the freshness of beer, and equipment for the production environment has very strict requirements and to ensure that in three cans of law in the production process, completely sterile control, so that The peace of mind you drink, drink more fun!
Do not machine translation, the professionals come in to help the next busy to answer additional reward for good

答:青岛啤酒博物馆 Qingdao Beer Museum Qingdao Beer Museum has become a domestic industrial tourism jewel.青岛啤酒博物馆已成为国内工业旅游的一颗璀璨的明珠.The informative Beer Museum displays the history of development ...

答:来杯啤酒。I'll have a beer.我要啤酒。Broach a keg of beer.打开一个啤酒桶 Is there any beer going?有没有啤酒?We have Qingdao Beer, Blue Ribbon Beer, Shengli Beer, and Zhujiang Beer.我们有青岛啤酒、...

答:青岛啤酒的英文是TSINGTAO的原因如下:Tsingtao 是邮政式拼音,和北京大学(Peking University)的 Peking 一样。(清华大学的 Tsinghua 虽然不是邮政式拼音规定的现成地名,但也遵循了邮政式拼音的规则。)也有说来自法国远东学院...

答:在青岛啤酒节的宣传单上见过这个词 Non-alcoholic Beer 无醇啤酒 -- 所谓无醇啤酒,通常认为酒精含量在0.5%(m/m)以下的啤酒。其即有普通啤酒的色泽、香味和泡沫等典型特征,又有多饮不醉的特点,符合当今社会的保健...

英语在线翻译青岛是一座美丽的现代化城市,它以青岛啤酒而出名_百度知 ...
答:Qingdao is a beautiful modernized city,being famous with Qindao beer.


青岛啤酒一定要翻译成Tsingtao beer 吗?Qingdao beer行吗?
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