
请高手帮忙把论文 中文摘要翻译成英文~

Job satisfaction is always organization managers and employees of common interest, and also is an important topic of long-term research organization behavior is an important content. Understanding of 3 armour hospital doctor job satisfaction and related factors to improve hospital management level and guarantee of doctors and patients with mental health is very important.
In this paper the research and expert interview, the design applies to 3 armour hospital doctors work satisfaction survey questionnaire, divided into six dimensions 12 indexes. Through the shenyang 3 armour hospital staff 200 sampling survey of the total satisfaction, found work in the middle. The doctor to job satisfaction assessment of large difference, but the general welfare of hospital management, low degree of satisfaction. Based on the investigation of 3 armour hospital doctors, their professional characteristics, analyzes the data to ascend 3 armour hospital doctor job satisfaction, and puts forward some Suggestions from 3 armour hospital itself, 3 armour hospital to consider, external two key lies in its Suggestions for 3 armour hospital. Such as: (1) on the doctor job satisfaction survey and analysis. 2 for the doctor concerned salary job satisfaction. 3. Seriously, guarantee the medical doctor training. 4 ascending recreational activity quality, reduce the doctor job burnout and pressure. 5 to hospital administrators and communication between doctors.


Literature is the language used to build a world of the arts, literature and language problems have long been a literary family concerns, but also a great research value of the subject. Based on the concept of modern language, based on a comprehensive study of the method, the difference in style from the perspectives of the language of literature, poetry in-depth study of language and language novels of the differences between the two, as we further study the language of literature to help.

Introduction to answer two questions: Why study the language of literature? Why the difference from the genre to examine the difference between literary language. Literature from the perspective of an intermediary, as defined in the language of poetry and stories Language. The language of poetry and fiction to explore the scope of the extension of the language, not limited to the structure of the text, but the production phase of the literary language, literature and language of the time are included in the solution phase of the study.

Chapter language poetry and fiction in the formation stage of the language difference. The genre has a huge invisible provisions, the author has chosen a novel or poetry, it means that the choice of an entirely different way of words; At the same time, the author of a genius is bound to a specific context, and give full play to their creativity To strive to break through the "genre" of the cage so that they continue to develop and intensify, transform into new forms of art to create a miracle.

Chapter language poetry and fiction version of the external characteristics of the language difference. Learn from Wang Bi's "words, such as Italy," point of view, in the light garden of the British version of the four-level theory, words such as Italy and constitutes a multi-dimensional organic composition of literary texts. Into the difference between external and internal characteristics of the features of the difference between the two aspects to explore. Chapter III of this chapter and is focused on this article.

This chapter from the visual, auditory differences, the length of the three different aspects of the text in two languages to grasp the "statement" this level of distinction.

Chapter III of the language of poetry and stories Language text of the internal characteristics of the difference. In our view, the narrative fiction from the poetry of their "poetic" tradition of independence, and the narrative is lyrical language fiction and poetry of the essential differences between languages. The essential difference from the start, language and poetry from the novel image of the state of different languages, the different structure of the text, language awareness of the different aspects of the three discussed.

Chapter IV of the language of poetry and stories Language Reading in the phase of the difference. Text must be interpreted in accordance with the norms of genre. Reading the reader must first have awareness of the genre, using the methods of reading poetry reading poetry, fiction reading by way of reading novels. Reading poetry to make full use of imagination to grasp the image, waved to imagine the wings to appreciate the mood to create poetry, poetry would need God. Reading the novel to start with figures closely. Reading the novel also need to imagine, but need to read the novel "imagined reality" and the poetry reading of "non-realistic to imagine" a clear difference.

The development of the Western Literary Theory has been more or less from the author - work - readers in the process, the current rise of cultural studies. We are against this background that an integrated approach, the above three areas to explore, in-depth attempt to grasp the language of poetry and fiction inherent differences in language and literature through the language of the "prototype" of the literary language have a better understanding .



Literature is a world of art constructed by language. Literary language has been greatly concerned by literary reviewers as a very study-worthy subject for a long time. This paper makes a thorough discussion on the differences between poetic language and novel language in a comprehensive way of study, cotributing to the further study of literary language.


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请高手帮忙翻译成英文吧? 这是论文里面的,我现在就这么多分了,请哪...
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