

I have two good friends at school, one is Mary, one is john. They are all my good friends, John her ancient spirit demon, Mary be clever and sensible, let me say to everyone!
Mary she is also very beautiful! Big eyes, double fold eyelid, high nose, long hair,looks like a big beauty! Once we take the math problem, the teacher let us do the time, there is a problem, none of us would do, only Mary her in the question I want to ask her to do? But look at her so earnestly do I didn't bother her, I was thinking ofproblem, Mary suddenly said a voice I will do, I made a jump, say: "you how". She said: "I this question will do, so happy! You see, to praise this is where mary. How ah,admire admire not Han Ruinan! I John to talk about it, she is sometimes very funny, let me say. On Saturday afternoon I went to play John, see Lu Haiyan also in there, we have to play up there, John suddenly a surprised suddenly said: "we speak of a dream." I said yes and Lu Haiyan chorus. She told us, we hear half legs tremble not line, until the finished my legs were shaking, she think we scared look to laughs say: "ha ha ha, I is this series you are so funny, I'm hearing restored to the original appearance, I have started tickling her!
Ah, the two good friends to me! In fact, a friend is very good, now we need friendship,the friendship is what do not come, we will cherish this friendship, I believe that friendship can make us more happy!





I have two good friends,their name is called Mary and John.Mary comes from England.John comes from Japan.We met in school.


They are 14 years old this year,is two very handsome boys.They are all very love to laugh,cheerful person.

Normally we like to play basketball together,and Mary play basketball particularly severe.




Mary wants to do after a policeman, and John wanted to become a doctor.I am very happy to meet two good friends.



I have two good friends at school, one is Mary, one is john. They are all my good friends, John her ancient spirit demon, Mary be clever and sensible, let me say to everyone!
Mary she is also very beautiful! Big eyes, double fold eyelid, high nose, long hair,looks like a big beauty! Once we take the math problem, the teacher let us do the time, there is a problem, none of us would do, only Mary her in the question I want to ask her to do? But look at her so earnestly do I didn't bother her, I was thinking ofproblem, Mary suddenly said a voice I will do, I made a jump, say: "you how". She said: "I this question will do, so happy! You see, to praise this is where mary. How ah,admire admire not Han Ruinan! I John to talk about it, she is sometimes very funny, let me say. On Saturday afternoon I went to play John, see Lu Haiyan also in there, we have to play up there, John suddenly a surprised suddenly said: "we speak of a dream." I said yes and Lu Haiyan chorus. She told us, we hear half legs tremble not line, until the finished my legs were shaking, she think we scared look to laughs say: "ha ha ha, I is this series you are so funny, I'm hearing restored to the original appearance, I have started tickling her!
Ah, the two good friends to me! In fact, a friend is very good, now we need friendship,the friendship is what do not come, we will cherish this friendship, I believe that friendship can make us more happy!

I have two good friends at school, one is Mary, one is john. They are all my good friends, John her ancient spirit demon, Mary be clever and sensible, let me say to everyone!
Mary she is also very beautiful! Big eyes, double fold eyelid, high nose, long hair,looks like a big beauty! Once we take the math problem, the teacher let us do the time, there is a problem, none of us would do, only Mary her in the question I want to ask her to do? But look at her so earnestly do I didn't bother her, I was thinking ofproblem, Mary suddenly said a voice I will do, I made a jump, say: "you how". She said: "I this question will do, so happy! You see, to praise this is where mary. How ah,admire admire not Han Ruinan! I John to talk about it, she is sometimes very funny, let me say. On Saturday afternoon I went to play John, see Lu Haiyan also in there, we have to play up there, John suddenly a surprised suddenly said: "we speak of a dream." I said yes and Lu Haiyan chorus. She told us, we hear half legs tremble not line, until the finished my legs were shaking, she think we scared look to laughs say: "ha ha ha, I is this series you are so funny, I'm hearing restored to the original appearance, I have started tickling her!
Ah, the two good friends to me! In fact, a friend is very good, now we need friendship,the friendship is what do not come, we will cherish this friendship, I believe that friendship can make us more happy!

I have two good friends at school, one is Mary, one is john. They are all my good friends, John her ancient spirit demon, Mary be clever and sensible, let me say to everyone!
Mary she is also very beautiful! Big eyes, double fold eyelid, high nose, long hair,looks like a big beauty! Once we take the math problem, the teacher let us do the time, there is a problem, none of us would do, only Mary her in the question I want to ask her to do? But look at her so earnestly do I didn't bother her, I was thinking ofproblem, Mary suddenly said a voice I will do, I made a jump, say: "you how". She said: "I this question will do, so happy! You see, to praise this is where mary. How ah,admire admire not Han Ruinan! I John to talk about it, she is sometimes very funny, let me say. On Saturday afternoon I went to play John, see Lu Haiyan also in there, we have to play up there, John suddenly a surprised suddenly said: "we speak of a dream." I said yes and Lu Haiyan chorus. She told us, we hear half legs tremble not line, until the finished my legs were shaking, she think we scared look to laughs say: "ha ha ha, I is this series you are so funny, I'm hearing restored to the original appearance, I have started tickling her!
Ah, the two good friends to me! In fact, a friend is very good, now we need friendship,the friendship is what do not come, we will cherish this friendship, I believe that friendship can make us more happy!

简单地介绍自己两个好朋友(Lily and Tom )。着重从身高,外貌,服饰,表...
答:我有两个好朋友,一个是lily,身高168,貌美如花,着女装,表情天然呆,还有一个好朋友叫TOM,身高179,英俊潇洒,无表情,身着男装。 好评呦亲

答:我有两个好朋友,他们的名字叫作Mary和John(一般名字的首字母要大写)。Mary来自英国,John来自日本。我们是在学校认识的。They are 14 years old this year,is two very handsome boys.They are all very love to laugh,cheerful person.Normally we like to play basketball together,and Mary pl...


答:like them, and being good friends, thanks.译文:让我给你介绍两个朋友,这是李先生,我的大学同学,32岁,现在在一家中美合资公司工作,他的工作是贸易经理。另一个是女士,我的同事陆,我们是办公室的好伙伴,她是一名程序员,已经设计了六个电脑软件,希望你能喜欢它们,并成为好朋友,谢谢。

答:从这次以后,我和小芳的友谊便十分牢固了,我相信以后会更加牢固的! 我的好朋友四年级作文3 我的好朋友是一个女孩子,她有一身棕色的毛发,两只大眼睛像黑葡萄一样,水汪汪的,小巧的鼻子一皱一皱的,那小模样要多萌有多萌,所以我给她起名叫萌萌。 萌萌是我带大的,她刚来的时候才40天,自从有了她我就不再孤独...

答:1. 作文 友谊 两个人 写两件事 友谊是关心,友谊是互助,友谊是春风,友谊是暖流,友谊是一个人进步的动力。我在与好朋友刘骑伟的相处中,品味到了真诚的友谊。 一个星期二的中午,太阳还在吐着火舌,猛烈地照着大地,似乎要将大地烧焦,可是,到了下午,天空就乌云密布了。不一会儿,一道银光划破天空,雷公吹了一声口...

答:My name is Kim.I am a boy.I have two good friends.They are Kate and Bob.My favourite color is blue.Because I like blue sky.Kate is a girl.Her favorite color is pink.She likes pink dress very much.Bob's favorite color is green.



答:它们介绍了自己后,小鱼说:我们做好朋友好吗? 小鸟很高兴,可是又很疑惑:怎么做才是好朋友? 小鱼歪着头想了想:好朋友应该天天在一起! 说完,它们都悲伤起来。它们怎么可能在一起呢?毕竟一个住天上,一个住水里啊。 小鱼又想了想:好朋友也可以不在一起,但是每天都要思念对方。 小鸟听了很欣慰:行,好朋友!那...


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